docs(README): use "custom.css" same as we have it on the exampleSite

Jan Raasch 2020-08-25 07:08:23 +07:00
parent 5807c200f4
commit bbdf94b50e
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ hugo new
### Adding your branding / colors / css
Add a `custom_head.html`-file to your `layouts/partials`-directory. In there you may add a `<style>`-tag *or* you may add a `<link>`-tag referencing your own `override.css` (in case you prefer to have a separate `.css`-file). Checkout the [`custom_head.html`]( from the `exampleSite`-directory to get started and to find more detailed instructions.
Add a `custom_head.html`-file to your `layouts/partials`-directory. In there you may add a `<style>`-tag *or* you may add a `<link>`-tag referencing your own `custom.css` (in case you prefer to have a separate `.css`-file). Checkout the [`custom_head.html`]( from the `exampleSite`-directory to get started and to find more detailed instructions.
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