diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index afb9e66..11540b2 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ If you find this theme useful, please consider to make a donation to support its Donate +## Ghost 4 + +This theme has been optimized for Ghost 4, if you are looking for a Ghost 3 compatible version please refer to [this link](https://github.com/eddiesigner/liebling/releases/tag/v.0.9.4). + ## Preview You can see a live demo here: [https://liebling.eduardogomez.io](https://liebling.eduardogomez.io) @@ -18,9 +22,9 @@ You can see a live demo here: [https://liebling.eduardogomez.io](https://lieblin To get the latest version please head over the [releases page](https://github.com/eddiesigner/liebling/releases) and download the file `liebling.zip` of the latest release. -**IMPORTANT: To know how to enable the search, comments, newsletter and more, please head to the [Wiki](https://github.com/eddiesigner/liebling/wiki).** +## Documentation -From now on, this theme is only compatible with Ghost 3 +To know how to enable the search, comments, newsletter and more, please head to the [Wiki](https://github.com/eddiesigner/liebling/wiki). ## Features @@ -94,6 +98,8 @@ From now on, this theme is only compatible with Ghost 3 * Persian (Farsi) by [Aminoiz](https://github.com/Aminoiz) * Ukrainian by [partizan007](https://github.com/partizan007) * Kazakh by [arshyn-t](https://github.com/arshyn-t) +* Korean by [chocosobo](https://github.com/chocosobo) +* Japanese by [ViaSnake](https://github.com/ViaSnake) ## Tests performed @@ -121,7 +127,7 @@ Contributions are very welcome. First, please read the [Pull Request Guidelines] * [Firma](https://gum.co/ZXLha) - Ghost theme that can be used by startups to large companies to publish any kind of articles related to their business. It stands out for its clean design and is able to adapt to any company's identity. -* [Weiss Pro](https://eduardogomez.io/weiss-pro/) - Modern and beautiful Ghost theme ready to make your content shine. +* [Weiss Pro](https://gum.co/pzvDn) - Modern and beautiful Ghost theme ready to make your content shine. ## License diff --git a/assets/css/404.css b/assets/css/404.css index 42c3c86..d0dab0a 100644 --- a/assets/css/404.css +++ b/assets/css/404.css @@ -1,75 +1 @@ -/** Mixins */ -/** Colors */ -/** Config */ -.l-fullscreen { - display: flex; - align-items: center; - justify-content: center; - height: 100vh; -} - -.l-fullscreen__content { - text-align: center; - padding: 0 20px; -} -@media only screen and (min-width: 48rem) { - .l-fullscreen__content { - max-width: 500px; - } -} -@media only screen and (min-width: 48rem) { - .l-fullscreen__content.in-subscribe-page { - padding: 0; - } -} -@media only screen and (min-width: 64rem) { - .l-fullscreen__content.in-subscribe-page { - max-width: 820px; - } -} - -.m-404-title { - color: var(--primary-foreground-color); - letter-spacing: 3px; - line-height: 1; - font-size: 9rem; - font-weight: 700; - margin: 0 0 10px; -} -@media only screen and (min-width: 48rem) { - .m-404-title { - letter-spacing: 4px; - font-size: 12rem; - margin-bottom: 5px; - } -} - -.m-404-subtitle { - color: var(--primary-foreground-color); - letter-spacing: 0.4px; - line-height: 1; - font-size: 1.25rem; - font-weight: 600; - margin-bottom: 20px; -} -@media only screen and (min-width: 48rem) { - .m-404-subtitle { - letter-spacing: 0.5px; - font-size: 1.5rem; - } -} - -.m-404-text { - letter-spacing: 0.3px; - line-height: 1.4; - font-size: 0.875em; - padding: 0 20px; - margin-bottom: 25px; -} -@media only screen and (min-width: 48rem) { - .m-404-text { - font-size: 1rem; - padding: 0; - margin-bottom: 30px; - } -} \ No newline at end of file +.l-fullscreen{display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;height:100vh}.l-fullscreen__content{text-align:center;padding:0 20px}@media only screen and (min-width:48rem){.l-fullscreen__content{max-width:500px}}@media only screen and (min-width:48rem){.l-fullscreen__content.in-subscribe-page{padding:0}}@media only screen and (min-width:64rem){.l-fullscreen__content.in-subscribe-page{max-width:820px}}.m-404-title{color:var(--primary-foreground-color);letter-spacing:3px;line-height:1;font-size:9rem;font-weight:700;margin:0 0 10px}@media only screen and (min-width:48rem){.m-404-title{letter-spacing:4px;font-size:12rem;margin-bottom:5px}}.m-404-subtitle{color:var(--primary-foreground-color);letter-spacing:.4px;line-height:1;font-size:1.25rem;font-weight:600;margin-bottom:20px}@media only screen and (min-width:48rem){.m-404-subtitle{letter-spacing:.5px;font-size:1.5rem}}.m-404-text{letter-spacing:.3px;line-height:1.4;font-size:.875em;padding:0 20px;margin-bottom:25px}@media only screen and (min-width:48rem){.m-404-text{font-size:1rem;padding:0;margin-bottom:30px}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/css/app.css b/assets/css/app.css index 5a40f8f..c500023 100644 --- a/assets/css/app.css +++ b/assets/css/app.css @@ -1,3622 +1 @@ -@charset "UTF-8"; -/*! sanitize.css v7.0.2 | CC0 License | github.com/csstools/sanitize.css */ -/* Document - * ========================================================================== */ -/** - * 1. Remove repeating backgrounds in all browsers (opinionated). - * 2. Add border box sizing in all browsers (opinionated). - */ -*, -::before, -::after { - background-repeat: no-repeat; - /* 1 */ - box-sizing: border-box; - /* 2 */ -} - -/** - * 1. Add text decoration inheritance in all browsers (opinionated). - * 2. Add vertical alignment inheritance in all browsers (opinionated). - */ -::before, -::after { - text-decoration: inherit; - /* 1 */ - vertical-align: inherit; - /* 2 */ -} - -/** - * 1. Use the default cursor in all browsers (opinionated). - * 2. Use the default user interface font in all browsers (opinionated). - * 3. Correct the line height in all browsers. - * 4. Use a 4-space tab width in all browsers (opinionated). - * 5. Prevent adjustments of font size after orientation changes in - * IE on Windows Phone and in iOS. - * 6. Breaks words to prevent overflow in all browsers (opinionated). - */ -html { - font-family: system-ui, -apple-system, Segoe UI, Roboto, Ubuntu, Cantarell, Oxygen, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"; - /* 2 */ - line-height: 1.15; - /* 3 */ - -moz-tab-size: 4; - -o-tab-size: 4; - tab-size: 4; - /* 4 */ - word-break: break-word; - /* 6 */ -} - -/* Sections - * ========================================================================== */ -/** - * Remove the margin in all browsers (opinionated). - */ -body { - margin: 0; -} - -/** - * Correct the font size and margin on `h1` elements within `section` and - * `article` contexts in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. - */ -h1 { - font-size: 2em; - margin: 0.67em 0; -} - -/* Grouping content - * ========================================================================== */ -/** - * 1. Add the correct sizing in Firefox. - * 2. Show the overflow in Edge and IE. - */ -hr { - height: 0; - /* 1 */ - overflow: visible; - /* 2 */ -} - -/** - * Add the correct display in IE. - */ -main { - display: block; -} - -/** - * Remove the list style on navigation lists in all browsers (opinionated). - */ -nav ol, -nav ul { - list-style: none; -} - -/** - * 1. Use the default monospace user interface font - * in all browsers (opinionated). - * 2. Correct the odd `em` font sizing in all browsers. - */ -pre { - font-family: Menlo, Consolas, Roboto Mono, Ubuntu Monospace, Oxygen Mono, Liberation Mono, monospace; - /* 1 */ - font-size: 1em; - /* 2 */ -} - -/* Text-level semantics - * ========================================================================== */ -/** - * Remove the gray background on active links in IE 10. - */ -a { - background-color: transparent; -} - -/** - * Add the correct text decoration in Edge, IE, Opera, and Safari. - */ -abbr[title] { - text-decoration: underline; - -webkit-text-decoration: underline dotted; - text-decoration: underline dotted; -} - -/** - * Add the correct font weight in Chrome, Edge, and Safari. - */ -b, -strong { - font-weight: bolder; -} - -/** - * 1. Use the default monospace user interface font - * in all browsers (opinionated). - * 2. Correct the odd `em` font sizing in all browsers. - */ -code, -kbd, -samp { - font-family: Menlo, Consolas, Roboto Mono, Ubuntu Monospace, Oxygen Mono, Liberation Mono, monospace; - /* 1 */ - font-size: 1em; - /* 2 */ -} - -/** - * Add the correct font size in all browsers. - */ -small { - font-size: 80%; -} - -/* - * Remove the text shadow on text selections in Firefox 61- (opinionated). - * 1. Restore the coloring undone by defining the text shadow - * in all browsers (opinionated). - */ -::-moz-selection { - background-color: #b3d4fc; - /* 1 */ - color: #000; - /* 1 */ - text-shadow: none; -} - -::selection { - background-color: #b3d4fc; - /* 1 */ - color: #000; - /* 1 */ - text-shadow: none; -} - -/* Embedded content - * ========================================================================== */ -/* - * Change the alignment on media elements in all browers (opinionated). - */ -audio, -canvas, -iframe, -img, -svg, -video { - vertical-align: middle; -} - -/** - * Add the correct display in IE 9-. - */ -audio, -video { - display: inline-block; -} - -/** - * Add the correct display in iOS 4-7. - */ -audio:not([controls]) { - display: none; - height: 0; -} - -/** - * Remove the border on images inside links in IE 10-. - */ -img { - border-style: none; -} - -/** - * Change the fill color to match the text color in all browsers (opinionated). - */ -svg { - fill: currentColor; -} - -/** - * Hide the overflow in IE. - */ -svg:not(:root) { - overflow: hidden; -} - -/* Tabular data - * ========================================================================== */ -/** - * Collapse border spacing in all browsers (opinionated). - */ -table { - border-collapse: collapse; -} - -/* Forms - * ========================================================================== */ -/** - * Inherit styling in all browsers (opinionated). - */ -button, -input, -select, -textarea { - font-family: inherit; - font-size: inherit; - line-height: inherit; -} - -/** - * Remove the margin in Safari. - */ -button, -input, -select { - margin: 0; -} - -/** - * 1. Show the overflow in IE. - * 2. Remove the inheritance of text transform in Edge, Firefox, and IE. - */ -button { - overflow: visible; - /* 1 */ - text-transform: none; - /* 2 */ -} - -/** - * Correct the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari. - */ -button, -[type=button], -[type=reset], -[type=submit] { - -webkit-appearance: button; -} - -/** - * Correct the padding in Firefox. - */ -fieldset { - padding: 0.35em 0.75em 0.625em; -} - -/** - * Show the overflow in Edge and IE. - */ -input { - overflow: visible; -} - -/** - * 1. Correct the text wrapping in Edge and IE. - * 2. Correct the color inheritance from `fieldset` elements in IE. - */ -legend { - color: inherit; - /* 2 */ - display: table; - /* 1 */ - max-width: 100%; - /* 1 */ - white-space: normal; - /* 1 */ -} - -/** - * 1. Add the correct display in Edge and IE. - * 2. Add the correct vertical alignment in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera. - */ -progress { - display: inline-block; - /* 1 */ - vertical-align: baseline; - /* 2 */ -} - -/** - * Remove the inheritance of text transform in Firefox. - */ -select { - text-transform: none; -} - -/** - * 1. Remove the margin in Firefox and Safari. - * 2. Remove the default vertical scrollbar in IE. - * 3. Change the resize direction on textareas in all browsers (opinionated). - */ -textarea { - margin: 0; - /* 1 */ - overflow: auto; - /* 2 */ - resize: vertical; - /* 3 */ -} - -/** - * Remove the padding in IE 10-. - */ -[type=checkbox], -[type=radio] { - padding: 0; -} - -/** - * 1. Correct the odd appearance in Chrome and Safari. - * 2. Correct the outline style in Safari. - */ -[type=search] { - -webkit-appearance: textfield; - /* 1 */ - outline-offset: -2px; - /* 2 */ -} - -/** - * Correct the cursor style of increment and decrement buttons in Safari. - */ -::-webkit-inner-spin-button, -::-webkit-outer-spin-button { - height: auto; -} - -/** - * Correct the text style of placeholders in Chrome, Edge, and Safari. - */ -::-webkit-input-placeholder { - color: inherit; - opacity: 0.54; -} - -/** - * Remove the inner padding in Chrome and Safari on macOS. - */ -::-webkit-search-decoration { - -webkit-appearance: none; -} - -/** - * 1. Correct the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari. - * 2. Change font properties to `inherit` in Safari. - */ -::-webkit-file-upload-button { - -webkit-appearance: button; - /* 1 */ - font: inherit; - /* 2 */ -} - -/** - * Remove the inner border and padding of focus outlines in Firefox. - */ -::-moz-focus-inner { - border-style: none; - padding: 0; -} - -/** - * Restore the focus outline styles unset by the previous rule in Firefox. - */ -:-moz-focusring { - outline: 1px dotted ButtonText; -} - -/* Interactive - * ========================================================================== */ -/* - * Add the correct display in Edge and IE. - */ -details { - display: block; -} - -/* - * Add the correct styles in Edge, IE, and Safari. - */ -dialog { - background-color: white; - border: solid; - color: black; - display: block; - height: -moz-fit-content; - height: -webkit-fit-content; - height: fit-content; - left: 0; - margin: auto; - padding: 1em; - position: absolute; - right: 0; - width: -moz-fit-content; - width: -webkit-fit-content; - width: fit-content; -} - -dialog:not([open]) { - display: none; -} - -/* - * Add the correct display in all browsers. - */ -summary { - display: list-item; -} - -/* Scripting - * ========================================================================== */ -/** - * Add the correct display in IE 9-. - */ -canvas { - display: inline-block; -} - -/** - * Add the correct display in IE. - */ -template { - display: none; -} - -/* User interaction - * ========================================================================== */ -/* - * 1. Remove the tapping delay on clickable elements - in all browsers (opinionated). - * 2. Remove the tapping delay in IE 10. - */ -a, -area, -button, -input, -label, -select, -summary, -textarea, -[tabindex] { - /* 1 */ - touch-action: manipulation; - /* 2 */ -} - -/** - * Add the correct display in IE 10-. - */ -[hidden] { - display: none; -} - -/* Accessibility - * ========================================================================== */ -/** - * Change the cursor on busy elements in all browsers (opinionated). - */ -[aria-busy=true] { - cursor: progress; -} - -/* - * Change the cursor on control elements in all browsers (opinionated). - */ -[aria-controls] { - cursor: pointer; -} - -/* - * Change the cursor on disabled, not-editable, or otherwise - * inoperable elements in all browsers (opinionated). - */ -[aria-disabled], -[disabled] { - cursor: disabled; -} - -/* - * Change the display on visually hidden accessible elements - * in all browsers (opinionated). - */ -[aria-hidden=false][hidden]:not(:focus) { - clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0); - display: inherit; - position: absolute; -} - -/** Mixins */ -/** Colors */ -/** Config */ -:root, -[data-theme=light] { - --background-color: #fff; - --primary-foreground-color: #4a4a4a; - --secondary-foreground-color: #000; - --primary-subtle-color: #0470ee; - --secondary-subtle-color: #f4f8fd; - --titles-color: #333; - --link-color: #133467; - --primary-border-color: #9b9b9b; - --secondary-border-color: aliceblue; - --article-shadow-normal: 0 10px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.08); - --article-shadow-hover: 0 4px 60px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2); - --transparent-background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.99); - --footer-background-color: #133467; - --submenu-shadow-color-opacity: 0.25; - --button-shadow-color-normal: rgba(108, 108, 108, 0.2); - --button-shadow-color-hover: rgba(108, 108, 108, 0.3); - --table-background-color-odd: #fafafa; - --table-head-border-bottom: #e2e2e2; - --toggle-darkmode-button-display-moon: block; - --toggle-darkmode-button-display-sun: none; - --toggle-darkmode-background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); - --header-menu-gradient-first-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); - --header-menu-gradient-second-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); -} - -[data-theme=dark] { - --background-color: #111; - --primary-foreground-color: #ccc; - --secondary-foreground-color: #fff; - --primary-subtle-color: #2c2fe6; - --secondary-subtle-color: #141920; - --titles-color: #b4b4b4; - --link-color: #b6b7f6; - --primary-border-color: #1d1d1d; - --secondary-border-color: #0f0f0f; - --article-shadow-normal: 0 4px 5px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); - --article-shadow-hover: 0 4px 5px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); - --transparent-background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.99); - --footer-background-color: #080808; - --submenu-shadow-color-opacity: 0.55; - --button-shadow-color-normal: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.5); - --button-shadow-color-hover: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.5); - --table-background-color-odd: #050505; - --table-head-border-bottom: #1d1d1d; - --toggle-darkmode-button-display-moon: none; - --toggle-darkmode-button-display-sun: block; - --toggle-darkmode-background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); - --header-menu-gradient-first-color: rgba(17, 17, 17, 0); - --header-menu-gradient-second-color: rgba(17, 17, 17, 0.65); -} - -@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { - :root:not([data-theme=light]) { - --background-color: #111; - --primary-foreground-color: #ccc; - --secondary-foreground-color: #fff; - --primary-subtle-color: #2c2fe6; - --secondary-subtle-color: #141920; - --titles-color: #b4b4b4; - --link-color: #b6b7f6; - --primary-border-color: #1d1d1d; - --secondary-border-color: #0f0f0f; - --article-shadow-normal: 0 4px 5px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); - --article-shadow-hover: 0 4px 5px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); - --transparent-background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.99); - --footer-background-color: #080808; - --submenu-shadow-color-opacity: 0.55; - --button-shadow-color-normal: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.5); - --button-shadow-color-hover: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.5); - --table-background-color-odd: #050505; - --table-head-border-bottom: #1d1d1d; - --toggle-darkmode-button-display-moon: none; - --toggle-darkmode-button-display-sun: block; - --toggle-darkmode-background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); - --header-menu-gradient-first-color: rgba(17, 17, 17, 0); - --header-menu-gradient-second-color: rgba(17, 17, 17, 0.65); - } -} -/** Helpers */ -.hide { - display: none; -} - -.sr-only { - clip: rect(0 0 0 0); - -webkit-clip-path: inset(100%); - clip-path: inset(100%); - position: absolute; - width: 1px; - height: 1px; - overflow: hidden; - white-space: nowrap; -} - -.focusable:focus, .m-toggle-darkmode input:focus, .m-icon-button:focus, .m-button:focus { - box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px var(--primary-subtle-color) !important; -} - -.content-centered, .m-hero, .m-icon-button { - display: flex; - align-items: center; - justify-content: center; -} - -.no-appearance, .m-toggle-darkmode input, .m-alert__close, .m-input, .m-icon-button, .m-button { - -webkit-appearance: none !important; - -moz-appearance: none !important; - appearance: none !important; -} - -.no-padding { - padding: 0; -} - -.no-margin { - margin: 0; -} - -.no-scroll-y { - overflow-y: hidden; -} - -.align-center { - text-align: center; -} - -.align-left { - text-align: left; -} - -.align-right { - text-align: right; -} - -.pos-relative { - position: relative; -} - -.pos-absolute { - position: absolute; -} - -.bold { - font-weight: bold; -} - -.underline { - text-decoration: underline; -} - -.uppercase { - text-transform: uppercase; -} - -.pointer { - cursor: pointer; -} - -.only-desktop { - display: none; -} -@media only screen and (min-width: 48rem) { - .only-desktop { - display: block; - } -} - -/** Icons */ -[class^=icon-], [class*=" icon-"] { - /* use !important to prevent issues with browser extensions that change fonts */ - font-family: "icomoon" !important; - speak: none; - font-style: normal; - font-weight: normal; - font-variant: normal; - text-transform: none; - line-height: 1; - /* Better Font Rendering =========== */ - -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; - -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; -} - -.icon-moon:before { - content: "\E90F"; -} - -.icon-sunny:before { - content: "\E910"; -} - -.icon-chevron-down:before { - content: "\E900"; -} - -.icon-star:before { - content: "\E901"; -} - -.icon-arrow-left:before { - content: "\E902"; -} - -.icon-arrow-right:before { - content: "\E903"; -} - -.icon-arrow-top:before { - content: "\E904"; -} - -.icon-close:before { - content: "\E905"; -} - -.icon-comments:before { - content: "\E906"; -} - -.icon-facebook:before { - content: "\E907"; -} - -.icon-globe:before { - content: "\E908"; -} - -.icon-menu:before { - content: "\E909"; -} - -.icon-more:before { - content: "\E90A"; -} - -.icon-search:before { - content: "\E90B"; -} - -.icon-twitter:before { - content: "\E90C"; -} - -.icon-imdb:before { - content: "\E90D"; -} - -.icon-vk:before { - content: "\E90E"; -} - -.icon-steam:before { - content: "\E914"; -} - -.icon-twitch:before { - content: "\E915"; -} - -.icon-youtube:before { - content: "\E916"; -} - -.icon-vimeo:before { - content: "\E917"; -} - -.icon-whatsapp:before { - content: "\E918"; -} - -.icon-reddit:before { - content: "\E919"; -} - -.icon-rss:before { - content: "\E91A"; -} - -.icon-spotify:before { - content: "\E91B"; -} - -.icon-telegram:before { - content: "\E91C"; -} - -.icon-soundcloud:before { - content: "\E91D"; -} - -.icon-flickr:before { - content: "\E91E"; -} - -.icon-letterboxd:before { - content: "\E91F"; -} - -.icon-odnoklassniki:before { - content: "\E920"; -} - -.icon-pinterest:before { - content: "\E921"; -} - -.icon-tiktok:before { - content: "\E922"; -} - -.icon-tumblr:before { - content: "\E923"; -} - -.icon-xing:before { - content: "\E924"; -} - -.icon-mixcloud:before { - content: "\E925"; -} - -.icon-mixer:before { - content: "\E926"; -} - -.icon-wechat:before { - content: "\E927"; -} - -.icon-deviantart:before { - content: "\E928"; -} - -.icon-discord:before { - content: "\E929"; -} - -.icon-instagram:before { - content: "\E92A"; -} - -.icon-linkedin:before { - content: "\E92B"; -} - -.icon-snapchat:before { - content: "\E92C"; -} - -.icon-gitlab:before { - content: "\E92D"; -} - -.icon-github:before { - content: "\E930"; -} - -.icon-behance:before { - content: "\E951"; -} - -/** Global styles */ -body { - display: flex; - flex-direction: column; - width: 100%; - min-height: 100vh; - color: var(--primary-foreground-color); - font-size: 1rem; - font-family: "Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; - font-display: swap; - overflow-x: hidden; - background-color: var(--background-color); - -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; - -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; -} -body.share-menu-displayed { - padding-bottom: 45px; -} -@media only screen and (min-width: 48rem) { - body.share-menu-displayed { - padding-bottom: 0; - } -} - -.main-wrap { - display: flex; - flex-direction: column; - flex-grow: 1; -} - -p { - line-height: 1.5; - margin: 0; -} - -a { - color: inherit; - text-decoration: none; -} - -fieldset { - padding: 0; - margin: 0; - border: 0; - position: relative; -} - -.tippy-popper * { - text-align: left !important; -} - -.medium-zoom-overlay { - background-color: var(--background-color) !important; -} - -.medium-zoom-overlay, -.medium-zoom-image { - z-index: 5; -} - -.l-wrapper { - position: relative; - width: 100%; - margin: 0 auto; - padding: 0 20px; -} -@media only screen and (min-width: 48rem) { - .l-wrapper { - max-width: 1200px; - } -} -@media only screen and (min-width: 80rem) { - .l-wrapper { - padding: 0; - } -} -.l-wrapper.in-submenu { - padding: 0; -} -@media only screen and (min-width: 48rem) { - .l-wrapper.in-submenu { - padding: 0 20px; - } -} -@media only screen and (min-width: 80rem) { - .l-wrapper.in-submenu { - padding: 0; - } -} -@media only screen and (min-width: 48rem) { - .l-wrapper.in-post { - max-width: 960px; - } -} -@media only screen and (min-width: 48rem) { - .l-wrapper.in-comments { - max-width: 820px; - } -} -@media only screen and 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- transform: rotate(180deg); -} -.rtl .m-icon-button.in-recommended-articles.glide-next { - right: auto; - left: 0; - transform: rotate(180deg); -} - -.m-input { - color: var(--primary-foreground-color); - letter-spacing: 0.2px; - line-height: 1.3; - font-size: 1rem; - width: 100%; - border-radius: 5px; - padding: 11px 15px; - border: 1px solid var(--primary-border-color); - outline: 0; - background-color: var(--background-color); -} -.m-input:focus { - border-color: var(--primary-subtle-color); -} -.m-input.in-search { - font-weight: 600; - padding-left: 40px; -} -@media only screen and (min-width: 48rem) { - .m-input.in-search { - font-size: 1.25rem; - padding: 15px 30px 15px 60px; - } -} -.m-input.in-subscribe-section { - margin-bottom: 15px; -} - -.m-section-title { - color: var(--primary-foreground-color); - text-align: center; - letter-spacing: 0.3px; - line-height: 1.3; - font-weight: 400; - font-size: 1.25rem; - margin: 0 0 30px; -} -@media only screen and (min-width: 48rem) { 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display: flex; - align-items: center; - justify-content: space-between; - height: 50px; - position: relative; - z-index: 2; -} -@media only screen and (min-width: 48rem) { - .m-mobile-topbar { - display: none !important; - } -} - -.m-logo { - display: inline-block; - height: 25px; -} -.m-logo img { - width: auto; - max-width: 150px; - height: 100%; - -o-object-fit: contain; - object-fit: contain; -} -.m-logo.in-mobile-topbar { - height: 20px; - margin: 0 20px; -} - -.m-site-name.in-mobile-topbar { - color: var(--titles-color); - font-weight: 600; -} -.m-site-name.in-desktop-menu { - font-weight: 700; -} - -@media only screen and (min-width: 48rem) { - .m-nav { - display: flex; - align-items: center; - justify-content: space-between; - height: 37px; - overflow-y: hidden; - } -} -@media only screen and (min-width: 90rem) { - .m-nav { - margin: 0 -5px; - } -} -@media only screen and (min-width: 48rem) { - .m-nav.toggle-overflow { - overflow-y: initial; - } -} - -.m-nav__left { - 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48rem) { - .m-menu { - visibility: visible !important; - position: relative; - top: auto; - left: auto; - height: auto; - opacity: 1 !important; - overflow: initial; - background-color: transparent; - transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0) !important; - } -} - -.m-menu__main { - padding: 50px 0 5px; - min-height: 100%; -} -@media only screen and (min-width: 48rem) { - .m-menu__main { - padding: 0; - min-height: 0; - } -} - -.rtl .m-menu__main { - padding-top: 75px; -} -@media only screen and (min-width: 48rem) { - .rtl .m-menu__main { - padding: 0; - } -} - -.m-secondary-menu { - padding: 0; - margin: 0; - list-style-type: none; -} -.m-secondary-menu li { - font-size: 1rem; -} -.m-secondary-menu li.nav-current a { - font-weight: 600; -} -.m-secondary-menu li a { - display: block; - padding: 6px 10px; - border-radius: 4px; - transition: background-color linear 0.1s; -} -@media only screen and (min-width: 48rem) { - .m-secondary-menu li a { - padding: 8px 10px; - } -} -.m-secondary-menu li 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from { - opacity: 0; - transform: translate3d(0, -5%, 0); - } - to { - opacity: 1; - transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); - } - } - @keyframes openSubmenuAnimation { - from { - opacity: 0; - transform: translate3d(0, -5%, 0); - } - to { - opacity: 1; - transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); - } - } -} -@media only screen and (min-width: 48rem) { - .m-submenu.closed { - -webkit-backface-visibility: visible !important; - backface-visibility: visible !important; - -webkit-animation: closeSubmenuAnimation 0.3s both; - animation: closeSubmenuAnimation 0.3s both; - } - @-webkit-keyframes closeSubmenuAnimation { - from { - visibility: visible; - opacity: 1; - transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); - } - to { - visibility: hidden; - opacity: 0; - transform: translate3d(0, -2.5%, 0); - } - } - @keyframes closeSubmenuAnimation { - from { - visibility: visible; - opacity: 1; - transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); - } - to { - visibility: hidden; - opacity: 0; - transform: translate3d(0, -2.5%, 0); - } - } -} - 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"symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof2(obj); } - +(window.webpackJsonp=window.webpackJsonp||[]).push([[1],[function(e,t,n){(function(e){var n;function r(e){return(r="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(e){return typeof e}:function(e){return e&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&e.constructor===Symbol&&e!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof e})(e)} /*! - * Glide.js v3.4.1 - * (c) 2013-2019 Jędrzej Chałubek (http://jedrzejchalubek.com/) - * Released under the MIT License. - */ -var defaults = { - /** - * Type of the movement. - * - * Available types: - * `slider` - Rewinds slider to the start/end when it reaches the first or last slide. - * `carousel` - Changes slides without starting over when it reaches the first or last slide. - * - * @type {String} - */ - type: 'slider', - - /** - * Start at specific slide number defined with zero-based index. - * - * @type {Number} - */ - startAt: 0, - - /** - * A number of slides visible on the single viewport. - * - * @type {Number} - */ - perView: 1, - - /** - * Focus currently active slide at a specified position in the track. - * - * Available inputs: - * `center` - Current slide will be always focused at the center of a track. - * `0,1,2,3...` - Current slide will be focused on the specified zero-based index. - * - * @type {String|Number} - */ - focusAt: 0, - - /** - * A size of the gap added between slides. - * - * @type {Number} - */ - gap: 10, - - /** - * Change slides after a specified interval. Use `false` for turning off autoplay. - * - * @type {Number|Boolean} - */ - autoplay: false, - - /** - * Stop autoplay on mouseover event. - * - * @type {Boolean} - */ - hoverpause: true, - - /** - * Allow for changing slides with left and right keyboard arrows. - * - * @type {Boolean} - */ - keyboard: true, - - /** - * Stop running `perView` number of slides from the end. Use this - * option if you don't want to have an empty space after - * a slider. Works only with `slider` type and a - * non-centered `focusAt` setting. - * - * @type {Boolean} - */ - bound: false, - - /** - * Minimal swipe distance needed to change the slide. Use `false` for turning off a swiping. - * - * @type {Number|Boolean} - */ - swipeThreshold: 80, - - /** - * Minimal mouse drag distance needed to change the slide. Use `false` for turning off a dragging. - * - * @type {Number|Boolean} - */ - dragThreshold: 120, - - /** - * A maximum number of slides to which movement will be made on swiping or dragging. Use `false` for unlimited. - * - * @type {Number|Boolean} - */ - perTouch: false, - - /** - * Moving distance ratio of the slides on a swiping and dragging. - * - * @type {Number} - */ - touchRatio: 0.5, - - /** - * Angle required to activate slides moving on swiping or dragging. - * - * @type {Number} - */ - touchAngle: 45, - - /** - * Duration of the animation in milliseconds. - * - * @type {Number} - */ - animationDuration: 400, - - /** - * Allows looping the `slider` type. Slider will rewind to the first/last slide when it's at the start/end. - * - * @type {Boolean} - */ - rewind: true, - - /** - * Duration of the rewinding animation of the `slider` type in milliseconds. - * - * @type {Number} - */ - rewindDuration: 800, - - /** - * Easing function for the animation. - * - * @type {String} - */ - animationTimingFunc: 'cubic-bezier(.165, .840, .440, 1)', - - /** - * Throttle costly events at most once per every wait milliseconds. - * - * @type {Number} - */ - throttle: 10, - - /** - * Moving direction mode. - * - * Available inputs: - * - 'ltr' - left to right movement, - * - 'rtl' - right to left movement. - * - * @type {String} - */ - direction: 'ltr', - - /** - * The distance value of the next and previous viewports which - * have to peek in the current view. Accepts number and - * pixels as a string. Left and right peeking can be - * set up separately with a directions object. - * - * For example: - * `100` - Peek 100px on the both sides. - * { before: 100, after: 50 }` - Peek 100px on the left side and 50px on the right side. - * - * @type {Number|String|Object} - */ - peek: 0, - - /** - * Collection of options applied at specified media breakpoints. - * For example: display two slides per view under 800px. - * `{ - * '800px': { - * perView: 2 - * } - * }` - */ - breakpoints: {}, - - /** - * Collection of internally used HTML classes. - * - * @todo Refactor `slider` and `carousel` properties to single `type: { slider: '', carousel: '' }` object - * @type {Object} - */ - classes: { - direction: { - ltr: 'glide--ltr', - rtl: 'glide--rtl' - }, - slider: 'glide--slider', - carousel: 'glide--carousel', - swipeable: 'glide--swipeable', - dragging: 'glide--dragging', - cloneSlide: 'glide__slide--clone', - activeNav: 'glide__bullet--active', - activeSlide: 'glide__slide--active', - disabledArrow: 'glide__arrow--disabled' - } -}; -/** - * Outputs warning message to the bowser console. - * - * @param {String} msg - * @return {Void} - */ - -function warn(msg) { - console.error("[Glide warn]: " + msg); -} - -var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && _typeof2(Symbol.iterator) === "symbol" ? function (obj) { - return _typeof2(obj); -} : function (obj) { - return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : _typeof2(obj); -}; - -var classCallCheck = function classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { - if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { - throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); - } -}; - -var createClass = function () { - function defineProperties(target, props) { - for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { - var descriptor = props[i]; - descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; - descriptor.configurable = true; - if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; - Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); - } - } - - return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { - if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); - if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); - return Constructor; - }; -}(); - -var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { - for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { - var source = arguments[i]; - - for (var key in source) { - if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { - target[key] = source[key]; - } - } - } - - return target; -}; - -var get = function get(object, property, receiver) { - if (object === null) object = Function.prototype; - var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, property); - - if (desc === undefined) { - var parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(object); - - if (parent === null) { - return undefined; - } else { - return get(parent, property, receiver); - } - } else if ("value" in desc) { - return desc.value; - } else { - var getter = desc.get; - - if (getter === undefined) { - return undefined; - } - - return getter.call(receiver); - } -}; - -var inherits = function inherits(subClass, superClass) { - if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { - throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + _typeof2(superClass)); - } - - subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { - constructor: { - value: subClass, - enumerable: false, - writable: true, - configurable: true - } - }); - if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; -}; - -var possibleConstructorReturn = function possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { - if (!self) { - throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); - } - - return call && (_typeof2(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; -}; -/** - * Converts value entered as number - * or string to integer value. - * - * @param {String} value - * @returns {Number} - */ - - -function toInt(value) { - return parseInt(value); -} -/** - * Converts value entered as number - * or string to flat value. - * - * @param {String} value - * @returns {Number} - */ - - -function toFloat(value) { - return parseFloat(value); -} -/** - * Indicates whether the specified value is a string. - * - * @param {*} value - * @return {Boolean} - */ - - -function isString(value) { - return typeof value === 'string'; -} -/** - * Indicates whether the specified value is an object. - * - * @param {*} value - * @return {Boolean} - * - * @see https://github.com/jashkenas/underscore - */ - - -function isObject(value) { - var type = typeof value === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(value); - return type === 'function' || type === 'object' && !!value; // eslint-disable-line no-mixed-operators -} -/** - * Indicates whether the specified value is a number. - * - * @param {*} value - * @return {Boolean} - */ - - -function isNumber(value) { - return typeof value === 'number'; -} -/** - * Indicates whether the specified value is a function. - * - * @param {*} value - * @return {Boolean} - */ - - -function isFunction(value) { - return typeof value === 'function'; -} -/** - * Indicates whether the specified value is undefined. - * - * @param {*} value - * @return {Boolean} - */ - - -function isUndefined(value) { - return typeof value === 'undefined'; -} -/** - * Indicates whether the specified value is an array. - * - * @param {*} value - * @return {Boolean} - */ - - -function isArray(value) { - return value.constructor === Array; -} -/** - * Creates and initializes specified collection of extensions. - * Each extension receives access to instance of glide and rest of components. - * - * @param {Object} glide - * @param {Object} extensions - * - * @returns {Object} - */ - - -function mount(glide, extensions, events) { - var components = {}; - - for (var name in extensions) { - if (isFunction(extensions[name])) { - components[name] = extensions[name](glide, components, events); - } else { - warn('Extension must be a function'); - } - } - - for (var _name in components) { - if (isFunction(components[_name].mount)) { - components[_name].mount(); - } - } - - return components; -} -/** - * Defines getter and setter property on the specified object. - * - * @param {Object} obj Object where property has to be defined. - * @param {String} prop Name of the defined property. - * @param {Object} definition Get and set definitions for the property. - * @return {Void} - */ - - -function define(obj, prop, definition) { - Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, definition); -} -/** - * Sorts aphabetically object keys. - * - * @param {Object} obj - * @return {Object} - */ - - -function sortKeys(obj) { - return Object.keys(obj).sort().reduce(function (r, k) { - r[k] = obj[k]; - return r[k], r; - }, {}); -} -/** - * Merges passed settings object with default options. - * - * @param {Object} defaults - * @param {Object} settings - * @return {Object} - */ - - -function mergeOptions(defaults, settings) { - var options = _extends({}, defaults, settings); // `Object.assign` do not deeply merge objects, so we - // have to do it manually for every nested object - // in options. Although it does not look smart, - // it's smaller and faster than some fancy - // merging deep-merge algorithm script. - - - if (settings.hasOwnProperty('classes')) { - options.classes = _extends({}, defaults.classes, settings.classes); - - if (settings.classes.hasOwnProperty('direction')) { - options.classes.direction = _extends({}, defaults.classes.direction, settings.classes.direction); - } - } - - if (settings.hasOwnProperty('breakpoints')) { - options.breakpoints = _extends({}, defaults.breakpoints, settings.breakpoints); - } - - return options; -} - -var EventsBus = function () { - /** - * Construct a EventBus instance. - * - * @param {Object} events - */ - function EventsBus() { - var events = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; - classCallCheck(this, EventsBus); - this.events = events; - this.hop = events.hasOwnProperty; - } - /** - * Adds listener to the specifed event. - * - * @param {String|Array} event - * @param {Function} handler - */ - - - createClass(EventsBus, [{ - key: 'on', - value: function on(event, handler) { - if (isArray(event)) { - for (var i = 0; i < event.length; i++) { - this.on(event[i], handler); - } - } // Create the event's object if not yet created - - - if (!this.hop.call(this.events, event)) { - this.events[event] = []; - } // Add the handler to queue - - - var index = this.events[event].push(handler) - 1; // Provide handle back for removal of event - - return { - remove: function remove() { - delete this.events[event][index]; - } - }; - } - /** - * Runs registered handlers for specified event. - * - * @param {String|Array} event - * @param {Object=} context - */ - - }, { - key: 'emit', - value: function emit(event, context) { - if (isArray(event)) { - for (var i = 0; i < event.length; i++) { - this.emit(event[i], context); - } - } // If the event doesn't exist, or there's no handlers in queue, just leave - - - if (!this.hop.call(this.events, event)) { - return; - } // Cycle through events queue, fire! - - - this.events[event].forEach(function (item) { - item(context || {}); - }); - } - }]); - return EventsBus; -}(); - -var Glide = function () { - /** - * Construct glide. - * - * @param {String} selector - * @param {Object} options - */ - function Glide(selector) { - var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; - classCallCheck(this, Glide); - this._c = {}; - this._t = []; - this._e = new EventsBus(); - this.disabled = false; - this.selector = selector; - this.settings = mergeOptions(defaults, options); - this.index = this.settings.startAt; - } - /** - * Initializes glide. - * - * @param {Object} extensions Collection of extensions to initialize. - * @return {Glide} - */ - - - createClass(Glide, [{ - key: 'mount', - value: function mount$$1() { - var extensions = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; - - this._e.emit('mount.before'); - - if (isObject(extensions)) { - this._c = mount(this, extensions, this._e); - } else { - warn('You need to provide a object on `mount()`'); - } - - this._e.emit('mount.after'); - - return this; - } - /** - * Collects an instance `translate` transformers. - * - * @param {Array} transformers Collection of transformers. - * @return {Void} - */ - - }, { - key: 'mutate', - value: function mutate() { - var transformers = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : []; - - if (isArray(transformers)) { - this._t = transformers; - } else { - warn('You need to provide a array on `mutate()`'); - } - - return this; - } - /** - * Updates glide with specified settings. - * - * @param {Object} settings - * @return {Glide} - */ - - }, { - key: 'update', - value: function update() { - var settings = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; - this.settings = mergeOptions(this.settings, settings); - - if (settings.hasOwnProperty('startAt')) { - this.index = settings.startAt; - } - - this._e.emit('update'); - - return this; - } - /** - * Change slide with specified pattern. A pattern must be in the special format: - * `>` - Move one forward - * `<` - Move one backward - * `={i}` - Go to {i} zero-based slide (eq. '=1', will go to second slide) - * `>>` - Rewinds to end (last slide) - * `<<` - Rewinds to start (first slide) - * - * @param {String} pattern - * @return {Glide} - */ - - }, { - key: 'go', - value: function go(pattern) { - this._c.Run.make(pattern); - - return this; - } - /** - * Move track by specified distance. - * - * @param {String} distance - * @return {Glide} - */ - - }, { - key: 'move', - value: function move(distance) { - this._c.Transition.disable(); - - this._c.Move.make(distance); - - return this; - } - /** - * Destroy instance and revert all changes done by this._c. - * - * @return {Glide} - */ - - }, { - key: 'destroy', - value: function destroy() { - this._e.emit('destroy'); - - return this; - } - /** - * Start instance autoplaying. - * - * @param {Boolean|Number} interval Run autoplaying with passed interval regardless of `autoplay` settings - * @return {Glide} - */ - - }, { - key: 'play', - value: function play() { - var interval = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : false; - - if (interval) { - this.settings.autoplay = interval; - } - - this._e.emit('play'); - - return this; - } - /** - * Stop instance autoplaying. - * - * @return {Glide} - */ - - }, { - key: 'pause', - value: function pause() { - this._e.emit('pause'); - - return this; - } - /** - * Sets glide into a idle status. - * - * @return {Glide} - */ - - }, { - key: 'disable', - value: function disable() { - this.disabled = true; - return this; - } - /** - * Sets glide into a active status. - * - * @return {Glide} - */ - - }, { - key: 'enable', - value: function enable() { - this.disabled = false; - return this; - } - /** - * Adds cuutom event listener with handler. - * - * @param {String|Array} event - * @param {Function} handler - * @return {Glide} - */ - - }, { - key: 'on', - value: function on(event, handler) { - this._e.on(event, handler); - - return this; - } - /** - * Checks if glide is a precised type. - * - * @param {String} name - * @return {Boolean} - */ - - }, { - key: 'isType', - value: function isType(name) { - return this.settings.type === name; - } - /** - * Gets value of the core options. - * - * @return {Object} - */ - - }, { - key: 'settings', - get: function get$$1() { - return this._o; - } - /** - * Sets value of the core options. - * - * @param {Object} o - * @return {Void} - */ - , - set: function set$$1(o) { - if (isObject(o)) { - this._o = o; - } else { - warn('Options must be an `object` instance.'); - } - } - /** - * Gets current index of the slider. - * - * @return {Object} - */ - - }, { - key: 'index', - get: function get$$1() { - return this._i; - } - /** - * Sets current index a slider. - * - * @return {Object} - */ - , - set: function set$$1(i) { - this._i = toInt(i); - } - /** - * Gets type name of the slider. - * - * @return {String} - */ - - }, { - key: 'type', - get: function get$$1() { - return this.settings.type; - } - /** - * Gets value of the idle status. - * - * @return {Boolean} - */ - - }, { - key: 'disabled', - get: function get$$1() { - return this._d; - } - /** - * Sets value of the idle status. - * - * @return {Boolean} - */ - , - set: function set$$1(status) { - this._d = !!status; - } - }]); - return Glide; -}(); - -function Run(Glide, Components, Events) { - var Run = { - /** - * Initializes autorunning of the glide. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - mount: function mount() { - this._o = false; - }, - - /** - * Makes glides running based on the passed moving schema. - * - * @param {String} move - */ - make: function make(move) { - var _this = this; - - if (!Glide.disabled) { - Glide.disable(); - this.move = move; - Events.emit('run.before', this.move); - this.calculate(); - Events.emit('run', this.move); - Components.Transition.after(function () { - if (_this.isStart()) { - Events.emit('run.start', _this.move); - } - - if (_this.isEnd()) { - Events.emit('run.end', _this.move); - } - - if (_this.isOffset('<') || _this.isOffset('>')) { - _this._o = false; - Events.emit('run.offset', _this.move); - } - - Events.emit('run.after', _this.move); - Glide.enable(); - }); - } - }, - - /** - * Calculates current index based on defined move. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - calculate: function calculate() { - var move = this.move, - length = this.length; - var steps = move.steps, - direction = move.direction; - var countableSteps = isNumber(toInt(steps)) && toInt(steps) !== 0; - - switch (direction) { - case '>': - if (steps === '>') { - Glide.index = length; - } else if (this.isEnd()) { - if (!(Glide.isType('slider') && !Glide.settings.rewind)) { - this._o = true; - Glide.index = 0; - } - } else if (countableSteps) { - Glide.index += Math.min(length - Glide.index, -toInt(steps)); - } else { - Glide.index++; - } - - break; - - case '<': - if (steps === '<') { - Glide.index = 0; - } else if (this.isStart()) { - if (!(Glide.isType('slider') && !Glide.settings.rewind)) { - this._o = true; - Glide.index = length; - } - } else if (countableSteps) { - Glide.index -= Math.min(Glide.index, toInt(steps)); - } else { - Glide.index--; - } - - break; - - case '=': - Glide.index = steps; - break; - - default: - warn('Invalid direction pattern [' + direction + steps + '] has been used'); - break; - } - }, - - /** - * Checks if we are on the first slide. - * - * @return {Boolean} - */ - isStart: function isStart() { - return Glide.index === 0; - }, - - /** - * Checks if we are on the last slide. - * - * @return {Boolean} - */ - isEnd: function isEnd() { - return Glide.index === this.length; - }, - - /** - * Checks if we are making a offset run. - * - * @param {String} direction - * @return {Boolean} - */ - isOffset: function isOffset(direction) { - return this._o && this.move.direction === direction; - } - }; - define(Run, 'move', { - /** - * Gets value of the move schema. - * - * @returns {Object} - */ - get: function get() { - return this._m; - }, - - /** - * Sets value of the move schema. - * - * @returns {Object} - */ - set: function set(value) { - var step = value.substr(1); - this._m = { - direction: value.substr(0, 1), - steps: step ? toInt(step) ? toInt(step) : step : 0 - }; - } - }); - define(Run, 'length', { - /** - * Gets value of the running distance based - * on zero-indexing number of slides. - * - * @return {Number} - */ - get: function get() { - var settings = Glide.settings; - var length = Components.Html.slides.length; // If the `bound` option is acitve, a maximum running distance should be - // reduced by `perView` and `focusAt` settings. Running distance - // should end before creating an empty space after instance. - - if (Glide.isType('slider') && settings.focusAt !== 'center' && settings.bound) { - return length - 1 - (toInt(settings.perView) - 1) + toInt(settings.focusAt); - } - - return length - 1; - } - }); - define(Run, 'offset', { - /** - * Gets status of the offsetting flag. - * - * @return {Boolean} - */ - get: function get() { - return this._o; - } - }); - return Run; -} -/** - * Returns a current time. - * - * @return {Number} - */ - - -function now() { - return new Date().getTime(); -} -/** - * Returns a function, that, when invoked, will only be triggered - * at most once during a given window of time. - * - * @param {Function} func - * @param {Number} wait - * @param {Object=} options - * @return {Function} - * - * @see https://github.com/jashkenas/underscore - */ - - -function throttle(func, wait, options) { - var timeout = void 0, - context = void 0, - args = void 0, - result = void 0; - var previous = 0; - if (!options) options = {}; - - var later = function later() { - previous = options.leading === false ? 0 : now(); - timeout = null; - result = func.apply(context, args); - if (!timeout) context = args = null; - }; - - var throttled = function throttled() { - var at = now(); - if (!previous && options.leading === false) previous = at; - var remaining = wait - (at - previous); - context = this; - args = arguments; - - if (remaining <= 0 || remaining > wait) { - if (timeout) { - clearTimeout(timeout); - timeout = null; - } - - previous = at; - result = func.apply(context, args); - if (!timeout) context = args = null; - } else if (!timeout && options.trailing !== false) { - timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining); - } - - return result; - }; - - throttled.cancel = function () { - clearTimeout(timeout); - previous = 0; - timeout = context = args = null; - }; - - return throttled; -} - -var MARGIN_TYPE = { - ltr: ['marginLeft', 'marginRight'], - rtl: ['marginRight', 'marginLeft'] -}; - -function Gaps(Glide, Components, Events) { - var Gaps = { - /** - * Applies gaps between slides. First and last - * slides do not receive it's edge margins. - * - * @param {HTMLCollection} slides - * @return {Void} - */ - apply: function apply(slides) { - for (var i = 0, len = slides.length; i < len; i++) { - var style = slides[i].style; - var direction = Components.Direction.value; - - if (i !== 0) { - style[MARGIN_TYPE[direction][0]] = this.value / 2 + 'px'; - } else { - style[MARGIN_TYPE[direction][0]] = ''; - } - - if (i !== slides.length - 1) { - style[MARGIN_TYPE[direction][1]] = this.value / 2 + 'px'; - } else { - style[MARGIN_TYPE[direction][1]] = ''; - } - } - }, - - /** - * Removes gaps from the slides. - * - * @param {HTMLCollection} slides - * @returns {Void} - */ - remove: function remove(slides) { - for (var i = 0, len = slides.length; i < len; i++) { - var style = slides[i].style; - style.marginLeft = ''; - style.marginRight = ''; - } - } - }; - define(Gaps, 'value', { - /** - * Gets value of the gap. - * - * @returns {Number} - */ - get: function get() { - return toInt(Glide.settings.gap); - } - }); - define(Gaps, 'grow', { - /** - * Gets additional dimentions value caused by gaps. - * Used to increase width of the slides wrapper. - * - * @returns {Number} - */ - get: function get() { - return Gaps.value * (Components.Sizes.length - 1); - } - }); - define(Gaps, 'reductor', { - /** - * Gets reduction value caused by gaps. - * Used to subtract width of the slides. - * - * @returns {Number} - */ - get: function get() { - var perView = Glide.settings.perView; - return Gaps.value * (perView - 1) / perView; - } - }); - /** - * Apply calculated gaps: - * - after building, so slides (including clones) will receive proper margins - * - on updating via API, to recalculate gaps with new options - */ - - Events.on(['build.after', 'update'], throttle(function () { - Gaps.apply(Components.Html.wrapper.children); - }, 30)); - /** - * Remove gaps: - * - on destroying to bring markup to its inital state - */ - - Events.on('destroy', function () { - Gaps.remove(Components.Html.wrapper.children); - }); - return Gaps; -} -/** - * Finds siblings nodes of the passed node. - * - * @param {Element} node - * @return {Array} - */ - - -function siblings(node) { - if (node && node.parentNode) { - var n = node.parentNode.firstChild; - var matched = []; - - for (; n; n = n.nextSibling) { - if (n.nodeType === 1 && n !== node) { - matched.push(n); - } - } - - return matched; - } - - return []; -} -/** - * Checks if passed node exist and is a valid element. - * - * @param {Element} node - * @return {Boolean} - */ - - -function exist(node) { - if (node && node instanceof window.HTMLElement) { - return true; - } - - return false; -} - -var TRACK_SELECTOR = '[data-glide-el="track"]'; - -function Html(Glide, Components) { - var Html = { - /** - * Setup slider HTML nodes. - * - * @param {Glide} glide - */ - mount: function mount() { - this.root = Glide.selector; - this.track = this.root.querySelector(TRACK_SELECTOR); - this.slides = Array.prototype.slice.call(this.wrapper.children).filter(function (slide) { - return !slide.classList.contains(Glide.settings.classes.cloneSlide); - }); - } - }; - define(Html, 'root', { - /** - * Gets node of the glide main element. - * - * @return {Object} - */ - get: function get() { - return Html._r; - }, - - /** - * Sets node of the glide main element. - * - * @return {Object} - */ - set: function set(r) { - if (isString(r)) { - r = document.querySelector(r); - } - - if (exist(r)) { - Html._r = r; - } else { - warn('Root element must be a existing Html node'); - } - } - }); - define(Html, 'track', { - /** - * Gets node of the glide track with slides. - * - * @return {Object} - */ - get: function get() { - return Html._t; - }, - - /** - * Sets node of the glide track with slides. - * - * @return {Object} - */ - set: function set(t) { - if (exist(t)) { - Html._t = t; - } else { - warn('Could not find track element. Please use ' + TRACK_SELECTOR + ' attribute.'); - } - } - }); - define(Html, 'wrapper', { - /** - * Gets node of the slides wrapper. - * - * @return {Object} - */ - get: function get() { - return Html.track.children[0]; - } - }); - return Html; -} - -function Peek(Glide, Components, Events) { - var Peek = { - /** - * Setups how much to peek based on settings. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - mount: function mount() { - this.value = Glide.settings.peek; - } - }; - define(Peek, 'value', { - /** - * Gets value of the peek. - * - * @returns {Number|Object} - */ - get: function get() { - return Peek._v; - }, - - /** - * Sets value of the peek. - * - * @param {Number|Object} value - * @return {Void} - */ - set: function set(value) { - if (isObject(value)) { - value.before = toInt(value.before); - value.after = toInt(value.after); - } else { - value = toInt(value); - } - - Peek._v = value; - } - }); - define(Peek, 'reductor', { - /** - * Gets reduction value caused by peek. - * - * @returns {Number} - */ - get: function get() { - var value = Peek.value; - var perView = Glide.settings.perView; - - if (isObject(value)) { - return value.before / perView + value.after / perView; - } - - return value * 2 / perView; - } - }); - /** - * Recalculate peeking sizes on: - * - when resizing window to update to proper percents - */ - - Events.on(['resize', 'update'], function () { - Peek.mount(); - }); - return Peek; -} - -function Move(Glide, Components, Events) { - var Move = { - /** - * Constructs move component. - * - * @returns {Void} - */ - mount: function mount() { - this._o = 0; - }, - - /** - * Calculates a movement value based on passed offset and currently active index. - * - * @param {Number} offset - * @return {Void} - */ - make: function make() { - var _this = this; - - var offset = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0; - this.offset = offset; - Events.emit('move', { - movement: this.value - }); - Components.Transition.after(function () { - Events.emit('move.after', { - movement: _this.value - }); - }); - } - }; - define(Move, 'offset', { - /** - * Gets an offset value used to modify current translate. - * - * @return {Object} - */ - get: function get() { - return Move._o; - }, - - /** - * Sets an offset value used to modify current translate. - * - * @return {Object} - */ - set: function set(value) { - Move._o = !isUndefined(value) ? toInt(value) : 0; - } - }); - define(Move, 'translate', { - /** - * Gets a raw movement value. - * - * @return {Number} - */ - get: function get() { - return Components.Sizes.slideWidth * Glide.index; - } - }); - define(Move, 'value', { - /** - * Gets an actual movement value corrected by offset. - * - * @return {Number} - */ - get: function get() { - var offset = this.offset; - var translate = this.translate; - - if (Components.Direction.is('rtl')) { - return translate + offset; - } - - return translate - offset; - } - }); - /** - * Make movement to proper slide on: - * - before build, so glide will start at `startAt` index - * - on each standard run to move to newly calculated index - */ - - Events.on(['build.before', 'run'], function () { - Move.make(); - }); - return Move; -} - -function Sizes(Glide, Components, Events) { - var Sizes = { - /** - * Setups dimentions of slides. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - setupSlides: function setupSlides() { - var width = this.slideWidth + 'px'; - var slides = Components.Html.slides; - - for (var i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) { - slides[i].style.width = width; - } - }, - - /** - * Setups dimentions of slides wrapper. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - setupWrapper: function setupWrapper(dimention) { - Components.Html.wrapper.style.width = this.wrapperSize + 'px'; - }, - - /** - * Removes applied styles from HTML elements. - * - * @returns {Void} - */ - remove: function remove() { - var slides = Components.Html.slides; - - for (var i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) { - slides[i].style.width = ''; - } - - Components.Html.wrapper.style.width = ''; - } - }; - define(Sizes, 'length', { - /** - * Gets count number of the slides. - * - * @return {Number} - */ - get: function get() { - return Components.Html.slides.length; - } - }); - define(Sizes, 'width', { - /** - * Gets width value of the glide. - * - * @return {Number} - */ - get: function get() { - return Components.Html.root.offsetWidth; - } - }); - define(Sizes, 'wrapperSize', { - /** - * Gets size of the slides wrapper. - * - * @return {Number} - */ - get: function get() { - return Sizes.slideWidth * Sizes.length + Components.Gaps.grow + Components.Clones.grow; - } - }); - define(Sizes, 'slideWidth', { - /** - * Gets width value of the single slide. - * - * @return {Number} - */ - get: function get() { - return Sizes.width / Glide.settings.perView - Components.Peek.reductor - Components.Gaps.reductor; - } - }); - /** - * Apply calculated glide's dimensions: - * - before building, so other dimentions (e.g. translate) will be calculated propertly - * - when resizing window to recalculate sildes dimensions - * - on updating via API, to calculate dimensions based on new options - */ - - Events.on(['build.before', 'resize', 'update'], function () { - Sizes.setupSlides(); - Sizes.setupWrapper(); - }); - /** - * Remove calculated glide's dimensions: - * - on destoting to bring markup to its inital state - */ - - Events.on('destroy', function () { - Sizes.remove(); - }); - return Sizes; -} - -function Build(Glide, Components, Events) { - var Build = { - /** - * Init glide building. Adds classes, sets - * dimensions and setups initial state. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - mount: function mount() { - Events.emit('build.before'); - this.typeClass(); - this.activeClass(); - Events.emit('build.after'); - }, - - /** - * Adds `type` class to the glide element. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - typeClass: function typeClass() { - Components.Html.root.classList.add(Glide.settings.classes[Glide.settings.type]); - }, - - /** - * Sets active class to current slide. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - activeClass: function activeClass() { - var classes = Glide.settings.classes; - var slide = Components.Html.slides[Glide.index]; - - if (slide) { - slide.classList.add(classes.activeSlide); - siblings(slide).forEach(function (sibling) { - sibling.classList.remove(classes.activeSlide); - }); - } - }, - - /** - * Removes HTML classes applied at building. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - removeClasses: function removeClasses() { - var classes = Glide.settings.classes; - Components.Html.root.classList.remove(classes[Glide.settings.type]); - Components.Html.slides.forEach(function (sibling) { - sibling.classList.remove(classes.activeSlide); - }); - } - }; - /** - * Clear building classes: - * - on destroying to bring HTML to its initial state - * - on updating to remove classes before remounting component - */ - - Events.on(['destroy', 'update'], function () { - Build.removeClasses(); - }); - /** - * Remount component: - * - on resizing of the window to calculate new dimentions - * - on updating settings via API - */ - - Events.on(['resize', 'update'], function () { - Build.mount(); - }); - /** - * Swap active class of current slide: - * - after each move to the new index - */ - - Events.on('move.after', function () { - Build.activeClass(); - }); - return Build; -} - -function Clones(Glide, Components, Events) { - var Clones = { - /** - * Create pattern map and collect slides to be cloned. - */ - mount: function mount() { - this.items = []; - - if (Glide.isType('carousel')) { - this.items = this.collect(); - } - }, - - /** - * Collect clones with pattern. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - collect: function collect() { - var items = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : []; - var slides = Components.Html.slides; - var _Glide$settings = Glide.settings, - perView = _Glide$settings.perView, - classes = _Glide$settings.classes; - var peekIncrementer = +!!Glide.settings.peek; - var part = perView + peekIncrementer; - var start = slides.slice(0, part); - var end = slides.slice(-part); - - for (var r = 0; r < Math.max(1, Math.floor(perView / slides.length)); r++) { - for (var i = 0; i < start.length; i++) { - var clone = start[i].cloneNode(true); - clone.classList.add(classes.cloneSlide); - items.push(clone); - } - - for (var _i = 0; _i < end.length; _i++) { - var _clone = end[_i].cloneNode(true); - - _clone.classList.add(classes.cloneSlide); - - items.unshift(_clone); - } - } - - return items; - }, - - /** - * Append cloned slides with generated pattern. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - append: function append() { - var items = this.items; - var _Components$Html = Components.Html, - wrapper = _Components$Html.wrapper, - slides = _Components$Html.slides; - var half = Math.floor(items.length / 2); - var prepend = items.slice(0, half).reverse(); - var append = items.slice(half, items.length); - var width = Components.Sizes.slideWidth + 'px'; - - for (var i = 0; i < append.length; i++) { - wrapper.appendChild(append[i]); - } - - for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 < prepend.length; _i2++) { - wrapper.insertBefore(prepend[_i2], slides[0]); - } - - for (var _i3 = 0; _i3 < items.length; _i3++) { - items[_i3].style.width = width; - } - }, - - /** - * Remove all cloned slides. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - remove: function remove() { - var items = this.items; - - for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { - Components.Html.wrapper.removeChild(items[i]); - } - } - }; - define(Clones, 'grow', { - /** - * Gets additional dimentions value caused by clones. - * - * @return {Number} - */ - get: function get() { - return (Components.Sizes.slideWidth + Components.Gaps.value) * Clones.items.length; - } - }); - /** - * Append additional slide's clones: - * - while glide's type is `carousel` - */ - - Events.on('update', function () { - Clones.remove(); - Clones.mount(); - Clones.append(); - }); - /** - * Append additional slide's clones: - * - while glide's type is `carousel` - */ - - Events.on('build.before', function () { - if (Glide.isType('carousel')) { - Clones.append(); - } - }); - /** - * Remove clones HTMLElements: - * - on destroying, to bring HTML to its initial state - */ - - Events.on('destroy', function () { - Clones.remove(); - }); - return Clones; -} - -var EventsBinder = function () { - /** - * Construct a EventsBinder instance. - */ - function EventsBinder() { - var listeners = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; - classCallCheck(this, EventsBinder); - this.listeners = listeners; - } - /** - * Adds events listeners to arrows HTML elements. - * - * @param {String|Array} events - * @param {Element|Window|Document} el - * @param {Function} closure - * @param {Boolean|Object} capture - * @return {Void} - */ - - - createClass(EventsBinder, [{ - key: 'on', - value: function on(events, el, closure) { - var capture = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : false; - - if (isString(events)) { - events = [events]; - } - - for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { - this.listeners[events[i]] = closure; - el.addEventListener(events[i], this.listeners[events[i]], capture); - } - } - /** - * Removes event listeners from arrows HTML elements. - * - * @param {String|Array} events - * @param {Element|Window|Document} el - * @param {Boolean|Object} capture - * @return {Void} - */ - - }, { - key: 'off', - value: function off(events, el) { - var capture = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false; - - if (isString(events)) { - events = [events]; - } - - for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { - el.removeEventListener(events[i], this.listeners[events[i]], capture); - } - } - /** - * Destroy collected listeners. - * - * @returns {Void} - */ - - }, { - key: 'destroy', - value: function destroy() { - delete this.listeners; - } - }]); - return EventsBinder; -}(); - -function Resize(Glide, Components, Events) { - /** - * Instance of the binder for DOM Events. - * - * @type {EventsBinder} - */ - var Binder = new EventsBinder(); - var Resize = { - /** - * Initializes window bindings. - */ - mount: function mount() { - this.bind(); - }, - - /** - * Binds `rezsize` listener to the window. - * It's a costly event, so we are debouncing it. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - bind: function bind() { - Binder.on('resize', window, throttle(function () { - Events.emit('resize'); - }, Glide.settings.throttle)); - }, - - /** - * Unbinds listeners from the window. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - unbind: function unbind() { - Binder.off('resize', window); - } - }; - /** - * Remove bindings from window: - * - on destroying, to remove added EventListener - */ - - Events.on('destroy', function () { - Resize.unbind(); - Binder.destroy(); - }); - return Resize; -} - -var VALID_DIRECTIONS = ['ltr', 'rtl']; -var FLIPED_MOVEMENTS = { - '>': '<', - '<': '>', - '=': '=' -}; - -function Direction(Glide, Components, Events) { - var Direction = { - /** - * Setups gap value based on settings. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - mount: function mount() { - this.value = Glide.settings.direction; - }, - - /** - * Resolves pattern based on direction value - * - * @param {String} pattern - * @returns {String} - */ - resolve: function resolve(pattern) { - var token = pattern.slice(0, 1); - - if (this.is('rtl')) { - return pattern.split(token).join(FLIPED_MOVEMENTS[token]); - } - - return pattern; - }, - - /** - * Checks value of direction mode. - * - * @param {String} direction - * @returns {Boolean} - */ - is: function is(direction) { - return this.value === direction; - }, - - /** - * Applies direction class to the root HTML element. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - addClass: function addClass() { - Components.Html.root.classList.add(Glide.settings.classes.direction[this.value]); - }, - - /** - * Removes direction class from the root HTML element. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - removeClass: function removeClass() { - Components.Html.root.classList.remove(Glide.settings.classes.direction[this.value]); - } - }; - define(Direction, 'value', { - /** - * Gets value of the direction. - * - * @returns {Number} - */ - get: function get() { - return Direction._v; - }, - - /** - * Sets value of the direction. - * - * @param {String} value - * @return {Void} - */ - set: function set(value) { - if (VALID_DIRECTIONS.indexOf(value) > -1) { - Direction._v = value; - } else { - warn('Direction value must be `ltr` or `rtl`'); - } - } - }); - /** - * Clear direction class: - * - on destroy to bring HTML to its initial state - * - on update to remove class before reappling bellow - */ - - Events.on(['destroy', 'update'], function () { - Direction.removeClass(); - }); - /** - * Remount component: - * - on update to reflect changes in direction value - */ - - Events.on('update', function () { - Direction.mount(); - }); - /** - * Apply direction class: - * - before building to apply class for the first time - * - on updating to reapply direction class that may changed - */ - - Events.on(['build.before', 'update'], function () { - Direction.addClass(); - }); - return Direction; -} -/** - * Reflects value of glide movement. - * - * @param {Object} Glide - * @param {Object} Components - * @return {Object} - */ - - -function Rtl(Glide, Components) { - return { - /** - * Negates the passed translate if glide is in RTL option. - * - * @param {Number} translate - * @return {Number} - */ - modify: function modify(translate) { - if (Components.Direction.is('rtl')) { - return -translate; - } - - return translate; - } - }; -} -/** - * Updates glide movement with a `gap` settings. - * - * @param {Object} Glide - * @param {Object} Components - * @return {Object} - */ - - -function Gap(Glide, Components) { - return { - /** - * Modifies passed translate value with number in the `gap` settings. - * - * @param {Number} translate - * @return {Number} - */ - modify: function modify(translate) { - return translate + Components.Gaps.value * Glide.index; - } - }; -} -/** - * Updates glide movement with width of additional clones width. - * - * @param {Object} Glide - * @param {Object} Components - * @return {Object} - */ - - -function Grow(Glide, Components) { - return { - /** - * Adds to the passed translate width of the half of clones. - * - * @param {Number} translate - * @return {Number} - */ - modify: function modify(translate) { - return translate + Components.Clones.grow / 2; - } - }; -} -/** - * Updates glide movement with a `peek` settings. - * - * @param {Object} Glide - * @param {Object} Components - * @return {Object} - */ - - -function Peeking(Glide, Components) { - return { - /** - * Modifies passed translate value with a `peek` setting. - * - * @param {Number} translate - * @return {Number} - */ - modify: function modify(translate) { - if (Glide.settings.focusAt >= 0) { - var peek = Components.Peek.value; - - if (isObject(peek)) { - return translate - peek.before; - } - - return translate - peek; - } - - return translate; - } - }; -} -/** - * Updates glide movement with a `focusAt` settings. - * - * @param {Object} Glide - * @param {Object} Components - * @return {Object} - */ - - -function Focusing(Glide, Components) { - return { - /** - * Modifies passed translate value with index in the `focusAt` setting. - * - * @param {Number} translate - * @return {Number} - */ - modify: function modify(translate) { - var gap = Components.Gaps.value; - var width = Components.Sizes.width; - var focusAt = Glide.settings.focusAt; - var slideWidth = Components.Sizes.slideWidth; - - if (focusAt === 'center') { - return translate - (width / 2 - slideWidth / 2); - } - - return translate - slideWidth * focusAt - gap * focusAt; - } - }; -} -/** - * Applies diffrent transformers on translate value. - * - * @param {Object} Glide - * @param {Object} Components - * @return {Object} - */ - - -function mutator(Glide, Components, Events) { - /** - * Merge instance transformers with collection of default transformers. - * It's important that the Rtl component be last on the list, - * so it reflects all previous transformations. - * - * @type {Array} - */ - var TRANSFORMERS = [Gap, Grow, Peeking, Focusing].concat(Glide._t, [Rtl]); - return { - /** - * Piplines translate value with registered transformers. - * - * @param {Number} translate - * @return {Number} - */ - mutate: function mutate(translate) { - for (var i = 0; i < TRANSFORMERS.length; i++) { - var transformer = TRANSFORMERS[i]; - - if (isFunction(transformer) && isFunction(transformer().modify)) { - translate = transformer(Glide, Components, Events).modify(translate); - } else { - warn('Transformer should be a function that returns an object with `modify()` method'); - } - } - - return translate; - } - }; -} - -function Translate(Glide, Components, Events) { - var Translate = { - /** - * Sets value of translate on HTML element. - * - * @param {Number} value - * @return {Void} - */ - set: function set(value) { - var transform = mutator(Glide, Components).mutate(value); - Components.Html.wrapper.style.transform = 'translate3d(' + -1 * transform + 'px, 0px, 0px)'; - }, - - /** - * Removes value of translate from HTML element. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - remove: function remove() { - Components.Html.wrapper.style.transform = ''; - } - }; - /** - * Set new translate value: - * - on move to reflect index change - * - on updating via API to reflect possible changes in options - */ - - Events.on('move', function (context) { - var gap = Components.Gaps.value; - var length = Components.Sizes.length; - var width = Components.Sizes.slideWidth; - - if (Glide.isType('carousel') && Components.Run.isOffset('<')) { - Components.Transition.after(function () { - Events.emit('translate.jump'); - Translate.set(width * (length - 1)); - }); - return Translate.set(-width - gap * length); - } - - if (Glide.isType('carousel') && Components.Run.isOffset('>')) { - Components.Transition.after(function () { - Events.emit('translate.jump'); - Translate.set(0); - }); - return Translate.set(width * length + gap * length); - } - - return Translate.set(context.movement); - }); - /** - * Remove translate: - * - on destroying to bring markup to its inital state - */ - - Events.on('destroy', function () { - Translate.remove(); - }); - return Translate; -} - -function Transition(Glide, Components, Events) { - /** - * Holds inactivity status of transition. - * When true transition is not applied. - * - * @type {Boolean} - */ - var disabled = false; - var Transition = { - /** - * Composes string of the CSS transition. - * - * @param {String} property - * @return {String} - */ - compose: function compose(property) { - var settings = Glide.settings; - - if (!disabled) { - return property + ' ' + this.duration + 'ms ' + settings.animationTimingFunc; - } - - return property + ' 0ms ' + settings.animationTimingFunc; - }, - - /** - * Sets value of transition on HTML element. - * - * @param {String=} property - * @return {Void} - */ - set: function set() { - var property = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 'transform'; - Components.Html.wrapper.style.transition = this.compose(property); - }, - - /** - * Removes value of transition from HTML element. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - remove: function remove() { - Components.Html.wrapper.style.transition = ''; - }, - - /** - * Runs callback after animation. - * - * @param {Function} callback - * @return {Void} - */ - after: function after(callback) { - setTimeout(function () { - callback(); - }, this.duration); - }, - - /** - * Enable transition. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - enable: function enable() { - disabled = false; - this.set(); - }, - - /** - * Disable transition. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - disable: function disable() { - disabled = true; - this.set(); - } - }; - define(Transition, 'duration', { - /** - * Gets duration of the transition based - * on currently running animation type. - * - * @return {Number} - */ - get: function get() { - var settings = Glide.settings; - - if (Glide.isType('slider') && Components.Run.offset) { - return settings.rewindDuration; - } - - return settings.animationDuration; - } - }); - /** - * Set transition `style` value: - * - on each moving, because it may be cleared by offset move - */ - - Events.on('move', function () { - Transition.set(); - }); - /** - * Disable transition: - * - before initial build to avoid transitioning from `0` to `startAt` index - * - while resizing window and recalculating dimentions - * - on jumping from offset transition at start and end edges in `carousel` type - */ - - Events.on(['build.before', 'resize', 'translate.jump'], function () { - Transition.disable(); - }); - /** - * Enable transition: - * - on each running, because it may be disabled by offset move - */ - - Events.on('run', function () { - Transition.enable(); - }); - /** - * Remove transition: - * - on destroying to bring markup to its inital state - */ - - Events.on('destroy', function () { - Transition.remove(); - }); - return Transition; -} -/** - * Test via a getter in the options object to see - * if the passive property is accessed. - * - * @see https://github.com/WICG/EventListenerOptions/blob/gh-pages/explainer.md#feature-detection - */ - - -var supportsPassive = false; - -try { - var opts = Object.defineProperty({}, 'passive', { - get: function get() { - supportsPassive = true; - } - }); - window.addEventListener('testPassive', null, opts); - window.removeEventListener('testPassive', null, opts); -} catch (e) {} - -var supportsPassive$1 = supportsPassive; -var START_EVENTS = ['touchstart', 'mousedown']; -var MOVE_EVENTS = ['touchmove', 'mousemove']; -var END_EVENTS = ['touchend', 'touchcancel', 'mouseup', 'mouseleave']; -var MOUSE_EVENTS = ['mousedown', 'mousemove', 'mouseup', 'mouseleave']; - -function swipe(Glide, Components, Events) { - /** - * Instance of the binder for DOM Events. - * - * @type {EventsBinder} - */ - var Binder = new EventsBinder(); - var swipeSin = 0; - var swipeStartX = 0; - var swipeStartY = 0; - var disabled = false; - var capture = supportsPassive$1 ? { - passive: true - } : false; - var Swipe = { - /** - * Initializes swipe bindings. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - mount: function mount() { - this.bindSwipeStart(); - }, - - /** - * Handler for `swipestart` event. Calculates entry points of the user's tap. - * - * @param {Object} event - * @return {Void} - */ - start: function start(event) { - if (!disabled && !Glide.disabled) { - this.disable(); - var swipe = this.touches(event); - swipeSin = null; - swipeStartX = toInt(swipe.pageX); - swipeStartY = toInt(swipe.pageY); - this.bindSwipeMove(); - this.bindSwipeEnd(); - Events.emit('swipe.start'); - } - }, - - /** - * Handler for `swipemove` event. Calculates user's tap angle and distance. - * - * @param {Object} event - */ - move: function move(event) { - if (!Glide.disabled) { - var _Glide$settings = Glide.settings, - touchAngle = _Glide$settings.touchAngle, - touchRatio = _Glide$settings.touchRatio, - classes = _Glide$settings.classes; - var swipe = this.touches(event); - var subExSx = toInt(swipe.pageX) - swipeStartX; - var subEySy = toInt(swipe.pageY) - swipeStartY; - var powEX = Math.abs(subExSx << 2); - var powEY = Math.abs(subEySy << 2); - var swipeHypotenuse = Math.sqrt(powEX + powEY); - var swipeCathetus = Math.sqrt(powEY); - swipeSin = Math.asin(swipeCathetus / swipeHypotenuse); - - if (swipeSin * 180 / Math.PI < touchAngle) { - event.stopPropagation(); - Components.Move.make(subExSx * toFloat(touchRatio)); - Components.Html.root.classList.add(classes.dragging); - Events.emit('swipe.move'); - } else { - return false; - } - } - }, - - /** - * Handler for `swipeend` event. Finitializes user's tap and decides about glide move. - * - * @param {Object} event - * @return {Void} - */ - end: function end(event) { - if (!Glide.disabled) { - var settings = Glide.settings; - var swipe = this.touches(event); - var threshold = this.threshold(event); - var swipeDistance = swipe.pageX - swipeStartX; - var swipeDeg = swipeSin * 180 / Math.PI; - var steps = Math.round(swipeDistance / Components.Sizes.slideWidth); - this.enable(); - - if (swipeDistance > threshold && swipeDeg < settings.touchAngle) { - // While swipe is positive and greater than threshold move backward. - if (settings.perTouch) { - steps = Math.min(steps, toInt(settings.perTouch)); - } - - if (Components.Direction.is('rtl')) { - steps = -steps; - } - - Components.Run.make(Components.Direction.resolve('<' + steps)); - } else if (swipeDistance < -threshold && swipeDeg < settings.touchAngle) { - // While swipe is negative and lower than negative threshold move forward. - if (settings.perTouch) { - steps = Math.max(steps, -toInt(settings.perTouch)); - } - - if (Components.Direction.is('rtl')) { - steps = -steps; - } - - Components.Run.make(Components.Direction.resolve('>' + steps)); - } else { - // While swipe don't reach distance apply previous transform. - Components.Move.make(); - } - - Components.Html.root.classList.remove(settings.classes.dragging); - this.unbindSwipeMove(); - this.unbindSwipeEnd(); - Events.emit('swipe.end'); - } - }, - - /** - * Binds swipe's starting event. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - bindSwipeStart: function bindSwipeStart() { - var _this = this; - - var settings = Glide.settings; - - if (settings.swipeThreshold) { - Binder.on(START_EVENTS[0], Components.Html.wrapper, function (event) { - _this.start(event); - }, capture); - } - - if (settings.dragThreshold) { - Binder.on(START_EVENTS[1], Components.Html.wrapper, function (event) { - _this.start(event); - }, capture); - } - }, - - /** - * Unbinds swipe's starting event. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - unbindSwipeStart: function unbindSwipeStart() { - Binder.off(START_EVENTS[0], Components.Html.wrapper, capture); - Binder.off(START_EVENTS[1], Components.Html.wrapper, capture); - }, - - /** - * Binds swipe's moving event. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - bindSwipeMove: function bindSwipeMove() { - var _this2 = this; - - Binder.on(MOVE_EVENTS, Components.Html.wrapper, throttle(function (event) { - _this2.move(event); - }, Glide.settings.throttle), capture); - }, - - /** - * Unbinds swipe's moving event. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - unbindSwipeMove: function unbindSwipeMove() { - Binder.off(MOVE_EVENTS, Components.Html.wrapper, capture); - }, - - /** - * Binds swipe's ending event. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - bindSwipeEnd: function bindSwipeEnd() { - var _this3 = this; - - Binder.on(END_EVENTS, Components.Html.wrapper, function (event) { - _this3.end(event); - }); - }, - - /** - * Unbinds swipe's ending event. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - unbindSwipeEnd: function unbindSwipeEnd() { - Binder.off(END_EVENTS, Components.Html.wrapper); - }, - - /** - * Normalizes event touches points accorting to different types. - * - * @param {Object} event - */ - touches: function touches(event) { - if (MOUSE_EVENTS.indexOf(event.type) > -1) { - return event; - } - - return event.touches[0] || event.changedTouches[0]; - }, - - /** - * Gets value of minimum swipe distance settings based on event type. - * - * @return {Number} - */ - threshold: function threshold(event) { - var settings = Glide.settings; - - if (MOUSE_EVENTS.indexOf(event.type) > -1) { - return settings.dragThreshold; - } - - return settings.swipeThreshold; - }, - - /** - * Enables swipe event. - * - * @return {self} - */ - enable: function enable() { - disabled = false; - Components.Transition.enable(); - return this; - }, - - /** - * Disables swipe event. - * - * @return {self} - */ - disable: function disable() { - disabled = true; - Components.Transition.disable(); - return this; - } - }; - /** - * Add component class: - * - after initial building - */ - - Events.on('build.after', function () { - Components.Html.root.classList.add(Glide.settings.classes.swipeable); - }); - /** - * Remove swiping bindings: - * - on destroying, to remove added EventListeners - */ - - Events.on('destroy', function () { - Swipe.unbindSwipeStart(); - Swipe.unbindSwipeMove(); - Swipe.unbindSwipeEnd(); - Binder.destroy(); - }); - return Swipe; -} - -function images(Glide, Components, Events) { - /** - * Instance of the binder for DOM Events. - * - * @type {EventsBinder} - */ - var Binder = new EventsBinder(); - var Images = { - /** - * Binds listener to glide wrapper. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - mount: function mount() { - this.bind(); - }, - - /** - * Binds `dragstart` event on wrapper to prevent dragging images. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - bind: function bind() { - Binder.on('dragstart', Components.Html.wrapper, this.dragstart); - }, - - /** - * Unbinds `dragstart` event on wrapper. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - unbind: function unbind() { - Binder.off('dragstart', Components.Html.wrapper); - }, - - /** - * Event handler. Prevents dragging. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - dragstart: function dragstart(event) { - event.preventDefault(); - } - }; - /** - * Remove bindings from images: - * - on destroying, to remove added EventListeners - */ - - Events.on('destroy', function () { - Images.unbind(); - Binder.destroy(); - }); - return Images; -} - -function anchors(Glide, Components, Events) { - /** - * Instance of the binder for DOM Events. - * - * @type {EventsBinder} - */ - var Binder = new EventsBinder(); - /** - * Holds detaching status of anchors. - * Prevents detaching of already detached anchors. - * - * @private - * @type {Boolean} - */ - - var detached = false; - /** - * Holds preventing status of anchors. - * If `true` redirection after click will be disabled. - * - * @private - * @type {Boolean} - */ - - var prevented = false; - var Anchors = { - /** - * Setups a initial state of anchors component. - * - * @returns {Void} - */ - mount: function mount() { - /** - * Holds collection of anchors elements. - * - * @private - * @type {HTMLCollection} - */ - this._a = Components.Html.wrapper.querySelectorAll('a'); - this.bind(); - }, - - /** - * Binds events to anchors inside a track. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - bind: function bind() { - Binder.on('click', Components.Html.wrapper, this.click); - }, - - /** - * Unbinds events attached to anchors inside a track. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - unbind: function unbind() { - Binder.off('click', Components.Html.wrapper); - }, - - /** - * Handler for click event. Prevents clicks when glide is in `prevent` status. - * - * @param {Object} event - * @return {Void} - */ - click: function click(event) { - if (prevented) { - event.stopPropagation(); - event.preventDefault(); - } - }, - - /** - * Detaches anchors click event inside glide. - * - * @return {self} - */ - detach: function detach() { - prevented = true; - - if (!detached) { - for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { - this.items[i].draggable = false; - this.items[i].setAttribute('data-href', this.items[i].getAttribute('href')); - this.items[i].removeAttribute('href'); - } - - detached = true; - } - - return this; - }, - - /** - * Attaches anchors click events inside glide. - * - * @return {self} - */ - attach: function attach() { - prevented = false; - - if (detached) { - for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { - this.items[i].draggable = true; - this.items[i].setAttribute('href', this.items[i].getAttribute('data-href')); - } - - detached = false; - } - - return this; - } - }; - define(Anchors, 'items', { - /** - * Gets collection of the arrows HTML elements. - * - * @return {HTMLElement[]} - */ - get: function get() { - return Anchors._a; - } - }); - /** - * Detach anchors inside slides: - * - on swiping, so they won't redirect to its `href` attributes - */ - - Events.on('swipe.move', function () { - Anchors.detach(); - }); - /** - * Attach anchors inside slides: - * - after swiping and transitions ends, so they can redirect after click again - */ - - Events.on('swipe.end', function () { - Components.Transition.after(function () { - Anchors.attach(); - }); - }); - /** - * Unbind anchors inside slides: - * - on destroying, to bring anchors to its initial state - */ - - Events.on('destroy', function () { - Anchors.attach(); - Anchors.unbind(); - Binder.destroy(); - }); - return Anchors; -} - -var NAV_SELECTOR = '[data-glide-el="controls[nav]"]'; -var CONTROLS_SELECTOR = '[data-glide-el^="controls"]'; - -function controls(Glide, Components, Events) { - /** - * Instance of the binder for DOM Events. - * - * @type {EventsBinder} - */ - var Binder = new EventsBinder(); - var capture = supportsPassive$1 ? { - passive: true - } : false; - var Controls = { - /** - * Inits arrows. Binds events listeners - * to the arrows HTML elements. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - mount: function mount() { - /** - * Collection of navigation HTML elements. - * - * @private - * @type {HTMLCollection} - */ - this._n = Components.Html.root.querySelectorAll(NAV_SELECTOR); - /** - * Collection of controls HTML elements. - * - * @private - * @type {HTMLCollection} - */ - - this._c = Components.Html.root.querySelectorAll(CONTROLS_SELECTOR); - this.addBindings(); - }, - - /** - * Sets active class to current slide. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - setActive: function setActive() { - for (var i = 0; i < this._n.length; i++) { - this.addClass(this._n[i].children); - } - }, - - /** - * Removes active class to current slide. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - removeActive: function removeActive() { - for (var i = 0; i < this._n.length; i++) { - this.removeClass(this._n[i].children); - } - }, - - /** - * Toggles active class on items inside navigation. - * - * @param {HTMLElement} controls - * @return {Void} - */ - addClass: function addClass(controls) { - var settings = Glide.settings; - var item = controls[Glide.index]; - - if (item) { - item.classList.add(settings.classes.activeNav); - siblings(item).forEach(function (sibling) { - sibling.classList.remove(settings.classes.activeNav); - }); - } - }, - - /** - * Removes active class from active control. - * - * @param {HTMLElement} controls - * @return {Void} - */ - removeClass: function removeClass(controls) { - var item = controls[Glide.index]; - - if (item) { - item.classList.remove(Glide.settings.classes.activeNav); - } - }, - - /** - * Adds handles to the each group of controls. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - addBindings: function addBindings() { - for (var i = 0; i < this._c.length; i++) { - this.bind(this._c[i].children); - } - }, - - /** - * Removes handles from the each group of controls. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - removeBindings: function removeBindings() { - for (var i = 0; i < this._c.length; i++) { - this.unbind(this._c[i].children); - } - }, - - /** - * Binds events to arrows HTML elements. - * - * @param {HTMLCollection} elements - * @return {Void} - */ - bind: function bind(elements) { - for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { - Binder.on('click', elements[i], this.click); - Binder.on('touchstart', elements[i], this.click, capture); - } - }, - - /** - * Unbinds events binded to the arrows HTML elements. - * - * @param {HTMLCollection} elements - * @return {Void} - */ - unbind: function unbind(elements) { - for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { - Binder.off(['click', 'touchstart'], elements[i]); - } - }, - - /** - * Handles `click` event on the arrows HTML elements. - * Moves slider in driection precised in - * `data-glide-dir` attribute. - * - * @param {Object} event - * @return {Void} - */ - click: function click(event) { - event.preventDefault(); - Components.Run.make(Components.Direction.resolve(event.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-glide-dir'))); - } - }; - define(Controls, 'items', { - /** - * Gets collection of the controls HTML elements. - * - * @return {HTMLElement[]} - */ - get: function get() { - return Controls._c; - } - }); - /** - * Swap active class of current navigation item: - * - after mounting to set it to initial index - * - after each move to the new index - */ - - Events.on(['mount.after', 'move.after'], function () { - Controls.setActive(); - }); - /** - * Remove bindings and HTML Classes: - * - on destroying, to bring markup to its initial state - */ - - Events.on('destroy', function () { - Controls.removeBindings(); - Controls.removeActive(); - Binder.destroy(); - }); - return Controls; -} - -function keyboard(Glide, Components, Events) { - /** - * Instance of the binder for DOM Events. - * - * @type {EventsBinder} - */ - var Binder = new EventsBinder(); - var Keyboard = { - /** - * Binds keyboard events on component mount. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - mount: function mount() { - if (Glide.settings.keyboard) { - this.bind(); - } - }, - - /** - * Adds keyboard press events. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - bind: function bind() { - Binder.on('keyup', document, this.press); - }, - - /** - * Removes keyboard press events. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - unbind: function unbind() { - Binder.off('keyup', document); - }, - - /** - * Handles keyboard's arrows press and moving glide foward and backward. - * - * @param {Object} event - * @return {Void} - */ - press: function press(event) { - if (event.keyCode === 39) { - Components.Run.make(Components.Direction.resolve('>')); - } - - if (event.keyCode === 37) { - Components.Run.make(Components.Direction.resolve('<')); - } - } - }; - /** - * Remove bindings from keyboard: - * - on destroying to remove added events - * - on updating to remove events before remounting - */ - - Events.on(['destroy', 'update'], function () { - Keyboard.unbind(); - }); - /** - * Remount component - * - on updating to reflect potential changes in settings - */ - - Events.on('update', function () { - Keyboard.mount(); - }); - /** - * Destroy binder: - * - on destroying to remove listeners - */ - - Events.on('destroy', function () { - Binder.destroy(); - }); - return Keyboard; -} - -function autoplay(Glide, Components, Events) { - /** - * Instance of the binder for DOM Events. - * - * @type {EventsBinder} - */ - var Binder = new EventsBinder(); - var Autoplay = { - /** - * Initializes autoplaying and events. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - mount: function mount() { - this.start(); - - if (Glide.settings.hoverpause) { - this.bind(); - } - }, - - /** - * Starts autoplaying in configured interval. - * - * @param {Boolean|Number} force Run autoplaying with passed interval regardless of `autoplay` settings - * @return {Void} - */ - start: function start() { - var _this = this; - - if (Glide.settings.autoplay) { - if (isUndefined(this._i)) { - this._i = setInterval(function () { - _this.stop(); - - Components.Run.make('>'); - - _this.start(); - }, this.time); - } - } - }, - - /** - * Stops autorunning of the glide. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - stop: function stop() { - this._i = clearInterval(this._i); - }, - - /** - * Stops autoplaying while mouse is over glide's area. - * - * @return {Void} - */ - bind: function bind() { - var _this2 = this; - - Binder.on('mouseover', Components.Html.root, function () { - _this2.stop(); - }); - Binder.on('mouseout', Components.Html.root, function () { - _this2.start(); - }); - }, - - /** - * Unbind mouseover events. - * - * @returns {Void} - */ - unbind: function unbind() { - Binder.off(['mouseover', 'mouseout'], Components.Html.root); - } - }; - define(Autoplay, 'time', { - /** - * Gets time period value for the autoplay interval. Prioritizes - * times in `data-glide-autoplay` attrubutes over options. - * - * @return {Number} - */ - get: function get() { - var autoplay = Components.Html.slides[Glide.index].getAttribute('data-glide-autoplay'); - - if (autoplay) { - return toInt(autoplay); - } - - return toInt(Glide.settings.autoplay); - } - }); - /** - * Stop autoplaying and unbind events: - * - on destroying, to clear defined interval - * - on updating via API to reset interval that may changed - */ - - Events.on(['destroy', 'update'], function () { - Autoplay.unbind(); - }); - /** - * Stop autoplaying: - * - before each run, to restart autoplaying - * - on pausing via API - * - on destroying, to clear defined interval - * - while starting a swipe - * - on updating via API to reset interval that may changed - */ - - Events.on(['run.before', 'pause', 'destroy', 'swipe.start', 'update'], function () { - Autoplay.stop(); - }); - /** - * Start autoplaying: - * - after each run, to restart autoplaying - * - on playing via API - * - while ending a swipe - */ - - Events.on(['run.after', 'play', 'swipe.end'], function () { - Autoplay.start(); - }); - /** - * Remount autoplaying: - * - on updating via API to reset interval that may changed - */ - - Events.on('update', function () { - Autoplay.mount(); - }); - /** - * Destroy a binder: - * - on destroying glide instance to clearup listeners - */ - - Events.on('destroy', function () { - Binder.destroy(); - }); - return Autoplay; -} -/** - * Sorts keys of breakpoint object so they will be ordered from lower to bigger. - * - * @param {Object} points - * @returns {Object} - */ - - -function sortBreakpoints(points) { - if (isObject(points)) { - return sortKeys(points); - } else { - warn('Breakpoints option must be an object'); - } - - return {}; -} - -function breakpoints(Glide, Components, Events) { - /** - * Instance of the binder for DOM Events. - * - * @type {EventsBinder} - */ - var Binder = new EventsBinder(); - /** - * Holds reference to settings. - * - * @type {Object} - */ - - var settings = Glide.settings; - /** - * Holds reference to breakpoints object in settings. Sorts breakpoints - * from smaller to larger. It is required in order to proper - * matching currently active breakpoint settings. - * - * @type {Object} - */ - - var points = sortBreakpoints(settings.breakpoints); - /** - * Cache initial settings before overwritting. - * - * @type {Object} - */ - - var defaults = _extends({}, settings); - - var Breakpoints = { - /** - * Matches settings for currectly matching media breakpoint. - * - * @param {Object} points - * @returns {Object} - */ - match: function match(points) { - if (typeof window.matchMedia !== 'undefined') { - for (var point in points) { - if (points.hasOwnProperty(point)) { - if (window.matchMedia('(max-width: ' + point + 'px)').matches) { - return points[point]; - } - } - } - } - - return defaults; - } - }; - /** - * Overwrite instance settings with currently matching breakpoint settings. - * This happens right after component initialization. - */ - - _extends(settings, Breakpoints.match(points)); - /** - * Update glide with settings of matched brekpoint: - * - window resize to update slider - */ - - - Binder.on('resize', window, throttle(function () { - Glide.settings = mergeOptions(settings, Breakpoints.match(points)); - }, Glide.settings.throttle)); - /** - * Resort and update default settings: - * - on reinit via API, so breakpoint matching will be performed with options - */ - - Events.on('update', function () { - points = sortBreakpoints(points); - defaults = _extends({}, settings); - }); - /** - * Unbind resize listener: - * - on destroying, to bring markup to its initial state - */ - - Events.on('destroy', function () { - Binder.off('resize', window); - }); - return Breakpoints; -} - -var COMPONENTS = { - Html: Html, - Translate: Translate, - Transition: Transition, - Direction: Direction, - Peek: Peek, - Sizes: Sizes, - Gaps: Gaps, - Move: Move, - Clones: Clones, - Resize: Resize, - Build: Build, - Run: Run -}; - -var Glide$1 = function (_Core) { - inherits(Glide$$1, _Core); - - function Glide$$1() { - classCallCheck(this, Glide$$1); - return possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Glide$$1.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Glide$$1)).apply(this, arguments)); - } - - createClass(Glide$$1, [{ - key: 'mount', - value: function mount() { - var extensions = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; - return get(Glide$$1.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Glide$$1.prototype), 'mount', this).call(this, _extends({}, COMPONENTS, extensions)); - } - }]); - return Glide$$1; -}(Glide); - -/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Glide$1); - - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/aos/dist/aos.js": -/*!**************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/aos/dist/aos.js ***! - \**************************************/ -/*! no static exports found */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(module) {var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); } - -!function (e, t) { - "object" == ( false ? undefined : _typeof(exports)) && "object" == ( false ? undefined : _typeof(module)) ? module.exports = t() : true ? !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [], __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ = (t), - __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (typeof __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ === 'function' ? - (__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__.apply(exports, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__)) : __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__), - __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__)) : undefined; -}(this, function () { - return function (e) { - function t(o) { - if (n[o]) return n[o].exports; - var i = n[o] = { - exports: {}, - id: o, - loaded: !1 - }; - return e[o].call(i.exports, i, i.exports, t), i.loaded = !0, i.exports; - } - - var n = {}; - return t.m = e, t.c = n, t.p = "dist/", t(0); - }([function (e, t, n) { - "use strict"; - - function o(e) { - return e && e.__esModule ? e : { - "default": e - }; - } - - var i = Object.assign || function (e) { - for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { - var n = arguments[t]; - - for (var o in n) { - Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, o) && (e[o] = n[o]); - } - } - - return e; - }, - r = n(1), - a = (o(r), n(6)), - u = o(a), - c = n(7), - s = o(c), - f = n(8), - d = o(f), - l = n(9), - p = o(l), - m = n(10), - b = o(m), - v = n(11), - y = o(v), - g = n(14), - h = o(g), - w = [], - k = !1, - x = { - offset: 120, - delay: 0, - easing: "ease", - duration: 400, - disable: !1, - once: !1, - startEvent: "DOMContentLoaded", - throttleDelay: 99, - debounceDelay: 50, - disableMutationObserver: !1 - }, - j = function j() { - var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] && arguments[0]; - if (e && (k = !0), k) return w = (0, y["default"])(w, x), (0, b["default"])(w, x.once), w; - }, - O = function O() { - w = (0, h["default"])(), j(); - }, - M = function M() { - w.forEach(function (e, t) { - e.node.removeAttribute("data-aos"), e.node.removeAttribute("data-aos-easing"), e.node.removeAttribute("data-aos-duration"), e.node.removeAttribute("data-aos-delay"); - }); - }, - S = function S(e) { - return e === !0 || "mobile" === e && p["default"].mobile() || "phone" === e && p["default"].phone() || "tablet" === e && p["default"].tablet() || "function" == typeof e && e() === !0; - }, - _ = function _(e) { - x = i(x, e), w = (0, h["default"])(); - var t = document.all && !window.atob; - return S(x.disable) || t ? M() : (x.disableMutationObserver || d["default"].isSupported() || (console.info('\n aos: MutationObserver is not supported on this browser,\n code mutations observing has been disabled.\n You may have to call "refreshHard()" by yourself.\n '), x.disableMutationObserver = !0), document.querySelector("body").setAttribute("data-aos-easing", x.easing), document.querySelector("body").setAttribute("data-aos-duration", x.duration), document.querySelector("body").setAttribute("data-aos-delay", x.delay), "DOMContentLoaded" === x.startEvent && ["complete", "interactive"].indexOf(document.readyState) > -1 ? j(!0) : "load" === x.startEvent ? window.addEventListener(x.startEvent, function () { - j(!0); - }) : document.addEventListener(x.startEvent, function () { - j(!0); - }), window.addEventListener("resize", (0, s["default"])(j, x.debounceDelay, !0)), window.addEventListener("orientationchange", (0, s["default"])(j, x.debounceDelay, !0)), window.addEventListener("scroll", (0, u["default"])(function () { - (0, b["default"])(w, x.once); - }, x.throttleDelay), { - passive: !0 - }), x.disableMutationObserver || d["default"].ready("[data-aos]", O), w); - }; - - e.exports = { - init: _, - refresh: j, - refreshHard: O - }; - }, function (e, t) {},,,,, function (e, t) { - (function (t) { - "use strict"; - - function n(e, t, n) { - function o(t) { - var n = b, - o = v; - return b = v = void 0, k = t, g = e.apply(o, n); - } - - function r(e) { - return k = e, h = setTimeout(f, t), M ? o(e) : g; - } - - function a(e) { - var n = e - w, - o = e - k, - i = t - n; - return S ? j(i, y - o) : i; - } - - function c(e) { - var n = e - w, - o = e - k; - return void 0 === w || n >= t || n < 0 || S && o >= y; - } - - function f() { - var e = O(); - return c(e) ? d(e) : void (h = setTimeout(f, a(e))); - } - - function d(e) { - return h = void 0, _ && b ? o(e) : (b = v = void 0, g); - } - - function l() { - void 0 !== h && clearTimeout(h), k = 0, b = w = v = h = void 0; - } - - function p() { - return void 0 === h ? g : d(O()); - } - - function m() { - var e = O(), - n = c(e); - - if (b = arguments, v = this, w = e, n) { - if (void 0 === h) return r(w); - if (S) return h = setTimeout(f, t), o(w); - } - - return void 0 === h && (h = setTimeout(f, t)), g; - } - - var b, - v, - y, - g, - h, - w, - k = 0, - M = !1, - S = !1, - _ = !0; - - if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError(s); - return t = u(t) || 0, i(n) && (M = !!n.leading, S = "maxWait" in n, y = S ? x(u(n.maxWait) || 0, t) : y, _ = "trailing" in n ? !!n.trailing : _), m.cancel = l, m.flush = p, m; - } - - function o(e, t, o) { - var r = !0, - a = !0; - if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError(s); - return i(o) && (r = "leading" in o ? !!o.leading : r, a = "trailing" in o ? !!o.trailing : a), n(e, t, { - leading: r, - maxWait: t, - trailing: a - }); - } - - function i(e) { - var t = "undefined" == typeof e ? "undefined" : c(e); - return !!e && ("object" == t || "function" == t); - } - - function r(e) { - return !!e && "object" == ("undefined" == typeof e ? "undefined" : c(e)); - } - - function a(e) { - return "symbol" == ("undefined" == typeof e ? "undefined" : c(e)) || r(e) && k.call(e) == d; - } - - function u(e) { - if ("number" == typeof e) return e; - if (a(e)) return f; - - if (i(e)) { - var t = "function" == typeof e.valueOf ? e.valueOf() : e; - e = i(t) ? t + "" : t; - } - - if ("string" != typeof e) return 0 === e ? e : +e; - e = e.replace(l, ""); - var n = m.test(e); - return n || b.test(e) ? v(e.slice(2), n ? 2 : 8) : p.test(e) ? f : +e; - } - - var c = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == _typeof(Symbol.iterator) ? function (e) { - return _typeof(e); - } : function (e) { - return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : _typeof(e); - }, - s = "Expected a function", - f = NaN, - d = "[object Symbol]", - l = /^\s+|\s+$/g, - p = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i, - m = /^0b[01]+$/i, - b = /^0o[0-7]+$/i, - v = parseInt, - y = "object" == ("undefined" == typeof t ? "undefined" : c(t)) && t && t.Object === Object && t, - g = "object" == ("undefined" == typeof self ? "undefined" : c(self)) && self && self.Object === Object && self, - h = y || g || Function("return this")(), - w = Object.prototype, - k = w.toString, - x = Math.max, - j = Math.min, - O = function O() { - return h.Date.now(); - }; - - e.exports = o; - }).call(t, function () { - return this; - }()); - }, function (e, t) { - (function (t) { - "use strict"; - - function n(e, t, n) { - function i(t) { - var n = b, - o = v; - return b = v = void 0, O = t, g = e.apply(o, n); - } - - function r(e) { - return O = e, h = setTimeout(f, t), M ? i(e) : g; - } - - function u(e) { - var n = e - w, - o = e - O, - i = t - n; - return S ? x(i, y - o) : i; - } - - function s(e) { - var n = e - w, - o = e - O; - return void 0 === w || n >= t || n < 0 || S && o >= y; - } - - function f() { - var e = j(); - return s(e) ? d(e) : void (h = setTimeout(f, u(e))); - } - - function d(e) { - return h = void 0, _ && b ? i(e) : (b = v = void 0, g); - } - - function l() { - void 0 !== h && clearTimeout(h), O = 0, b = w = v = h = void 0; - } - - function p() { - return void 0 === h ? g : d(j()); - } - - function m() { - var e = j(), - n = s(e); - - if (b = arguments, v = this, w = e, n) { - if (void 0 === h) return r(w); - if (S) return h = setTimeout(f, t), i(w); - } - - return void 0 === h && (h = setTimeout(f, t)), g; - } - - var b, - v, - y, - g, - h, - w, - O = 0, - M = !1, - S = !1, - _ = !0; - - if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError(c); - return t = a(t) || 0, o(n) && (M = !!n.leading, S = "maxWait" in n, y = S ? k(a(n.maxWait) || 0, t) : y, _ = "trailing" in n ? !!n.trailing : _), m.cancel = l, m.flush = p, m; - } - - function o(e) { - var t = "undefined" == typeof e ? "undefined" : u(e); - return !!e && ("object" == t || "function" == t); - } - - function i(e) { - return !!e && "object" == ("undefined" == typeof e ? "undefined" : u(e)); - } - - function r(e) { - return "symbol" == ("undefined" == typeof e ? "undefined" : u(e)) || i(e) && w.call(e) == f; - } - - function a(e) { - if ("number" == typeof e) return e; - if (r(e)) return s; - - if (o(e)) { - var t = "function" == typeof e.valueOf ? e.valueOf() : e; - e = o(t) ? t + "" : t; - } - - if ("string" != typeof e) return 0 === e ? e : +e; - e = e.replace(d, ""); - var n = p.test(e); - return n || m.test(e) ? b(e.slice(2), n ? 2 : 8) : l.test(e) ? s : +e; - } - - var u = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == _typeof(Symbol.iterator) ? function (e) { - return _typeof(e); - } : function (e) { - return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : _typeof(e); - }, - c = "Expected a function", - s = NaN, - f = "[object Symbol]", - d = /^\s+|\s+$/g, - l = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i, - p = /^0b[01]+$/i, - m = /^0o[0-7]+$/i, - b = parseInt, - v = "object" == ("undefined" == typeof t ? "undefined" : u(t)) && t && t.Object === Object && t, - y = "object" == ("undefined" == typeof self ? "undefined" : u(self)) && self && self.Object === Object && self, - g = v || y || Function("return this")(), - h = Object.prototype, - w = h.toString, - k = Math.max, - x = Math.min, - j = function j() { - return g.Date.now(); - }; - - e.exports = n; - }).call(t, function () { - return this; - }()); - }, function (e, t) { - "use strict"; - - function n(e) { - var t = void 0, - o = void 0, - i = void 0; - - for (t = 0; t < e.length; t += 1) { - if (o = e[t], o.dataset && o.dataset.aos) return !0; - if (i = o.children && n(o.children)) return !0; - } - - return !1; - } - - function o() { - return window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver; - } - - function i() { - return !!o(); - } - - function r(e, t) { - var n = window.document, - i = o(), - r = new i(a); - u = t, r.observe(n.documentElement, { - childList: !0, - subtree: !0, - removedNodes: !0 - }); - } - - function a(e) { - e && e.forEach(function (e) { - var t = Array.prototype.slice.call(e.addedNodes), - o = Array.prototype.slice.call(e.removedNodes), - i = t.concat(o); - if (n(i)) return u(); - }); - } - - Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { - value: !0 - }); - - var u = function u() {}; - - t["default"] = { - isSupported: i, - ready: r - }; - }, function (e, t) { - "use strict"; - - function n(e, t) { - if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); - } - - function o() { - return navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera || ""; - } - - Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { - value: !0 - }); - - var i = function () { - function e(e, t) { - for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { - var o = t[n]; - o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, o.key, o); - } - } - - return function (t, n, o) { - return n && e(t.prototype, n), o && e(t, o), t; - }; - }(), - r = /(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|xda|xiino/i, - a = /1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i, - u = /(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|xda|xiino|android|ipad|playbook|silk/i, - c = /1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i, - s = function () { - function e() { - n(this, e); - } - - return i(e, [{ - key: "phone", - value: function value() { - var e = o(); - return !(!r.test(e) && !a.test(e.substr(0, 4))); - } - }, { - key: "mobile", - value: function value() { - var e = o(); - return !(!u.test(e) && !c.test(e.substr(0, 4))); - } - }, { - key: "tablet", - value: function value() { - return this.mobile() && !this.phone(); - } - }]), e; - }(); - - t["default"] = new s(); - }, function (e, t) { - "use strict"; - - Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { - value: !0 - }); - - var n = function n(e, t, _n) { - var o = e.node.getAttribute("data-aos-once"); - t > e.position ? e.node.classList.add("aos-animate") : "undefined" != typeof o && ("false" === o || !_n && "true" !== o) && e.node.classList.remove("aos-animate"); - }, - o = function o(e, t) { - var o = window.pageYOffset, - i = window.innerHeight; - e.forEach(function (e, r) { - n(e, i + o, t); - }); - }; - - t["default"] = o; - }, function (e, t, n) { - "use strict"; - - function o(e) { - return e && e.__esModule ? e : { - "default": e - }; - } - - Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { - value: !0 - }); - - var i = n(12), - r = o(i), - a = function a(e, t) { - return e.forEach(function (e, n) { - e.node.classList.add("aos-init"), e.position = (0, r["default"])(e.node, t.offset); - }), e; - }; - - t["default"] = a; - }, function (e, t, n) { - "use strict"; - - function o(e) { - return e && e.__esModule ? e : { - "default": e - }; - } - - Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { - value: !0 - }); - - var i = n(13), - r = o(i), - a = function a(e, t) { - var n = 0, - o = 0, - i = window.innerHeight, - a = { - offset: e.getAttribute("data-aos-offset"), - anchor: e.getAttribute("data-aos-anchor"), - anchorPlacement: e.getAttribute("data-aos-anchor-placement") - }; - - switch (a.offset && !isNaN(a.offset) && (o = parseInt(a.offset)), a.anchor && document.querySelectorAll(a.anchor) && (e = document.querySelectorAll(a.anchor)[0]), n = (0, r["default"])(e).top, a.anchorPlacement) { - case "top-bottom": - break; - - case "center-bottom": - n += e.offsetHeight / 2; - break; - - case "bottom-bottom": - n += e.offsetHeight; - break; - - case "top-center": - n += i / 2; - break; - - case "bottom-center": - n += i / 2 + e.offsetHeight; - break; - - case "center-center": - n += i / 2 + e.offsetHeight / 2; - break; - - case "top-top": - n += i; - break; - - case "bottom-top": - n += e.offsetHeight + i; - break; - - case "center-top": - n += e.offsetHeight / 2 + i; - } - - return a.anchorPlacement || a.offset || isNaN(t) || (o = t), n + o; - }; - - t["default"] = a; - }, function (e, t) { - "use strict"; - - Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { - value: !0 - }); - - var n = function n(e) { - for (var t = 0, n = 0; e && !isNaN(e.offsetLeft) && !isNaN(e.offsetTop);) { - t += e.offsetLeft - ("BODY" != e.tagName ? e.scrollLeft : 0), n += e.offsetTop - ("BODY" != e.tagName ? e.scrollTop : 0), e = e.offsetParent; - } - - return { - top: n, - left: t - }; - }; - - t["default"] = n; - }, function (e, t) { - "use strict"; - - Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { - value: !0 - }); - - var n = function n(e) { - return e = e || document.querySelectorAll("[data-aos]"), Array.prototype.map.call(e, function (e) { - return { - node: e - }; - }); - }; - - t["default"] = n; - }]); -}); -/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(/*! ./../../webpack/buildin/module.js */ "./node_modules/webpack/buildin/module.js")(module))) - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/fitvids/index.js": -/*!***************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/fitvids/index.js ***! - \***************************************/ -/*! no static exports found */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; - - -var selectors = ['iframe[src*="player.vimeo.com"]', 'iframe[src*="youtube.com"]', 'iframe[src*="youtube-nocookie.com"]', 'iframe[src*="kickstarter.com"][src*="video.html"]', 'object']; -var css = '.fluid-width-video-wrapper{width:100%;position:relative;padding:0;}.fluid-width-video-wrapper iframe,.fluid-width-video-wrapper object,.fluid-width-video-wrapper embed {position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;}'; - -module.exports = function (parentSelector, opts) { - parentSelector = parentSelector || 'body'; - opts = opts || {}; - - if (isObject(parentSelector)) { - opts = parentSelector; - parentSelector = 'body'; - } - - opts.ignore = opts.ignore || ''; - opts.players = opts.players || ''; - var containers = queryAll(parentSelector); - if (!hasLength(containers)) return; - - if (!document.getElementById('fit-vids-style')) { - var head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; - head.appendChild(styles()); - } - - var custom = toSelectorArray(opts.players) || []; - var ignored = toSelectorArray(opts.ignore) || []; - var selector = selectors.filter(notIgnored(ignored)).concat(custom).join(); - if (!hasLength(selector)) return; - containers.forEach(function (container) { - var videos = queryAll(container, selector); - videos.forEach(function (video) { - wrap(video); - }); - }); -}; - -function queryAll(el, selector) { - if (typeof el === 'string') { - selector = el; - el = document; - } - - return Array.prototype.slice.call(el.querySelectorAll(selector)); -} - -function toSelectorArray(input) { - if (typeof input === 'string') { - return input.split(',').map(trim).filter(hasLength); - } else if (isArray(input)) { - return flatten(input.map(toSelectorArray).filter(hasLength)); - } - - return input || []; -} - -function wrap(el) { - if (/fluid-width-video-wrapper/.test(el.parentNode.className)) return; - var widthAttr = parseInt(el.getAttribute('width'), 10); - var heightAttr = parseInt(el.getAttribute('height'), 10); - var width = !isNaN(widthAttr) ? widthAttr : el.clientWidth; - var height = !isNaN(heightAttr) ? heightAttr : el.clientHeight; - var aspect = height / width; - el.removeAttribute('width'); - el.removeAttribute('height'); - var wrapper = document.createElement('div'); - el.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, el); - wrapper.className = 'fluid-width-video-wrapper'; - wrapper.style.paddingTop = aspect * 100 + '%'; - wrapper.appendChild(el); -} - -function styles() { - var div = document.createElement('div'); - div.innerHTML = '


'; - return div.childNodes[1]; -} - -function notIgnored(ignored) { - if (ignored.length < 1) { - return function () { - return true; - }; - } - - return function (selector) { - return ignored.indexOf(selector) === -1; - }; -} - -function hasLength(input) { - return input.length > 0; -} - -function trim(str) { - return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); -} - -function flatten(input) { - return [].concat.apply([], input); -} - -function isObject(input) { - return Object.prototype.toString.call(input) === '[object Object]'; -} - -function isArray(input) { - return Object.prototype.toString.call(input) === '[object Array]'; -} - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/fuse.js/dist/fuse.basic.esm.min.js": -/*!*********************************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/fuse.js/dist/fuse.basic.esm.min.js ***! - \*********************************************************/ -/*! exports provided: default */ -/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__); -function _toConsumableArray(arr) { return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread(); } - -function _nonIterableSpread() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance"); } - -function _iterableToArray(iter) { if (Symbol.iterator in Object(iter) || Object.prototype.toString.call(iter) === "[object Arguments]") return Array.from(iter); } - -function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } } - -function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; } - -function _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys(source, true).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys(source).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; } - -function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; } - -function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } - -function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } - -function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; } - -/** - * Fuse.js v6.3.1 - Lightweight fuzzy-search (http://fusejs.io) - * - * Copyright (c) 2020 Kiro Risk (http://kiro.me) - * All Rights Reserved. Apache Software License 2.0 - * - * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - */ -function t(t) { - return Array.isArray ? Array.isArray(t) : "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(t); -} - -function e(t) { - return "string" == typeof t; -} - -function n(t) { - return "number" == typeof t; -} - -function s(t) { - return null != t; -} - -function i(t) { - return !t.trim().length; -} - -var r = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; - -var o = -/*#__PURE__*/ -function () { - function o(t) { - var _this = this; - - _classCallCheck(this, o); - - this._keys = [], this._keyMap = {}; - var e = 0; - t.forEach(function (t) { - var n = c(t); - e += n.weight, _this._keys.push(n), _this._keyMap[n.id] = n, e += n.weight; - }), this._keys.forEach(function (t) { - t.weight /= e; - }); - } - - _createClass(o, [{ - key: "get", - value: function get(t) { - return this._keyMap[t]; - } - }, { - key: "keys", - value: function keys() { - return this._keys; - } - }, { - key: "toJSON", - value: function toJSON() { - return JSON.stringify(this._keys); - } - }]); - - return o; -}(); - -function c(n) { - var s = null, - i = null, - o = null, - c = 1; - if (e(n) || t(n)) o = n, s = h(n), i = a(n);else { - if (!r.call(n, "name")) throw new Error(function (t) { - return "Missing ".concat(t, " property in key"); - }("name")); - var _t = n.name; - if (o = _t, r.call(n, "weight") && (c = n.weight, c <= 0)) throw new Error(function (t) { - return "Property 'weight' in key '".concat(t, "' must be a positive integer"); - }(_t)); - s = h(_t), i = a(_t); - } - return { - path: s, - id: i, - weight: c, - src: o - }; -} - -function h(e) { - return t(e) ? e : e.split("."); -} - -function a(e) { - return t(e) ? e.join(".") : e; -} - -var l = _objectSpread({ - isCaseSensitive: !1, - includeScore: !1, - keys: [], - shouldSort: !0, - sortFn: function sortFn(t, e) { - return t.score === e.score ? t.idx < e.idx ? -1 : 1 : t.score < e.score ? -1 : 1; - }, - includeMatches: !1, - findAllMatches: !1, - minMatchCharLength: 1, - location: 0, - threshold: .6, - distance: 100 -}, { - useExtendedSearch: !1, - getFn: function getFn(i, r) { - var o = [], - c = !1; - - var h = function h(i, r, a) { - if (r[a]) { - var _l = i[r[a]]; - if (!s(_l)) return; - if (a === r.length - 1 && (e(_l) || n(_l))) o.push(function (t) { - return null == t ? "" : function (t) { - if ("string" == typeof t) return t; - var e = t + ""; - return "0" == e && 1 / t == -1 / 0 ? "-0" : e; - }(t); - }(_l));else if (t(_l)) { - c = !0; - - for (var _t2 = 0, _e = _l.length; _t2 < _e; _t2 += 1) { - h(_l[_t2], r, a + 1); - } - } else r.length && h(_l, r, a + 1); - } else o.push(i); - }; - - return h(i, e(r) ? r.split(".") : r, 0), c ? o : o[0]; - }, - ignoreLocation: !1, - ignoreFieldNorm: !1 -}); - -var d = /[^ ]+/g; - -var u = -/*#__PURE__*/ -function () { - function u() { - var _ref = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}, - _ref$getFn = _ref.getFn, - t = _ref$getFn === void 0 ? l.getFn : _ref$getFn; - - _classCallCheck(this, u); - - this.norm = function () { - var t = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 3; - var e = new Map(); - return { - get: function get(n) { - var s = n.match(d).length; - if (e.has(s)) return e.get(s); - var i = parseFloat((1 / Math.sqrt(s)).toFixed(t)); - return e.set(s, i), i; - }, - clear: function clear() { - e.clear(); - } - }; - }(3), this.getFn = t, this.isCreated = !1, this.setIndexRecords(); - } - - _createClass(u, [{ - key: "setSources", - value: function setSources() { - var t = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : []; - this.docs = t; - } - }, { - key: "setIndexRecords", - value: function setIndexRecords() { - var t = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : []; - this.records = t; - } - }, { - key: "setKeys", - value: function setKeys() { - var _this2 = this; - - var t = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : []; - this.keys = t, this._keysMap = {}, t.forEach(function (t, e) { - _this2._keysMap[t.id] = e; - }); - } - }, { - key: "create", - value: function create() { - var _this3 = this; - - !this.isCreated && this.docs.length && (this.isCreated = !0, e(this.docs[0]) ? this.docs.forEach(function (t, e) { - _this3._addString(t, e); - }) : this.docs.forEach(function (t, e) { - _this3._addObject(t, e); - }), this.norm.clear()); - } - }, { - key: "add", - value: function add(t) { - var n = this.size(); - e(t) ? this._addString(t, n) : this._addObject(t, n); - } - }, { - key: "removeAt", - value: function removeAt(t) { - this.records.splice(t, 1); - - for (var _e2 = t, _n = this.size(); _e2 < _n; _e2 += 1) { - this.records[_e2].i -= 1; - } - } - }, { - key: "getValueForItemAtKeyId", - value: function getValueForItemAtKeyId(t, e) { - return t[this._keysMap[e]]; - } - }, { - key: "size", - value: function size() { - return this.records.length; - } - }, { - key: "_addString", - value: function _addString(t, e) { - if (!s(t) || i(t)) return; - var n = { - v: t, - i: e, - n: this.norm.get(t) - }; - this.records.push(n); - } - }, { - key: "_addObject", - value: function _addObject(n, r) { - var _this4 = this; - - var o = { - i: r, - $: {} - }; - this.keys.forEach(function (r, c) { - var h = _this4.getFn(n, r.path); - - if (s(h)) if (t(h)) { - (function () { - var n = []; - var r = [{ - nestedArrIndex: -1, - value: h - }]; - - for (; r.length;) { - var _r$pop = r.pop(), - _o = _r$pop.nestedArrIndex, - _c = _r$pop.value; - - if (s(_c)) if (e(_c) && !i(_c)) { - var _t3 = { - v: _c, - i: _o, - n: _this4.norm.get(_c) - }; - n.push(_t3); - } else t(_c) && _c.forEach(function (t, e) { - r.push({ - nestedArrIndex: e, - value: t - }); - }); - } - - o.$[c] = n; - })(); - } else if (!i(h)) { - var _t4 = { - v: h, - n: _this4.norm.get(h) - }; - o.$[c] = _t4; - } - }), this.records.push(o); - } - }, { - key: "toJSON", - value: function toJSON() { - return { - keys: this.keys, - records: this.records - }; - } - }]); - - return u; -}(); - -function f(t, e) { - var _ref2 = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {}, - _ref2$getFn = _ref2.getFn, - n = _ref2$getFn === void 0 ? l.getFn : _ref2$getFn; - - var s = new u({ - getFn: n - }); - return s.setKeys(t.map(c)), s.setSources(e), s.create(), s; -} - -function g(t, e) { - var n = t.matches; - e.matches = [], s(n) && n.forEach(function (t) { - if (!s(t.indices) || !t.indices.length) return; - var n = t.indices, - i = t.value; - var r = { - indices: n, - value: i - }; - t.key && (r.key = t.key.src), t.idx > -1 && (r.refIndex = t.idx), e.matches.push(r); - }); -} - -function p(t, e) { - e.score = t.score; -} - -function m(t) { - var _ref3 = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}, - _ref3$errors = _ref3.errors, - e = _ref3$errors === void 0 ? 0 : _ref3$errors, - _ref3$currentLocation = _ref3.currentLocation, - n = _ref3$currentLocation === void 0 ? 0 : _ref3$currentLocation, - _ref3$expectedLocatio = _ref3.expectedLocation, - s = _ref3$expectedLocatio === void 0 ? 0 : _ref3$expectedLocatio, - _ref3$distance = _ref3.distance, - i = _ref3$distance === void 0 ? l.distance : _ref3$distance, - _ref3$ignoreLocation = _ref3.ignoreLocation, - r = _ref3$ignoreLocation === void 0 ? l.ignoreLocation : _ref3$ignoreLocation; - - var o = e / t.length; - if (r) return o; - var c = Math.abs(s - n); - return i ? o + c / i : c ? 1 : o; -} - -function y(t, e, n) { - var _ref4 = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : {}, - _ref4$location = _ref4.location, - s = _ref4$location === void 0 ? l.location : _ref4$location, - _ref4$distance = _ref4.distance, - i = _ref4$distance === void 0 ? l.distance : _ref4$distance, - _ref4$threshold = _ref4.threshold, - r = _ref4$threshold === void 0 ? l.threshold : _ref4$threshold, - _ref4$findAllMatches = _ref4.findAllMatches, - o = _ref4$findAllMatches === void 0 ? l.findAllMatches : _ref4$findAllMatches, - _ref4$minMatchCharLen = _ref4.minMatchCharLength, - c = _ref4$minMatchCharLen === void 0 ? l.minMatchCharLength : _ref4$minMatchCharLen, - _ref4$includeMatches = _ref4.includeMatches, - h = _ref4$includeMatches === void 0 ? l.includeMatches : _ref4$includeMatches, - _ref4$ignoreLocation = _ref4.ignoreLocation, - a = _ref4$ignoreLocation === void 0 ? l.ignoreLocation : _ref4$ignoreLocation; - - if (e.length > 32) throw new Error("Pattern length exceeds max of ".concat(32, ".")); - var d = e.length, - u = t.length, - f = Math.max(0, Math.min(s, u)); - var g = r, - p = f; - var y = c > 1 || h, - M = y ? Array(u) : []; - var x; - - for (; (x = t.indexOf(e, p)) > -1;) { - var _t5 = m(e, { - currentLocation: x, - expectedLocation: f, - distance: i, - ignoreLocation: a - }); - - if (g = Math.min(_t5, g), p = x + d, y) { - var _t6 = 0; - - for (; _t6 < d;) { - M[x + _t6] = 1, _t6 += 1; - } - } - } - - p = -1; - var L = [], - _ = 1, - k = d + u; - var v = 1 << d - 1; - - for (var _s = 0; _s < d; _s += 1) { - var _r = 0, - _c2 = k; - - for (; _r < _c2;) { - m(e, { - errors: _s, - currentLocation: f + _c2, - expectedLocation: f, - distance: i, - ignoreLocation: a - }) <= g ? _r = _c2 : k = _c2, _c2 = Math.floor((k - _r) / 2 + _r); - } - - k = _c2; - - var _h = Math.max(1, f - _c2 + 1), - _l2 = o ? u : Math.min(f + _c2, u) + d, - _x = Array(_l2 + 2); - - _x[_l2 + 1] = (1 << _s) - 1; - - for (var _r2 = _l2; _r2 >= _h; _r2 -= 1) { - var _o2 = _r2 - 1, - _c3 = n[t.charAt(_o2)]; - - if (y && (M[_o2] = +!!_c3), _x[_r2] = (_x[_r2 + 1] << 1 | 1) & _c3, _s && (_x[_r2] |= (L[_r2 + 1] | L[_r2]) << 1 | 1 | L[_r2 + 1]), _x[_r2] & v && (_ = m(e, { - errors: _s, - currentLocation: _o2, - expectedLocation: f, - distance: i, - ignoreLocation: a - }), _ <= g)) { - if (g = _, p = _o2, p <= f) break; - _h = Math.max(1, 2 * f - p); - } - } - - if (m(e, { - errors: _s + 1, - currentLocation: f, - expectedLocation: f, - distance: i, - ignoreLocation: a - }) > g) break; - L = _x; - } - - var w = { - isMatch: p >= 0, - score: Math.max(.001, _) - }; - - if (y) { - var _t7 = function () { - var t = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : []; - var e = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : l.minMatchCharLength; - var n = [], - s = -1, - i = -1, - r = 0; - - for (var _o3 = t.length; r < _o3; r += 1) { - var _o4 = t[r]; - _o4 && -1 === s ? s = r : _o4 || -1 === s || (i = r - 1, i - s + 1 >= e && n.push([s, i]), s = -1); - } - - return t[r - 1] && r - s >= e && n.push([s, r - 1]), n; - }(M, c); - - _t7.length ? h && (w.indices = _t7) : w.isMatch = !1; - } - - return w; -} - -function M(t) { - var e = {}; - - for (var _n2 = 0, _s2 = t.length; _n2 < _s2; _n2 += 1) { - var _i = t.charAt(_n2); - - e[_i] = (e[_i] || 0) | 1 << _s2 - _n2 - 1; - } - - return e; -} - -var x = -/*#__PURE__*/ -function () { - function x(t) { - var _this5 = this; - - var _ref5 = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}, - _ref5$location = _ref5.location, - e = _ref5$location === void 0 ? l.location : _ref5$location, - _ref5$threshold = _ref5.threshold, - n = _ref5$threshold === void 0 ? l.threshold : _ref5$threshold, - _ref5$distance = _ref5.distance, - s = _ref5$distance === void 0 ? l.distance : _ref5$distance, - _ref5$includeMatches = _ref5.includeMatches, - i = _ref5$includeMatches === void 0 ? l.includeMatches : _ref5$includeMatches, - _ref5$findAllMatches = _ref5.findAllMatches, - r = _ref5$findAllMatches === void 0 ? l.findAllMatches : _ref5$findAllMatches, - _ref5$minMatchCharLen = _ref5.minMatchCharLength, - o = _ref5$minMatchCharLen === void 0 ? l.minMatchCharLength : _ref5$minMatchCharLen, - _ref5$isCaseSensitive = _ref5.isCaseSensitive, - c = _ref5$isCaseSensitive === void 0 ? l.isCaseSensitive : _ref5$isCaseSensitive, - _ref5$ignoreLocation = _ref5.ignoreLocation, - h = _ref5$ignoreLocation === void 0 ? l.ignoreLocation : _ref5$ignoreLocation; - - _classCallCheck(this, x); - - if (this.options = { - location: e, - threshold: n, - distance: s, - includeMatches: i, - findAllMatches: r, - minMatchCharLength: o, - isCaseSensitive: c, - ignoreLocation: h - }, this.pattern = c ? t : t.toLowerCase(), this.chunks = [], !this.pattern.length) return; - - var a = function a(t, e) { - _this5.chunks.push({ - pattern: t, - alphabet: M(t), - startIndex: e - }); - }, - d = this.pattern.length; - - if (d > 32) { - var _t8 = 0; - - var _e3 = d % 32, - _n3 = d - _e3; - - for (; _t8 < _n3;) { - a(this.pattern.substr(_t8, 32), _t8), _t8 += 32; - } - - if (_e3) { - var _t9 = d - 32; - - a(this.pattern.substr(_t9), _t9); - } - } else a(this.pattern, 0); - } - - _createClass(x, [{ - key: "searchIn", - value: function searchIn(t) { - var _this$options = this.options, - e = _this$options.isCaseSensitive, - n = _this$options.includeMatches; - - if (e || (t = t.toLowerCase()), this.pattern === t) { - var _e4 = { - isMatch: !0, - score: 0 - }; - return n && (_e4.indices = [[0, t.length - 1]]), _e4; - } - - var _this$options2 = this.options, - s = _this$options2.location, - i = _this$options2.distance, - r = _this$options2.threshold, - o = _this$options2.findAllMatches, - c = _this$options2.minMatchCharLength, - h = _this$options2.ignoreLocation; - var a = [], - l = 0, - d = !1; - this.chunks.forEach(function (_ref6) { - var e = _ref6.pattern, - u = _ref6.alphabet, - f = _ref6.startIndex; - - var _y = y(t, e, u, { - location: s + f, - distance: i, - threshold: r, - findAllMatches: o, - minMatchCharLength: c, - includeMatches: n, - ignoreLocation: h - }), - g = _y.isMatch, - p = _y.score, - m = _y.indices; - - g && (d = !0), l += p, g && m && (a = [].concat(_toConsumableArray(a), _toConsumableArray(m))); - }); - var u = { - isMatch: d, - score: d ? l / this.chunks.length : 1 - }; - return d && n && (u.indices = a), u; - } - }]); - - return x; -}(); - -var L = []; - -function _(t, e) { - for (var _n4 = 0, _s3 = L.length; _n4 < _s3; _n4 += 1) { - var _s4 = L[_n4]; - if (_s4.condition(t, e)) return new _s4(t, e); - } - - return new x(t, e); -} - -var k = -/*#__PURE__*/ -function () { - function k(t) { - var e = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; - var n = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined; - - _classCallCheck(this, k); - - if (this.options = _objectSpread({}, l, {}, e), this.options.useExtendedSearch) throw new Error("Extended search is not available"); - this._keyStore = new o(this.options.keys), this.setCollection(t, n); - } - - _createClass(k, [{ - key: "setCollection", - value: function setCollection(t, e) { - if (this._docs = t, e && !(e instanceof u)) throw new Error("Incorrect 'index' type"); - this._myIndex = e || f(this.options.keys, this._docs, { - getFn: this.options.getFn - }); - } - }, { - key: "add", - value: function add(t) { - s(t) && (this._docs.push(t), this._myIndex.add(t)); - } - }, { - key: "remove", - value: function remove() { - var t = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : function () { - return !1; - }; - var e = []; - - for (var _n5 = 0, _s5 = this._docs.length; _n5 < _s5; _n5 += 1) { - var _s6 = this._docs[_n5]; - t(_s6, _n5) && (this.removeAt(_n5), _n5 -= 1, e.push(_s6)); - } - - return e; - } - }, { - key: "removeAt", - value: function removeAt(t) { - this._docs.splice(t, 1), this._myIndex.removeAt(t); - } - }, { - key: "getIndex", - value: function getIndex() { - return this._myIndex; - } - }, { - key: "search", - value: function search(t) { - var _ref7 = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}, - _ref7$limit = _ref7.limit, - s = _ref7$limit === void 0 ? -1 : _ref7$limit; - - var _this$options3 = this.options, - i = _this$options3.includeMatches, - r = _this$options3.includeScore, - o = _this$options3.shouldSort, - c = _this$options3.sortFn, - h = _this$options3.ignoreFieldNorm; - var a = e(t) ? e(this._docs[0]) ? this._searchStringList(t) : this._searchObjectList(t) : this._searchLogical(t); - return function (t, e, _ref8) { - var _ref8$ignoreFieldNorm = _ref8.ignoreFieldNorm, - n = _ref8$ignoreFieldNorm === void 0 ? l.ignoreFieldNorm : _ref8$ignoreFieldNorm; - t.forEach(function (t) { - var e = 1; - t.matches.forEach(function (_ref9) { - var t = _ref9.key, - s = _ref9.norm, - i = _ref9.score; - var r = t ? t.weight : null; - e *= Math.pow(0 === i && r ? Number.EPSILON : i, (r || 1) * (n ? 1 : s)); - }), t.score = e; - }); - }(a, this._keyStore, { - ignoreFieldNorm: h - }), o && a.sort(c), n(s) && s > -1 && (a = a.slice(0, s)), function (t, e) { - var _ref10 = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {}, - _ref10$includeMatches = _ref10.includeMatches, - n = _ref10$includeMatches === void 0 ? l.includeMatches : _ref10$includeMatches, - _ref10$includeScore = _ref10.includeScore, - s = _ref10$includeScore === void 0 ? l.includeScore : _ref10$includeScore; - - var i = []; - n && i.push(g); - s && i.push(p); - return t.map(function (t) { - var n = t.idx, - s = { - item: e[n], - refIndex: n - }; - return i.length && i.forEach(function (e) { - e(t, s); - }), s; - }); - }(a, this._docs, { - includeMatches: i, - includeScore: r - }); - } - }, { - key: "_searchStringList", - value: function _searchStringList(t) { - var e = _(t, this.options), - n = this._myIndex.records, - i = []; - - return n.forEach(function (_ref11) { - var t = _ref11.v, - n = _ref11.i, - r = _ref11.n; - if (!s(t)) return; - - var _e$searchIn = e.searchIn(t), - o = _e$searchIn.isMatch, - c = _e$searchIn.score, - h = _e$searchIn.indices; - - o && i.push({ - item: t, - idx: n, - matches: [{ - score: c, - value: t, - norm: r, - indices: h - }] - }); - }), i; - } - }, { - key: "_searchLogical", - value: function _searchLogical(t) { - throw new Error("Logical search is not available"); - } - }, { - key: "_searchObjectList", - value: function _searchObjectList(t) { - var _this6 = this; - - var e = _(t, this.options), - _this$_myIndex = this._myIndex, - n = _this$_myIndex.keys, - i = _this$_myIndex.records, - r = []; - - return i.forEach(function (_ref12) { - var t = _ref12.$, - i = _ref12.i; - if (!s(t)) return; - var o = []; - n.forEach(function (n, s) { - o.push.apply(o, _toConsumableArray(_this6._findMatches({ - key: n, - value: t[s], - searcher: e - }))); - }), o.length && r.push({ - idx: i, - item: t, - matches: o - }); - }), r; - } - }, { - key: "_findMatches", - value: function _findMatches(_ref13) { - var e = _ref13.key, - n = _ref13.value, - i = _ref13.searcher; - if (!s(n)) return []; - var r = []; - if (t(n)) n.forEach(function (_ref14) { - var t = _ref14.v, - n = _ref14.i, - o = _ref14.n; - if (!s(t)) return; - - var _i$searchIn = i.searchIn(t), - c = _i$searchIn.isMatch, - h = _i$searchIn.score, - a = _i$searchIn.indices; - - c && r.push({ - score: h, - key: e, - value: t, - idx: n, - norm: o, - indices: a - }); - });else { - var _t10 = n.v, - _s7 = n.n, - _i$searchIn2 = i.searchIn(_t10), - _o5 = _i$searchIn2.isMatch, - _c4 = _i$searchIn2.score, - _h2 = _i$searchIn2.indices; - - _o5 && r.push({ - score: _c4, - key: e, - value: _t10, - norm: _s7, - indices: _h2 - }); - } - return r; - } - }]); - - return k; -}(); - -k.version = "6.3.1", k.createIndex = f, k.parseIndex = function (t) { - var _ref15 = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}, - _ref15$getFn = _ref15.getFn, - e = _ref15$getFn === void 0 ? l.getFn : _ref15$getFn; - - var n = t.keys, - s = t.records, - i = new u({ - getFn: e - }); - return i.setKeys(n), i.setIndexRecords(s), i; -}, k.config = l; -/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (k); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/headroom.js/dist/headroom.js": -/*!***************************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/headroom.js/dist/headroom.js ***! - \***************************************************/ -/*! no static exports found */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); } - -/*! - * headroom.js v0.10.3 - Give your page some headroom. Hide your header until you need it - * Copyright (c) 2019 Nick Williams - http://wicky.nillia.ms/headroom.js - * License: MIT - */ -(function (global, factory) { - ( false ? undefined : _typeof(exports)) === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() : true ? !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ = (factory), - __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (typeof __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ === 'function' ? - (__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__.call(exports, __webpack_require__, exports, module)) : - __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__), - __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__)) : (undefined); -})(this, function () { - 'use strict'; - - function isBrowser() { - return typeof window !== "undefined"; - } - /** - * Used to detect browser support for adding an event listener with options - * Credit: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/EventTarget/addEventListener - */ - - - function passiveEventsSupported() { - var supported = false; - - try { - var options = { - // eslint-disable-next-line getter-return - get passive() { - supported = true; - } - - }; - window.addEventListener("test", options, options); - window.removeEventListener("test", options, options); - } catch (err) { - supported = false; - } - - return supported; - } - - function isSupported() { - return !!(isBrowser() && function () {}.bind && "classList" in document.documentElement && Object.assign && Object.keys && requestAnimationFrame); - } - - function isDocument(obj) { - return obj.nodeType === 9; // Node.DOCUMENT_NODE === 9 - } - - function isWindow(obj) { - // `obj === window` or `obj instanceof Window` is not sufficient, - // as the obj may be the window of an iframe. - return obj && obj.document && isDocument(obj.document); - } - - function windowScroller(win) { - var doc = win.document; - var body = doc.body; - var html = doc.documentElement; - return { - /** - * @see http://james.padolsey.com/javascript/get-document-height-cross-browser/ - * @return {Number} the scroll height of the document in pixels - */ - scrollHeight: function scrollHeight() { - return Math.max(body.scrollHeight, html.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight, html.offsetHeight, body.clientHeight, html.clientHeight); - }, - - /** - * @see http://andylangton.co.uk/blog/development/get-viewport-size-width-and-height-javascript - * @return {Number} the height of the viewport in pixels - */ - height: function height() { - return win.innerHeight || html.clientHeight || body.clientHeight; - }, - - /** - * Gets the Y scroll position - * @return {Number} pixels the page has scrolled along the Y-axis - */ - scrollY: function scrollY() { - if (win.pageYOffset !== undefined) { - return win.pageYOffset; - } - - return (html || body.parentNode || body).scrollTop; - } - }; - } - - function elementScroller(element) { - return { - /** - * @return {Number} the scroll height of the element in pixels - */ - scrollHeight: function scrollHeight() { - return Math.max(element.scrollHeight, element.offsetHeight, element.clientHeight); - }, - - /** - * @return {Number} the height of the element in pixels - */ - height: function height() { - return Math.max(element.offsetHeight, element.clientHeight); - }, - - /** - * Gets the Y scroll position - * @return {Number} pixels the element has scrolled along the Y-axis - */ - scrollY: function scrollY() { - return element.scrollTop; - } - }; - } - - function createScroller(element) { - return isWindow(element) ? windowScroller(element) : elementScroller(element); - } - /** - * @param element EventTarget - */ - - - function trackScroll(element, options, callback) { - var isPassiveSupported = passiveEventsSupported(); - var rafId; - var scrolled = false; - var scroller = createScroller(element); - var lastScrollY = scroller.scrollY(); - var details = {}; - - function update() { - var scrollY = Math.round(scroller.scrollY()); - var height = scroller.height(); - var scrollHeight = scroller.scrollHeight(); // reuse object for less memory churn - - details.scrollY = scrollY; - details.lastScrollY = lastScrollY; - details.direction = scrollY > lastScrollY ? "down" : "up"; - details.distance = Math.abs(scrollY - lastScrollY); - details.isOutOfBounds = scrollY < 0 || scrollY + height > scrollHeight; - details.top = scrollY <= options.offset; - details.bottom = scrollY + height >= scrollHeight; - details.toleranceExceeded = details.distance > options.tolerance[details.direction]; - callback(details); - lastScrollY = scrollY; - scrolled = false; - } - - function handleScroll() { - if (!scrolled) { - scrolled = true; - rafId = requestAnimationFrame(update); - } - } - - var eventOptions = isPassiveSupported ? { - passive: true, - capture: false - } : false; - element.addEventListener("scroll", handleScroll, eventOptions); - return { - destroy: function destroy() { - cancelAnimationFrame(rafId); - element.removeEventListener("scroll", handleScroll, eventOptions); - } - }; - } - - function normalizeTolerance(t) { - return t === Object(t) ? t : { - down: t, - up: t - }; - } - /** - * UI enhancement for fixed headers. - * Hides header when scrolling down - * Shows header when scrolling up - * @constructor - * @param {DOMElement} elem the header element - * @param {Object} options options for the widget - */ - - - function Headroom(elem, options) { - options = options || {}; - Object.assign(this, Headroom.options, options); - this.classes = Object.assign({}, Headroom.options.classes, options.classes); - this.elem = elem; - this.tolerance = normalizeTolerance(this.tolerance); - this.initialised = false; - this.frozen = false; - } - - Headroom.prototype = { - constructor: Headroom, - - /** - * Start listening to scrolling - * @public - */ - init: function init() { - if (Headroom.cutsTheMustard && !this.initialised) { - this.addClass("initial"); - this.initialised = true; // defer event registration to handle browser - // potentially restoring previous scroll position - - setTimeout(function (self) { - self.scrollTracker = trackScroll(self.scroller, { - offset: self.offset, - tolerance: self.tolerance - }, self.update.bind(self)); - }, 100, this); - } - - return this; - }, - - /** - * Destroy the widget, clearing up after itself - * @public - */ - destroy: function destroy() { - this.initialised = false; - Object.keys(this.classes).forEach(this.removeClass, this); - this.scrollTracker.destroy(); - }, - - /** - * Unpin the element - * @public - */ - unpin: function unpin() { - if (this.hasClass("pinned") || !this.hasClass("unpinned")) { - this.addClass("unpinned"); - this.removeClass("pinned"); - - if (this.onUnpin) { - this.onUnpin.call(this); - } - } - }, - - /** - * Pin the element - * @public - */ - pin: function pin() { - if (this.hasClass("unpinned")) { - this.addClass("pinned"); - this.removeClass("unpinned"); - - if (this.onPin) { - this.onPin.call(this); - } - } - }, - - /** - * Freezes the current state of the widget - * @public - */ - freeze: function freeze() { - this.frozen = true; - this.addClass("frozen"); - }, - - /** - * Re-enables the default behaviour of the widget - * @public - */ - unfreeze: function unfreeze() { - this.frozen = false; - this.removeClass("frozen"); - }, - top: function top() { - if (!this.hasClass("top")) { - this.addClass("top"); - this.removeClass("notTop"); - - if (this.onTop) { - this.onTop.call(this); - } - } - }, - notTop: function notTop() { - if (!this.hasClass("notTop")) { - this.addClass("notTop"); - this.removeClass("top"); - - if (this.onNotTop) { - this.onNotTop.call(this); - } - } - }, - bottom: function bottom() { - if (!this.hasClass("bottom")) { - this.addClass("bottom"); - this.removeClass("notBottom"); - - if (this.onBottom) { - this.onBottom.call(this); - } - } - }, - notBottom: function notBottom() { - if (!this.hasClass("notBottom")) { - this.addClass("notBottom"); - this.removeClass("bottom"); - - if (this.onNotBottom) { - this.onNotBottom.call(this); - } - } - }, - shouldUnpin: function shouldUnpin(details) { - var scrollingDown = details.direction === "down"; - return scrollingDown && !details.top && details.toleranceExceeded; - }, - shouldPin: function shouldPin(details) { - var scrollingUp = details.direction === "up"; - return scrollingUp && details.toleranceExceeded || details.top; - }, - addClass: function addClass(className) { - this.elem.classList.add(this.classes[className]); - }, - removeClass: function removeClass(className) { - this.elem.classList.remove(this.classes[className]); - }, - hasClass: function hasClass(className) { - return this.elem.classList.contains(this.classes[className]); - }, - update: function update(details) { - if (details.isOutOfBounds) { - // Ignore bouncy scrolling in OSX - return; - } - - if (this.frozen === true) { - return; - } - - if (details.top) { - this.top(); - } else { - this.notTop(); - } - - if (details.bottom) { - this.bottom(); - } else { - this.notBottom(); - } - - if (this.shouldUnpin(details)) { - this.unpin(); - } else if (this.shouldPin(details)) { - this.pin(); - } - } - }; - /** - * Default options - * @type {Object} - */ - - Headroom.options = { - tolerance: { - up: 0, - down: 0 - }, - offset: 0, - scroller: isBrowser() ? window : null, - classes: { - frozen: "headroom--frozen", - pinned: "headroom--pinned", - unpinned: "headroom--unpinned", - top: "headroom--top", - notTop: "headroom--not-top", - bottom: "headroom--bottom", - notBottom: "headroom--not-bottom", - initial: "headroom" - } - }; - Headroom.cutsTheMustard = isSupported(); - return Headroom; -}); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js": -/*!********************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js ***! - \********************************************/ -/*! no static exports found */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(module) {var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); } - -/*! - * jQuery JavaScript Library v3.4.1 + * jQuery JavaScript Library v3.6.0 * https://jquery.com/ * * Includes Sizzle.js * https://sizzlejs.com/ * - * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors + * Copyright OpenJS Foundation and other contributors * Released under the MIT license * https://jquery.org/license * - * Date: 2019-05-01T21:04Z - */ -(function (global, factory) { - "use strict"; - - if (( false ? undefined : _typeof(module)) === "object" && _typeof(module.exports) === "object") { - // For CommonJS and CommonJS-like environments where a proper `window` - // is present, execute the factory and get jQuery. - // For environments that do not have a `window` with a `document` - // (such as Node.js), expose a factory as module.exports. - // This accentuates the need for the creation of a real `window`. - // e.g. var jQuery = require("jquery")(window); - // See ticket #14549 for more info. - module.exports = global.document ? factory(global, true) : function (w) { - if (!w.document) { - throw new Error("jQuery requires a window with a document"); - } - - return factory(w); - }; - } else { - factory(global); - } // Pass this if window is not defined yet - -})(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, function (window, noGlobal) { - // Edge <= 12 - 13+, Firefox <=18 - 45+, IE 10 - 11, Safari 5.1 - 9+, iOS 6 - 9.1 - // throw exceptions when non-strict code (e.g., ASP.NET 4.5) accesses strict mode - // arguments.callee.caller (trac-13335). But as of jQuery 3.0 (2016), strict mode should be common - // enough that all such attempts are guarded in a try block. - "use strict"; - - var arr = []; - var document = window.document; - var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf; - var _slice = arr.slice; - var concat = arr.concat; - var push = arr.push; - var indexOf = arr.indexOf; - var class2type = {}; - var toString = class2type.toString; - var hasOwn = class2type.hasOwnProperty; - var fnToString = hasOwn.toString; - var ObjectFunctionString = fnToString.call(Object); - var support = {}; - - var isFunction = function isFunction(obj) { - // Support: Chrome <=57, Firefox <=52 - // In some browsers, typeof returns "function" for HTML elements - // (i.e., `typeof document.createElement( "object" ) === "function"`). - // We don't want to classify *any* DOM node as a function. - return typeof obj === "function" && typeof obj.nodeType !== "number"; - }; - - var isWindow = function isWindow(obj) { - return obj != null && obj === obj.window; - }; - - var preservedScriptAttributes = { - type: true, - src: true, - nonce: true, - noModule: true - }; - - function DOMEval(code, node, doc) { - doc = doc || document; - var i, - val, - script = doc.createElement("script"); - script.text = code; - - if (node) { - for (i in preservedScriptAttributes) { - // Support: Firefox 64+, Edge 18+ - // Some browsers don't support the "nonce" property on scripts. - // On the other hand, just using `getAttribute` is not enough as - // the `nonce` attribute is reset to an empty string whenever it - // becomes browsing-context connected. - // See https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/2369 - // See https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#nonce-attributes - // The `node.getAttribute` check was added for the sake of - // `jQuery.globalEval` so that it can fake a nonce-containing node - // via an object. - val = node[i] || node.getAttribute && node.getAttribute(i); - - if (val) { - script.setAttribute(i, val); - } - } - } - - doc.head.appendChild(script).parentNode.removeChild(script); - } - - function toType(obj) { - if (obj == null) { - return obj + ""; - } // Support: Android <=2.3 only (functionish RegExp) - - - return _typeof(obj) === "object" || typeof obj === "function" ? class2type[toString.call(obj)] || "object" : _typeof(obj); - } - /* global Symbol */ - // Defining this global in .eslintrc.json would create a danger of using the global - // unguarded in another place, it seems safer to define global only for this module - - - var version = "3.4.1", - // Define a local copy of jQuery - jQuery = function jQuery(selector, context) { - // The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor 'enhanced' - // Need init if jQuery is called (just allow error to be thrown if not included) - return new jQuery.fn.init(selector, context); - }, - // Support: Android <=4.0 only - // Make sure we trim BOM and NBSP - rtrim = /^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g; - - jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = { - // The current version of jQuery being used - jquery: version, - constructor: jQuery, - // The default length of a jQuery object is 0 - length: 0, - toArray: function toArray() { - return _slice.call(this); - }, - // Get the Nth element in the matched element set OR - // Get the whole matched element set as a clean array - get: function get(num) { - // Return all the elements in a clean array - if (num == null) { - return _slice.call(this); - } // Return just the one element from the set - - - return num < 0 ? this[num + this.length] : this[num]; - }, - // Take an array of elements and push it onto the stack - // (returning the new matched element set) - pushStack: function pushStack(elems) { - // Build a new jQuery matched element set - var ret = jQuery.merge(this.constructor(), elems); // Add the old object onto the stack (as a reference) - - ret.prevObject = this; // Return the newly-formed element set - - return ret; - }, - // Execute a callback for every element in the matched set. - each: function each(callback) { - return jQuery.each(this, callback); - }, - map: function map(callback) { - return this.pushStack(jQuery.map(this, function (elem, i) { - return callback.call(elem, i, elem); - })); - }, - slice: function slice() { - return this.pushStack(_slice.apply(this, arguments)); - }, - first: function first() { - return this.eq(0); - }, - last: function last() { - return this.eq(-1); - }, - eq: function eq(i) { - var len = this.length, - j = +i + (i < 0 ? len : 0); - return this.pushStack(j >= 0 && j < len ? [this[j]] : []); - }, - end: function end() { - return this.prevObject || this.constructor(); - }, - // For internal use only. - // Behaves like an Array's method, not like a jQuery method. - push: push, - sort: arr.sort, - splice: arr.splice - }; - - jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function () { - var options, - name, - src, - copy, - copyIsArray, - clone, - target = arguments[0] || {}, - i = 1, - length = arguments.length, - deep = false; // Handle a deep copy situation - - if (typeof target === "boolean") { - deep = target; // Skip the boolean and the target - - target = arguments[i] || {}; - i++; - } // Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy) - - - if (_typeof(target) !== "object" && !isFunction(target)) { - target = {}; - } // Extend jQuery itself if only one argument is passed - - - if (i === length) { - target = this; - i--; - } - - for (; i < length; i++) { - // Only deal with non-null/undefined values - if ((options = arguments[i]) != null) { - // Extend the base object - for (name in options) { - copy = options[name]; // Prevent Object.prototype pollution - // Prevent never-ending loop - - if (name === "__proto__" || target === copy) { - continue; - } // Recurse if we're merging plain objects or arrays - - - if (deep && copy && (jQuery.isPlainObject(copy) || (copyIsArray = Array.isArray(copy)))) { - src = target[name]; // Ensure proper type for the source value - - if (copyIsArray && !Array.isArray(src)) { - clone = []; - } else if (!copyIsArray && !jQuery.isPlainObject(src)) { - clone = {}; - } else { - clone = src; - } - - copyIsArray = false; // Never move original objects, clone them - - target[name] = jQuery.extend(deep, clone, copy); // Don't bring in undefined values - } else if (copy !== undefined) { - target[name] = copy; - } - } - } - } // Return the modified object - - - return target; - }; - - jQuery.extend({ - // Unique for each copy of jQuery on the page - expando: "jQuery" + (version + Math.random()).replace(/\D/g, ""), - // Assume jQuery is ready without the ready module - isReady: true, - error: function error(msg) { - throw new Error(msg); - }, - noop: function noop() {}, - isPlainObject: function isPlainObject(obj) { - var proto, Ctor; // Detect obvious negatives - // Use toString instead of jQuery.type to catch host objects - - if (!obj || toString.call(obj) !== "[object Object]") { - return false; - } - - proto = getProto(obj); // Objects with no prototype (e.g., `Object.create( null )`) are plain - - if (!proto) { - return true; - } // Objects with prototype are plain iff they were constructed by a global Object function - - - Ctor = hasOwn.call(proto, "constructor") && proto.constructor; - return typeof Ctor === "function" && fnToString.call(Ctor) === ObjectFunctionString; - }, - isEmptyObject: function isEmptyObject(obj) { - var name; - - for (name in obj) { - return false; - } - - return true; - }, - // Evaluates a script in a global context - globalEval: function globalEval(code, options) { - DOMEval(code, { - nonce: options && options.nonce - }); - }, - each: function each(obj, callback) { - var length, - i = 0; - - if (isArrayLike(obj)) { - length = obj.length; - - for (; i < length; i++) { - if (callback.call(obj[i], i, obj[i]) === false) { - break; - } - } - } else { - for (i in obj) { - if (callback.call(obj[i], i, obj[i]) === false) { - break; - } - } - } - - return obj; - }, - // Support: Android <=4.0 only - trim: function trim(text) { - return text == null ? "" : (text + "").replace(rtrim, ""); - }, - // results is for internal usage only - makeArray: function makeArray(arr, results) { - var ret = results || []; - - if (arr != null) { - if (isArrayLike(Object(arr))) { - jQuery.merge(ret, typeof arr === "string" ? [arr] : arr); - } else { - push.call(ret, arr); - } - } - - return ret; - }, - inArray: function inArray(elem, arr, i) { - return arr == null ? -1 : indexOf.call(arr, elem, i); - }, - // Support: Android <=4.0 only, PhantomJS 1 only - // push.apply(_, arraylike) throws on ancient WebKit - merge: function merge(first, second) { - var len = +second.length, - j = 0, - i = first.length; - - for (; j < len; j++) { - first[i++] = second[j]; - } - - first.length = i; - return first; - }, - grep: function grep(elems, callback, invert) { - var callbackInverse, - matches = [], - i = 0, - length = elems.length, - callbackExpect = !invert; // Go through the array, only saving the items - // that pass the validator function - - for (; i < length; i++) { - callbackInverse = !callback(elems[i], i); - - if (callbackInverse !== callbackExpect) { - matches.push(elems[i]); - } - } - - return matches; - }, - // arg is for internal usage only - map: function map(elems, callback, arg) { - var length, - value, - i = 0, - ret = []; // Go through the array, translating each of the items to their new values - - if (isArrayLike(elems)) { - length = elems.length; - - for (; i < length; i++) { - value = callback(elems[i], i, arg); - - if (value != null) { - ret.push(value); - } - } // Go through every key on the object, - - } else { - for (i in elems) { - value = callback(elems[i], i, arg); - - if (value != null) { - ret.push(value); - } - } - } // Flatten any nested arrays - - - return concat.apply([], ret); - }, - // A global GUID counter for objects - guid: 1, - // jQuery.support is not used in Core but other projects attach their - // properties to it so it needs to exist. - support: support - }); - - if (typeof Symbol === "function") { - jQuery.fn[Symbol.iterator] = arr[Symbol.iterator]; - } // Populate the class2type map - - - jQuery.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error Symbol".split(" "), function (i, name) { - class2type["[object " + name + "]"] = name.toLowerCase(); - }); - - function isArrayLike(obj) { - // Support: real iOS 8.2 only (not reproducible in simulator) - // `in` check used to prevent JIT error (gh-2145) - // hasOwn isn't used here due to false negatives - // regarding Nodelist length in IE - var length = !!obj && "length" in obj && obj.length, - type = toType(obj); - - if (isFunction(obj) || isWindow(obj)) { - return false; - } - - return type === "array" || length === 0 || typeof length === "number" && length > 0 && length - 1 in obj; - } - - var Sizzle = - /*! - * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine v2.3.4 + * Date: 2021-03-02T17:08Z + */!function(t,n){"use strict";"object"===r(e)&&"object"===r(e.exports)?e.exports=t.document?n(t,!0):function(e){if(!e.document)throw new Error("jQuery requires a window with a document");return n(e)}:n(t)}("undefined"!=typeof window?window:this,(function(o,i){"use strict";var a=[],s=Object.getPrototypeOf,u=a.slice,c=a.flat?function(e){return a.flat.call(e)}:function(e){return a.concat.apply([],e)},l=a.push,f=a.indexOf,d={},p=d.toString,h=d.hasOwnProperty,m=h.toString,v=m.call(Object),g={},y=function(e){return"function"==typeof e&&"number"!=typeof e.nodeType&&"function"!=typeof e.item},b=function(e){return null!=e&&e===e.window},w=o.document,x={type:!0,src:!0,nonce:!0,noModule:!0};function T(e,t,n){var r,o,i=(n=n||w).createElement("script");if(i.text=e,t)for(r in x)(o=t[r]||t.getAttribute&&t.getAttribute(r))&&i.setAttribute(r,o);n.head.appendChild(i).parentNode.removeChild(i)}function E(e){return null==e?e+"":"object"===r(e)||"function"==typeof e?d[p.call(e)]||"object":r(e)}var k=function e(t,n){return new e.fn.init(t,n)};function C(e){var t=!!e&&"length"in e&&e.length,n=E(e);return!y(e)&&!b(e)&&("array"===n||0===t||"number"==typeof t&&t>0&&t-1 in e)}k.fn=k.prototype={jquery:"3.6.0",constructor:k,length:0,toArray:function(){return u.call(this)},get:function(e){return null==e?u.call(this):e<0?this[e+this.length]:this[e]},pushStack:function(e){var t=k.merge(this.constructor(),e);return t.prevObject=this,t},each:function(e){return k.each(this,e)},map:function(e){return this.pushStack(k.map(this,(function(t,n){return e.call(t,n,t)})))},slice:function(){return this.pushStack(u.apply(this,arguments))},first:function(){return this.eq(0)},last:function(){return this.eq(-1)},even:function(){return this.pushStack(k.grep(this,(function(e,t){return(t+1)%2})))},odd:function(){return this.pushStack(k.grep(this,(function(e,t){return t%2})))},eq:function(e){var t=this.length,n=+e+(e<0?t:0);return this.pushStack(n>=0&&n+~]|" + whitespace + ")" + whitespace + "*"), - rdescend = new RegExp(whitespace + "|>"), - rpseudo = new RegExp(pseudos), - ridentifier = new RegExp("^" + identifier + "$"), - matchExpr = { - "ID": new RegExp("^#(" + identifier + ")"), - "CLASS": new RegExp("^\\.(" + identifier + ")"), - "TAG": new RegExp("^(" + identifier + "|[*])"), - "ATTR": new RegExp("^" + attributes), - "PSEUDO": new RegExp("^" + pseudos), - "CHILD": new RegExp("^:(only|first|last|nth|nth-last)-(child|of-type)(?:\\(" + whitespace + "*(even|odd|(([+-]|)(\\d*)n|)" + whitespace + "*(?:([+-]|)" + whitespace + "*(\\d+)|))" + whitespace + "*\\)|)", "i"), - "bool": new RegExp("^(?:" + booleans + ")$", "i"), - // For use in libraries implementing .is() - // We use this for POS matching in `select` - "needsContext": new RegExp("^" + whitespace + "*[>+~]|:(even|odd|eq|gt|lt|nth|first|last)(?:\\(" + whitespace + "*((?:-\\d)?\\d*)" + whitespace + "*\\)|)(?=[^-]|$)", "i") - }, - rhtml = /HTML$/i, - rinputs = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i, - rheader = /^h\d$/i, - rnative = /^[^{]+\{\s*\[native \w/, - // Easily-parseable/retrievable ID or TAG or CLASS selectors - rquickExpr = /^(?:#([\w-]+)|(\w+)|\.([\w-]+))$/, - rsibling = /[+~]/, - // CSS escapes - // http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#escaped-characters - runescape = new RegExp("\\\\([\\da-f]{1,6}" + whitespace + "?|(" + whitespace + ")|.)", "ig"), - funescape = function funescape(_, escaped, escapedWhitespace) { - var high = "0x" + escaped - 0x10000; // NaN means non-codepoint - // Support: Firefox<24 - // Workaround erroneous numeric interpretation of +"0x" - - return high !== high || escapedWhitespace ? escaped : high < 0 ? // BMP codepoint - String.fromCharCode(high + 0x10000) : // Supplemental Plane codepoint (surrogate pair) - String.fromCharCode(high >> 10 | 0xD800, high & 0x3FF | 0xDC00); - }, - // CSS string/identifier serialization - // https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#common-serializing-idioms - rcssescape = /([\0-\x1f\x7f]|^-?\d)|^-$|[^\0-\x1f\x7f-\uFFFF\w-]/g, - fcssescape = function fcssescape(ch, asCodePoint) { - if (asCodePoint) { - // U+0000 NULL becomes U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER - if (ch === "\0") { - return "\uFFFD"; - } // Control characters and (dependent upon position) numbers get escaped as code points - - - return ch.slice(0, -1) + "\\" + ch.charCodeAt(ch.length - 1).toString(16) + " "; - } // Other potentially-special ASCII characters get backslash-escaped - - - return "\\" + ch; - }, - // Used for iframes - // See setDocument() - // Removing the function wrapper causes a "Permission Denied" - // error in IE - unloadHandler = function unloadHandler() { - setDocument(); - }, - inDisabledFieldset = addCombinator(function (elem) { - return elem.disabled === true && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "fieldset"; - }, { - dir: "parentNode", - next: "legend" - }); // Optimize for push.apply( _, NodeList ) - - - try { - push.apply(arr = slice.call(preferredDoc.childNodes), preferredDoc.childNodes); // Support: Android<4.0 - // Detect silently failing push.apply - - arr[preferredDoc.childNodes.length].nodeType; - } catch (e) { - push = { - apply: arr.length ? // Leverage slice if possible - function (target, els) { - push_native.apply(target, slice.call(els)); - } : // Support: IE<9 - // Otherwise append directly - function (target, els) { - var j = target.length, - i = 0; // Can't trust NodeList.length - - while (target[j++] = els[i++]) {} - - target.length = j - 1; - } - }; - } - - function Sizzle(selector, context, results, seed) { - var m, - i, - elem, - nid, - match, - groups, - newSelector, - newContext = context && context.ownerDocument, - // nodeType defaults to 9, since context defaults to document - nodeType = context ? context.nodeType : 9; - results = results || []; // Return early from calls with invalid selector or context - - if (typeof selector !== "string" || !selector || nodeType !== 1 && nodeType !== 9 && nodeType !== 11) { - return results; - } // Try to shortcut find operations (as opposed to filters) in HTML documents - - - if (!seed) { - if ((context ? context.ownerDocument || context : preferredDoc) !== document) { - setDocument(context); - } - - context = context || document; - - if (documentIsHTML) { - // If the selector is sufficiently simple, try using a "get*By*" DOM method - // (excepting DocumentFragment context, where the methods don't exist) - if (nodeType !== 11 && (match = rquickExpr.exec(selector))) { - // ID selector - if (m = match[1]) { - // Document context - if (nodeType === 9) { - if (elem = context.getElementById(m)) { - // Support: IE, Opera, Webkit - // TODO: identify versions - // getElementById can match elements by name instead of ID - if (elem.id === m) { - results.push(elem); - return results; - } - } else { - return results; - } // Element context - - } else { - // Support: IE, Opera, Webkit - // TODO: identify versions - // getElementById can match elements by name instead of ID - if (newContext && (elem = newContext.getElementById(m)) && contains(context, elem) && elem.id === m) { - results.push(elem); - return results; - } - } // Type selector - - } else if (match[2]) { - push.apply(results, context.getElementsByTagName(selector)); - return results; // Class selector - } else if ((m = match[3]) && support.getElementsByClassName && context.getElementsByClassName) { - push.apply(results, context.getElementsByClassName(m)); - return results; - } - } // Take advantage of querySelectorAll - - - if (support.qsa && !nonnativeSelectorCache[selector + " "] && (!rbuggyQSA || !rbuggyQSA.test(selector)) && ( // Support: IE 8 only - // Exclude object elements - nodeType !== 1 || context.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "object")) { - newSelector = selector; - newContext = context; // qSA considers elements outside a scoping root when evaluating child or - // descendant combinators, which is not what we want. - // In such cases, we work around the behavior by prefixing every selector in the - // list with an ID selector referencing the scope context. - // Thanks to Andrew Dupont for this technique. - - if (nodeType === 1 && rdescend.test(selector)) { - // Capture the context ID, setting it first if necessary - if (nid = context.getAttribute("id")) { - nid = nid.replace(rcssescape, fcssescape); - } else { - context.setAttribute("id", nid = expando); - } // Prefix every selector in the list - - - groups = tokenize(selector); - i = groups.length; - - while (i--) { - groups[i] = "#" + nid + " " + toSelector(groups[i]); - } - - newSelector = groups.join(","); // Expand context for sibling selectors - - newContext = rsibling.test(selector) && testContext(context.parentNode) || context; - } - - try { - push.apply(results, newContext.querySelectorAll(newSelector)); - return results; - } catch (qsaError) { - nonnativeSelectorCache(selector, true); - } finally { - if (nid === expando) { - context.removeAttribute("id"); - } - } - } - } - } // All others - - - return select(selector.replace(rtrim, "$1"), context, results, seed); - } - /** - * Create key-value caches of limited size - * @returns {function(string, object)} Returns the Object data after storing it on itself with - * property name the (space-suffixed) string and (if the cache is larger than Expr.cacheLength) - * deleting the oldest entry - */ - - - function createCache() { - var keys = []; - - function cache(key, value) { - // Use (key + " ") to avoid collision with native prototype properties (see Issue #157) - if (keys.push(key + " ") > Expr.cacheLength) { - // Only keep the most recent entries - delete cache[keys.shift()]; - } - - return cache[key + " "] = value; - } - - return cache; - } - /** - * Mark a function for special use by Sizzle - * @param {Function} fn The function to mark - */ - - - function markFunction(fn) { - fn[expando] = true; - return fn; - } - /** - * Support testing using an element - * @param {Function} fn Passed the created element and returns a boolean result - */ - - - function assert(fn) { - var el = document.createElement("fieldset"); - - try { - return !!fn(el); - } catch (e) { - return false; - } finally { - // Remove from its parent by default - if (el.parentNode) { - el.parentNode.removeChild(el); - } // release memory in IE - - - el = null; - } - } - /** - * Adds the same handler for all of the specified attrs - * @param {String} attrs Pipe-separated list of attributes - * @param {Function} handler The method that will be applied - */ - - - function addHandle(attrs, handler) { - var arr = attrs.split("|"), - i = arr.length; - - while (i--) { - Expr.attrHandle[arr[i]] = handler; - } - } - /** - * Checks document order of two siblings - * @param {Element} a - * @param {Element} b - * @returns {Number} Returns less than 0 if a precedes b, greater than 0 if a follows b - */ - - - function siblingCheck(a, b) { - var cur = b && a, - diff = cur && a.nodeType === 1 && b.nodeType === 1 && a.sourceIndex - b.sourceIndex; // Use IE sourceIndex if available on both nodes - - if (diff) { - return diff; - } // Check if b follows a - - - if (cur) { - while (cur = cur.nextSibling) { - if (cur === b) { - return -1; - } - } - } - - return a ? 1 : -1; - } - /** - * Returns a function to use in pseudos for input types - * @param {String} type - */ - - - function createInputPseudo(type) { - return function (elem) { - var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(); - return name === "input" && elem.type === type; - }; - } - /** - * Returns a function to use in pseudos for buttons - * @param {String} type - */ - - - function createButtonPseudo(type) { - return function (elem) { - var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(); - return (name === "input" || name === "button") && elem.type === type; - }; - } - /** - * Returns a function to use in pseudos for :enabled/:disabled - * @param {Boolean} disabled true for :disabled; false for :enabled - */ - - - function createDisabledPseudo(disabled) { - // Known :disabled false positives: fieldset[disabled] > legend:nth-of-type(n+2) :can-disable - return function (elem) { - // Only certain elements can match :enabled or :disabled - // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/scripting.html#selector-enabled - // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/scripting.html#selector-disabled - if ("form" in elem) { - // Check for inherited disabledness on relevant non-disabled elements: - // * listed form-associated elements in a disabled fieldset - // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/forms.html#category-listed - // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/forms.html#concept-fe-disabled - // * option elements in a disabled optgroup - // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/forms.html#concept-option-disabled - // All such elements have a "form" property. - if (elem.parentNode && elem.disabled === false) { - // Option elements defer to a parent optgroup if present - if ("label" in elem) { - if ("label" in elem.parentNode) { - return elem.parentNode.disabled === disabled; - } else { - return elem.disabled === disabled; - } - } // Support: IE 6 - 11 - // Use the isDisabled shortcut property to check for disabled fieldset ancestors - - - return elem.isDisabled === disabled || // Where there is no isDisabled, check manually - - /* jshint -W018 */ - elem.isDisabled !== !disabled && inDisabledFieldset(elem) === disabled; - } - - return elem.disabled === disabled; // Try to winnow out elements that can't be disabled before trusting the disabled property. - // Some victims get caught in our net (label, legend, menu, track), but it shouldn't - // even exist on them, let alone have a boolean value. - } else if ("label" in elem) { - return elem.disabled === disabled; - } // Remaining elements are neither :enabled nor :disabled - - - return false; - }; - } - /** - * Returns a function to use in pseudos for positionals - * @param {Function} fn - */ - - - function createPositionalPseudo(fn) { - return markFunction(function (argument) { - argument = +argument; - return markFunction(function (seed, matches) { - var j, - matchIndexes = fn([], seed.length, argument), - i = matchIndexes.length; // Match elements found at the specified indexes - - while (i--) { - if (seed[j = matchIndexes[i]]) { - seed[j] = !(matches[j] = seed[j]); - } - } - }); - }); - } - /** - * Checks a node for validity as a Sizzle context - * @param {Element|Object=} context - * @returns {Element|Object|Boolean} The input node if acceptable, otherwise a falsy value - */ - - - function testContext(context) { - return context && typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" && context; - } // Expose support vars for convenience - - - support = Sizzle.support = {}; - /** - * Detects XML nodes - * @param {Element|Object} elem An element or a document - * @returns {Boolean} True iff elem is a non-HTML XML node - */ - - isXML = Sizzle.isXML = function (elem) { - var namespace = elem.namespaceURI, - docElem = (elem.ownerDocument || elem).documentElement; // Support: IE <=8 - // Assume HTML when documentElement doesn't yet exist, such as inside loading iframes - // https://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/4833 - - return !rhtml.test(namespace || docElem && docElem.nodeName || "HTML"); - }; - /** - * Sets document-related variables once based on the current document - * @param {Element|Object} [doc] An element or document object to use to set the document - * @returns {Object} Returns the current document - */ - - - setDocument = Sizzle.setDocument = function (node) { - var hasCompare, - subWindow, - doc = node ? node.ownerDocument || node : preferredDoc; // Return early if doc is invalid or already selected - - if (doc === document || doc.nodeType !== 9 || !doc.documentElement) { - return document; - } // Update global variables - - - document = doc; - docElem = document.documentElement; - documentIsHTML = !isXML(document); // Support: IE 9-11, Edge - // Accessing iframe documents after unload throws "permission denied" errors (jQuery #13936) - - if (preferredDoc !== document && (subWindow = document.defaultView) && subWindow.top !== subWindow) { - // Support: IE 11, Edge - if (subWindow.addEventListener) { - subWindow.addEventListener("unload", unloadHandler, false); // Support: IE 9 - 10 only - } else if (subWindow.attachEvent) { - subWindow.attachEvent("onunload", unloadHandler); - } - } - /* Attributes - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ - // Support: IE<8 - // Verify that getAttribute really returns attributes and not properties - // (excepting IE8 booleans) - - - support.attributes = assert(function (el) { - el.className = "i"; - return !el.getAttribute("className"); - }); - /* getElement(s)By* - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ - // Check if getElementsByTagName("*") returns only elements - - support.getElementsByTagName = assert(function (el) { - el.appendChild(document.createComment("")); - return !el.getElementsByTagName("*").length; - }); // Support: IE<9 - - support.getElementsByClassName = rnative.test(document.getElementsByClassName); // Support: IE<10 - // Check if getElementById returns elements by name - // The broken getElementById methods don't pick up programmatically-set names, - // so use a roundabout getElementsByName test - - support.getById = assert(function (el) { - docElem.appendChild(el).id = expando; - return !document.getElementsByName || !document.getElementsByName(expando).length; - }); // ID filter and find - - if (support.getById) { - Expr.filter["ID"] = function (id) { - var attrId = id.replace(runescape, funescape); - return function (elem) { - return elem.getAttribute("id") === attrId; - }; - }; - - Expr.find["ID"] = function (id, context) { - if (typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && documentIsHTML) { - var elem = context.getElementById(id); - return elem ? [elem] : []; - } - }; - } else { - Expr.filter["ID"] = function (id) { - var attrId = id.replace(runescape, funescape); - return function (elem) { - var node = typeof elem.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && elem.getAttributeNode("id"); - return node && node.value === attrId; - }; - }; // Support: IE 6 - 7 only - // getElementById is not reliable as a find shortcut - - - Expr.find["ID"] = function (id, context) { - if (typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && documentIsHTML) { - var node, - i, - elems, - elem = context.getElementById(id); - - if (elem) { - // Verify the id attribute - node = elem.getAttributeNode("id"); - - if (node && node.value === id) { - return [elem]; - } // Fall back on getElementsByName - - - elems = context.getElementsByName(id); - i = 0; - - while (elem = elems[i++]) { - node = elem.getAttributeNode("id"); - - if (node && node.value === id) { - return [elem]; - } - } - } - - return []; - } - }; - } // Tag - - - Expr.find["TAG"] = support.getElementsByTagName ? function (tag, context) { - if (typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined") { - return context.getElementsByTagName(tag); // DocumentFragment nodes don't have gEBTN - } else if (support.qsa) { - return context.querySelectorAll(tag); - } - } : function (tag, context) { - var elem, - tmp = [], - i = 0, - // By happy coincidence, a (broken) gEBTN appears on DocumentFragment nodes too - results = context.getElementsByTagName(tag); // Filter out possible comments - - if (tag === "*") { - while (elem = results[i++]) { - if (elem.nodeType === 1) { - tmp.push(elem); - } - } - - return tmp; - } - - return results; - }; // Class - - Expr.find["CLASS"] = support.getElementsByClassName && function (className, context) { - if (typeof context.getElementsByClassName !== "undefined" && documentIsHTML) { - return context.getElementsByClassName(className); - } - }; - /* QSA/matchesSelector - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ - // QSA and matchesSelector support - // matchesSelector(:active) reports false when true (IE9/Opera 11.5) - - - rbuggyMatches = []; // qSa(:focus) reports false when true (Chrome 21) - // We allow this because of a bug in IE8/9 that throws an error - // whenever `document.activeElement` is accessed on an iframe - // So, we allow :focus to pass through QSA all the time to avoid the IE error - // See https://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/13378 - - rbuggyQSA = []; - - if (support.qsa = rnative.test(document.querySelectorAll)) { - // Build QSA regex - // Regex strategy adopted from Diego Perini - assert(function (el) { - // Select is set to empty string on purpose - // This is to test IE's treatment of not explicitly - // setting a boolean content attribute, - // since its presence should be enough - // https://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/12359 - docElem.appendChild(el).innerHTML = "" + ""; // Support: IE8, Opera 11-12.16 - // Nothing should be selected when empty strings follow ^= or $= or *= - // The test attribute must be unknown in Opera but "safe" for WinRT - // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/hh465388.aspx#attribute_section - - if (el.querySelectorAll("[msallowcapture^='']").length) { - rbuggyQSA.push("[*^$]=" + whitespace + "*(?:''|\"\")"); - } // Support: IE8 - // Boolean attributes and "value" are not treated correctly - - - if (!el.querySelectorAll("[selected]").length) { - rbuggyQSA.push("\\[" + whitespace + "*(?:value|" + booleans + ")"); - } // Support: Chrome<29, Android<4.4, Safari<7.0+, iOS<7.0+, PhantomJS<1.9.8+ - - - if (!el.querySelectorAll("[id~=" + expando + "-]").length) { - rbuggyQSA.push("~="); - } // Webkit/Opera - :checked should return selected option elements - // http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-css3-selectors-20110929/#checked - // IE8 throws error here and will not see later tests - - - if (!el.querySelectorAll(":checked").length) { - rbuggyQSA.push(":checked"); - } // Support: Safari 8+, iOS 8+ - // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=136851 - // In-page `selector#id sibling-combinator selector` fails - - - if (!el.querySelectorAll("a#" + expando + "+*").length) { - rbuggyQSA.push(".#.+[+~]"); - } - }); - assert(function (el) { - el.innerHTML = "" + ""; // Support: Windows 8 Native Apps - // The type and name attributes are restricted during .innerHTML assignment - - var input = document.createElement("input"); - input.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); - el.appendChild(input).setAttribute("name", "D"); // Support: IE8 - // Enforce case-sensitivity of name attribute - - if (el.querySelectorAll("[name=d]").length) { - rbuggyQSA.push("name" + whitespace + "*[*^$|!~]?="); - } // FF 3.5 - :enabled/:disabled and hidden elements (hidden elements are still enabled) - // IE8 throws error here and will not see later tests - - - if (el.querySelectorAll(":enabled").length !== 2) { - rbuggyQSA.push(":enabled", ":disabled"); - } // Support: IE9-11+ - // IE's :disabled selector does not pick up the children of disabled fieldsets - - - docElem.appendChild(el).disabled = true; - - if (el.querySelectorAll(":disabled").length !== 2) { - rbuggyQSA.push(":enabled", ":disabled"); - } // Opera 10-11 does not throw on post-comma invalid pseudos - - - el.querySelectorAll("*,:x"); - rbuggyQSA.push(",.*:"); - }); - } - - if (support.matchesSelector = rnative.test(matches = docElem.matches || docElem.webkitMatchesSelector || docElem.mozMatchesSelector || docElem.oMatchesSelector || docElem.msMatchesSelector)) { - assert(function (el) { - // Check to see if it's possible to do matchesSelector - // on a disconnected node (IE 9) - support.disconnectedMatch = matches.call(el, "*"); // This should fail with an exception - // Gecko does not error, returns false instead - - matches.call(el, "[s!='']:x"); - rbuggyMatches.push("!=", pseudos); - }); - } - - rbuggyQSA = rbuggyQSA.length && new RegExp(rbuggyQSA.join("|")); - rbuggyMatches = rbuggyMatches.length && new RegExp(rbuggyMatches.join("|")); - /* Contains - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ - - hasCompare = rnative.test(docElem.compareDocumentPosition); // Element contains another - // Purposefully self-exclusive - // As in, an element does not contain itself - - contains = hasCompare || rnative.test(docElem.contains) ? function (a, b) { - var adown = a.nodeType === 9 ? a.documentElement : a, - bup = b && b.parentNode; - return a === bup || !!(bup && bup.nodeType === 1 && (adown.contains ? adown.contains(bup) : a.compareDocumentPosition && a.compareDocumentPosition(bup) & 16)); - } : function (a, b) { - if (b) { - while (b = b.parentNode) { - if (b === a) { - return true; - } - } - } - - return false; - }; - /* Sorting - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ - // Document order sorting - - sortOrder = hasCompare ? function (a, b) { - // Flag for duplicate removal - if (a === b) { - hasDuplicate = true; - return 0; - } // Sort on method existence if only one input has compareDocumentPosition - - - var compare = !a.compareDocumentPosition - !b.compareDocumentPosition; - - if (compare) { - return compare; - } // Calculate position if both inputs belong to the same document - - - compare = (a.ownerDocument || a) === (b.ownerDocument || b) ? a.compareDocumentPosition(b) : // Otherwise we know they are disconnected - 1; // Disconnected nodes - - if (compare & 1 || !support.sortDetached && b.compareDocumentPosition(a) === compare) { - // Choose the first element that is related to our preferred document - if (a === document || a.ownerDocument === preferredDoc && contains(preferredDoc, a)) { - return -1; - } - - if (b === document || b.ownerDocument === preferredDoc && contains(preferredDoc, b)) { - return 1; - } // Maintain original order - - - return sortInput ? indexOf(sortInput, a) - indexOf(sortInput, b) : 0; - } - - return compare & 4 ? -1 : 1; - } : function (a, b) { - // Exit early if the nodes are identical - if (a === b) { - hasDuplicate = true; - return 0; - } - - var cur, - i = 0, - aup = a.parentNode, - bup = b.parentNode, - ap = [a], - bp = [b]; // Parentless nodes are either documents or disconnected - - if (!aup || !bup) { - return a === document ? -1 : b === document ? 1 : aup ? -1 : bup ? 1 : sortInput ? indexOf(sortInput, a) - indexOf(sortInput, b) : 0; // If the nodes are siblings, we can do a quick check - } else if (aup === bup) { - return siblingCheck(a, b); - } // Otherwise we need full lists of their ancestors for comparison - - - cur = a; - - while (cur = cur.parentNode) { - ap.unshift(cur); - } - - cur = b; - - while (cur = cur.parentNode) { - bp.unshift(cur); - } // Walk down the tree looking for a discrepancy - - - while (ap[i] === bp[i]) { - i++; - } - - return i ? // Do a sibling check if the nodes have a common ancestor - siblingCheck(ap[i], bp[i]) : // Otherwise nodes in our document sort first - ap[i] === preferredDoc ? -1 : bp[i] === preferredDoc ? 1 : 0; - }; - return document; - }; - - Sizzle.matches = function (expr, elements) { - return Sizzle(expr, null, null, elements); - }; - - Sizzle.matchesSelector = function (elem, expr) { - // Set document vars if needed - if ((elem.ownerDocument || elem) !== document) { - setDocument(elem); - } - - if (support.matchesSelector && documentIsHTML && !nonnativeSelectorCache[expr + " "] && (!rbuggyMatches || !rbuggyMatches.test(expr)) && (!rbuggyQSA || !rbuggyQSA.test(expr))) { - try { - var ret = matches.call(elem, expr); // IE 9's matchesSelector returns false on disconnected nodes - - if (ret || support.disconnectedMatch || // As well, disconnected nodes are said to be in a document - // fragment in IE 9 - elem.document && elem.document.nodeType !== 11) { - return ret; - } - } catch (e) { - nonnativeSelectorCache(expr, true); - } - } - - return Sizzle(expr, document, null, [elem]).length > 0; - }; - - Sizzle.contains = function (context, elem) { - // Set document vars if needed - if ((context.ownerDocument || context) !== document) { - setDocument(context); - } - - return contains(context, elem); - }; - - Sizzle.attr = function (elem, name) { - // Set document vars if needed - if ((elem.ownerDocument || elem) !== document) { - setDocument(elem); - } - - var fn = Expr.attrHandle[name.toLowerCase()], - // Don't get fooled by Object.prototype properties (jQuery #13807) - val = fn && hasOwn.call(Expr.attrHandle, name.toLowerCase()) ? fn(elem, name, !documentIsHTML) : undefined; - return val !== undefined ? val : support.attributes || !documentIsHTML ? elem.getAttribute(name) : (val = elem.getAttributeNode(name)) && val.specified ? val.value : null; - }; - - Sizzle.escape = function (sel) { - return (sel + "").replace(rcssescape, fcssescape); - }; - - Sizzle.error = function (msg) { - throw new Error("Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + msg); - }; - /** - * Document sorting and removing duplicates - * @param {ArrayLike} results - */ - - - Sizzle.uniqueSort = function (results) { - var elem, - duplicates = [], - j = 0, - i = 0; // Unless we *know* we can detect duplicates, assume their presence - - hasDuplicate = !support.detectDuplicates; - sortInput = !support.sortStable && results.slice(0); - results.sort(sortOrder); - - if (hasDuplicate) { - while (elem = results[i++]) { - if (elem === results[i]) { - j = duplicates.push(i); - } - } - - while (j--) { - results.splice(duplicates[j], 1); - } - } // Clear input after sorting to release objects - // See https://github.com/jquery/sizzle/pull/225 - - - sortInput = null; - return results; - }; - /** - * Utility function for retrieving the text value of an array of DOM nodes - * @param {Array|Element} elem - */ - - - getText = Sizzle.getText = function (elem) { - var node, - ret = "", - i = 0, - nodeType = elem.nodeType; - - if (!nodeType) { - // If no nodeType, this is expected to be an array - while (node = elem[i++]) { - // Do not traverse comment nodes - ret += getText(node); - } - } else if (nodeType === 1 || nodeType === 9 || nodeType === 11) { - // Use textContent for elements - // innerText usage removed for consistency of new lines (jQuery #11153) - if (typeof elem.textContent === "string") { - return elem.textContent; - } else { - // Traverse its children - for (elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling) { - ret += getText(elem); - } - } - } else if (nodeType === 3 || nodeType === 4) { - return elem.nodeValue; - } // Do not include comment or processing instruction nodes - - - return ret; - }; - - Expr = Sizzle.selectors = { - // Can be adjusted by the user - cacheLength: 50, - createPseudo: markFunction, - match: matchExpr, - attrHandle: {}, - find: {}, - relative: { - ">": { - dir: "parentNode", - first: true - }, - " ": { - dir: "parentNode" - }, - "+": { - dir: "previousSibling", - first: true - }, - "~": { - dir: "previousSibling" - } - }, - preFilter: { - "ATTR": function ATTR(match) { - match[1] = match[1].replace(runescape, funescape); // Move the given value to match[3] whether quoted or unquoted - - match[3] = (match[3] || match[4] || match[5] || "").replace(runescape, funescape); - - if (match[2] === "~=") { - match[3] = " " + match[3] + " "; - } - - return match.slice(0, 4); - }, - "CHILD": function CHILD(match) { - /* matches from matchExpr["CHILD"] - 1 type (only|nth|...) - 2 what (child|of-type) - 3 argument (even|odd|\d*|\d*n([+-]\d+)?|...) - 4 xn-component of xn+y argument ([+-]?\d*n|) - 5 sign of xn-component - 6 x of xn-component - 7 sign of y-component - 8 y of y-component - */ - match[1] = match[1].toLowerCase(); - - if (match[1].slice(0, 3) === "nth") { - // nth-* requires argument - if (!match[3]) { - Sizzle.error(match[0]); - } // numeric x and y parameters for Expr.filter.CHILD - // remember that false/true cast respectively to 0/1 - - - match[4] = +(match[4] ? match[5] + (match[6] || 1) : 2 * (match[3] === "even" || match[3] === "odd")); - match[5] = +(match[7] + match[8] || match[3] === "odd"); // other types prohibit arguments - } else if (match[3]) { - Sizzle.error(match[0]); - } - - return match; - }, - "PSEUDO": function PSEUDO(match) { - var excess, - unquoted = !match[6] && match[2]; - - if (matchExpr["CHILD"].test(match[0])) { - return null; - } // Accept quoted arguments as-is - - - if (match[3]) { - match[2] = match[4] || match[5] || ""; // Strip excess characters from unquoted arguments - } else if (unquoted && rpseudo.test(unquoted) && ( // Get excess from tokenize (recursively) - excess = tokenize(unquoted, true)) && ( // advance to the next closing parenthesis - excess = unquoted.indexOf(")", unquoted.length - excess) - unquoted.length)) { - // excess is a negative index - match[0] = match[0].slice(0, excess); - match[2] = unquoted.slice(0, excess); - } // Return only captures needed by the pseudo filter method (type and argument) - - - return match.slice(0, 3); - } - }, - filter: { - "TAG": function TAG(nodeNameSelector) { - var nodeName = nodeNameSelector.replace(runescape, funescape).toLowerCase(); - return nodeNameSelector === "*" ? function () { - return true; - } : function (elem) { - return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === nodeName; - }; - }, - "CLASS": function CLASS(className) { - var pattern = classCache[className + " "]; - return pattern || (pattern = new RegExp("(^|" + whitespace + ")" + className + "(" + whitespace + "|$)")) && classCache(className, function (elem) { - return pattern.test(typeof elem.className === "string" && elem.className || typeof elem.getAttribute !== "undefined" && elem.getAttribute("class") || ""); - }); - }, - "ATTR": function ATTR(name, operator, check) { - return function (elem) { - var result = Sizzle.attr(elem, name); - - if (result == null) { - return operator === "!="; - } - - if (!operator) { - return true; - } - - result += ""; - return operator === "=" ? result === check : operator === "!=" ? result !== check : operator === "^=" ? check && result.indexOf(check) === 0 : operator === "*=" ? check && result.indexOf(check) > -1 : operator === "$=" ? check && result.slice(-check.length) === check : operator === "~=" ? (" " + result.replace(rwhitespace, " ") + " ").indexOf(check) > -1 : operator === "|=" ? result === check || result.slice(0, check.length + 1) === check + "-" : false; - }; - }, - "CHILD": function CHILD(type, what, argument, first, last) { - var simple = type.slice(0, 3) !== "nth", - forward = type.slice(-4) !== "last", - ofType = what === "of-type"; - return first === 1 && last === 0 ? // Shortcut for :nth-*(n) - function (elem) { - return !!elem.parentNode; - } : function (elem, context, xml) { - var cache, - uniqueCache, - outerCache, - node, - nodeIndex, - start, - dir = simple !== forward ? "nextSibling" : "previousSibling", - parent = elem.parentNode, - name = ofType && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(), - useCache = !xml && !ofType, - diff = false; - - if (parent) { - // :(first|last|only)-(child|of-type) - if (simple) { - while (dir) { - node = elem; - - while (node = node[dir]) { - if (ofType ? node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name : node.nodeType === 1) { - return false; - } - } // Reverse direction for :only-* (if we haven't yet done so) - - - start = dir = type === "only" && !start && "nextSibling"; - } - - return true; - } - - start = [forward ? parent.firstChild : parent.lastChild]; // non-xml :nth-child(...) stores cache data on `parent` - - if (forward && useCache) { - // Seek `elem` from a previously-cached index - // ...in a gzip-friendly way - node = parent; - outerCache = node[expando] || (node[expando] = {}); // Support: IE <9 only - // Defend against cloned attroperties (jQuery gh-1709) - - uniqueCache = outerCache[node.uniqueID] || (outerCache[node.uniqueID] = {}); - cache = uniqueCache[type] || []; - nodeIndex = cache[0] === dirruns && cache[1]; - diff = nodeIndex && cache[2]; - node = nodeIndex && parent.childNodes[nodeIndex]; - - while (node = ++nodeIndex && node && node[dir] || ( // Fallback to seeking `elem` from the start - diff = nodeIndex = 0) || start.pop()) { - // When found, cache indexes on `parent` and break - if (node.nodeType === 1 && ++diff && node === elem) { - uniqueCache[type] = [dirruns, nodeIndex, diff]; - break; - } - } - } else { - // Use previously-cached element index if available - if (useCache) { - // ...in a gzip-friendly way - node = elem; - outerCache = node[expando] || (node[expando] = {}); // Support: IE <9 only - // Defend against cloned attroperties (jQuery gh-1709) - - uniqueCache = outerCache[node.uniqueID] || (outerCache[node.uniqueID] = {}); - cache = uniqueCache[type] || []; - nodeIndex = cache[0] === dirruns && cache[1]; - diff = nodeIndex; - } // xml :nth-child(...) - // or :nth-last-child(...) or :nth(-last)?-of-type(...) - - - if (diff === false) { - // Use the same loop as above to seek `elem` from the start - while (node = ++nodeIndex && node && node[dir] || (diff = nodeIndex = 0) || start.pop()) { - if ((ofType ? node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name : node.nodeType === 1) && ++diff) { - // Cache the index of each encountered element - if (useCache) { - outerCache = node[expando] || (node[expando] = {}); // Support: IE <9 only - // Defend against cloned attroperties (jQuery gh-1709) - - uniqueCache = outerCache[node.uniqueID] || (outerCache[node.uniqueID] = {}); - uniqueCache[type] = [dirruns, diff]; - } - - if (node === elem) { - break; - } - } - } - } - } // Incorporate the offset, then check against cycle size - - - diff -= last; - return diff === first || diff % first === 0 && diff / first >= 0; - } - }; - }, - "PSEUDO": function PSEUDO(pseudo, argument) { - // pseudo-class names are case-insensitive - // http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#pseudo-classes - // Prioritize by case sensitivity in case custom pseudos are added with uppercase letters - // Remember that setFilters inherits from pseudos - var args, - fn = Expr.pseudos[pseudo] || Expr.setFilters[pseudo.toLowerCase()] || Sizzle.error("unsupported pseudo: " + pseudo); // The user may use createPseudo to indicate that - // arguments are needed to create the filter function - // just as Sizzle does - - if (fn[expando]) { - return fn(argument); - } // But maintain support for old signatures - - - if (fn.length > 1) { - args = [pseudo, pseudo, "", argument]; - return Expr.setFilters.hasOwnProperty(pseudo.toLowerCase()) ? markFunction(function (seed, matches) { - var idx, - matched = fn(seed, argument), - i = matched.length; - - while (i--) { - idx = indexOf(seed, matched[i]); - seed[idx] = !(matches[idx] = matched[i]); - } - }) : function (elem) { - return fn(elem, 0, args); - }; - } - - return fn; - } - }, - pseudos: { - // Potentially complex pseudos - "not": markFunction(function (selector) { - // Trim the selector passed to compile - // to avoid treating leading and trailing - // spaces as combinators - var input = [], - results = [], - matcher = compile(selector.replace(rtrim, "$1")); - return matcher[expando] ? markFunction(function (seed, matches, context, xml) { - var elem, - unmatched = matcher(seed, null, xml, []), - i = seed.length; // Match elements unmatched by `matcher` - - while (i--) { - if (elem = unmatched[i]) { - seed[i] = !(matches[i] = elem); - } - } - }) : function (elem, context, xml) { - input[0] = elem; - matcher(input, null, xml, results); // Don't keep the element (issue #299) - - input[0] = null; - return !results.pop(); - }; - }), - "has": markFunction(function (selector) { - return function (elem) { - return Sizzle(selector, elem).length > 0; - }; - }), - "contains": markFunction(function (text) { - text = text.replace(runescape, funescape); - return function (elem) { - return (elem.textContent || getText(elem)).indexOf(text) > -1; - }; - }), - // "Whether an element is represented by a :lang() selector - // is based solely on the element's language value - // being equal to the identifier C, - // or beginning with the identifier C immediately followed by "-". - // The matching of C against the element's language value is performed case-insensitively. - // The identifier C does not have to be a valid language name." - // http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#lang-pseudo - "lang": markFunction(function (lang) { - // lang value must be a valid identifier - if (!ridentifier.test(lang || "")) { - Sizzle.error("unsupported lang: " + lang); - } - - lang = lang.replace(runescape, funescape).toLowerCase(); - return function (elem) { - var elemLang; - - do { - if (elemLang = documentIsHTML ? elem.lang : elem.getAttribute("xml:lang") || elem.getAttribute("lang")) { - elemLang = elemLang.toLowerCase(); - return elemLang === lang || elemLang.indexOf(lang + "-") === 0; - } - } while ((elem = elem.parentNode) && elem.nodeType === 1); - - return false; - }; - }), - // Miscellaneous - "target": function target(elem) { - var hash = window.location && window.location.hash; - return hash && hash.slice(1) === elem.id; - }, - "root": function root(elem) { - return elem === docElem; - }, - "focus": function focus(elem) { - return elem === document.activeElement && (!document.hasFocus || document.hasFocus()) && !!(elem.type || elem.href || ~elem.tabIndex); - }, - // Boolean properties - "enabled": createDisabledPseudo(false), - "disabled": createDisabledPseudo(true), - "checked": function checked(elem) { - // In CSS3, :checked should return both checked and selected elements - // http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-css3-selectors-20110929/#checked - var nodeName = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(); - return nodeName === "input" && !!elem.checked || nodeName === "option" && !!elem.selected; - }, - "selected": function selected(elem) { - // Accessing this property makes selected-by-default - // options in Safari work properly - if (elem.parentNode) { - elem.parentNode.selectedIndex; - } - - return elem.selected === true; - }, - // Contents - "empty": function empty(elem) { - // http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#empty-pseudo - // :empty is negated by element (1) or content nodes (text: 3; cdata: 4; entity ref: 5), - // but not by others (comment: 8; processing instruction: 7; etc.) - // nodeType < 6 works because attributes (2) do not appear as children - for (elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling) { - if (elem.nodeType < 6) { - return false; - } - } - - return true; - }, - "parent": function parent(elem) { - return !Expr.pseudos["empty"](elem); - }, - // Element/input types - "header": function header(elem) { - return rheader.test(elem.nodeName); - }, - "input": function input(elem) { - return rinputs.test(elem.nodeName); - }, - "button": function button(elem) { - var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(); - return name === "input" && elem.type === "button" || name === "button"; - }, - "text": function text(elem) { - var attr; - return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && elem.type === "text" && ( // Support: IE<8 - // New HTML5 attribute values (e.g., "search") appear with elem.type === "text" - (attr = elem.getAttribute("type")) == null || attr.toLowerCase() === "text"); - }, - // Position-in-collection - "first": createPositionalPseudo(function () { - return [0]; - }), - "last": createPositionalPseudo(function (matchIndexes, length) { - return [length - 1]; - }), - "eq": createPositionalPseudo(function (matchIndexes, length, argument) { - return [argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument]; - }), - "even": createPositionalPseudo(function (matchIndexes, length) { - var i = 0; - - for (; i < length; i += 2) { - matchIndexes.push(i); - } - - return matchIndexes; - }), - "odd": createPositionalPseudo(function (matchIndexes, length) { - var i = 1; - - for (; i < length; i += 2) { - matchIndexes.push(i); - } - - return matchIndexes; - }), - "lt": createPositionalPseudo(function (matchIndexes, length, argument) { - var i = argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument > length ? length : argument; - - for (; --i >= 0;) { - matchIndexes.push(i); - } - - return matchIndexes; - }), - "gt": createPositionalPseudo(function (matchIndexes, length, argument) { - var i = argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument; - - for (; ++i < length;) { - matchIndexes.push(i); - } - - return matchIndexes; - }) - } - }; - Expr.pseudos["nth"] = Expr.pseudos["eq"]; // Add button/input type pseudos - - for (i in { - radio: true, - checkbox: true, - file: true, - password: true, - image: true - }) { - Expr.pseudos[i] = createInputPseudo(i); - } - - for (i in { - submit: true, - reset: true - }) { - Expr.pseudos[i] = createButtonPseudo(i); - } // Easy API for creating new setFilters - - - function setFilters() {} - - setFilters.prototype = Expr.filters = Expr.pseudos; - Expr.setFilters = new setFilters(); - - tokenize = Sizzle.tokenize = function (selector, parseOnly) { - var matched, - match, - tokens, - type, - soFar, - groups, - preFilters, - cached = tokenCache[selector + " "]; - - if (cached) { - return parseOnly ? 0 : cached.slice(0); - } - - soFar = selector; - groups = []; - preFilters = Expr.preFilter; - - while (soFar) { - // Comma and first run - if (!matched || (match = rcomma.exec(soFar))) { - if (match) { - // Don't consume trailing commas as valid - soFar = soFar.slice(match[0].length) || soFar; - } - - groups.push(tokens = []); - } - - matched = false; // Combinators - - if (match = rcombinators.exec(soFar)) { - matched = match.shift(); - tokens.push({ - value: matched, - // Cast descendant combinators to space - type: match[0].replace(rtrim, " ") - }); - soFar = soFar.slice(matched.length); - } // Filters - - - for (type in Expr.filter) { - if ((match = matchExpr[type].exec(soFar)) && (!preFilters[type] || (match = preFilters[type](match)))) { - matched = match.shift(); - tokens.push({ - value: matched, - type: type, - matches: match - }); - soFar = soFar.slice(matched.length); - } - } - - if (!matched) { - break; - } - } // Return the length of the invalid excess - // if we're just parsing - // Otherwise, throw an error or return tokens - - - return parseOnly ? soFar.length : soFar ? Sizzle.error(selector) : // Cache the tokens - tokenCache(selector, groups).slice(0); - }; - - function toSelector(tokens) { - var i = 0, - len = tokens.length, - selector = ""; - - for (; i < len; i++) { - selector += tokens[i].value; - } - - return selector; - } - - function addCombinator(matcher, combinator, base) { - var dir = combinator.dir, - skip = combinator.next, - key = skip || dir, - checkNonElements = base && key === "parentNode", - doneName = done++; - return combinator.first ? // Check against closest ancestor/preceding element - function (elem, context, xml) { - while (elem = elem[dir]) { - if (elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements) { - return matcher(elem, context, xml); - } - } - - return false; - } : // Check against all ancestor/preceding elements - function (elem, context, xml) { - var oldCache, - uniqueCache, - outerCache, - newCache = [dirruns, doneName]; // We can't set arbitrary data on XML nodes, so they don't benefit from combinator caching - - if (xml) { - while (elem = elem[dir]) { - if (elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements) { - if (matcher(elem, context, xml)) { - return true; - } - } - } - } else { - while (elem = elem[dir]) { - if (elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements) { - outerCache = elem[expando] || (elem[expando] = {}); // Support: IE <9 only - // Defend against cloned attroperties (jQuery gh-1709) - - uniqueCache = outerCache[elem.uniqueID] || (outerCache[elem.uniqueID] = {}); - - if (skip && skip === elem.nodeName.toLowerCase()) { - elem = elem[dir] || elem; - } else if ((oldCache = uniqueCache[key]) && oldCache[0] === dirruns && oldCache[1] === doneName) { - // Assign to newCache so results back-propagate to previous elements - return newCache[2] = oldCache[2]; - } else { - // Reuse newcache so results back-propagate to previous elements - uniqueCache[key] = newCache; // A match means we're done; a fail means we have to keep checking - - if (newCache[2] = matcher(elem, context, xml)) { - return true; - } - } - } - } - } - - return false; - }; - } - - function elementMatcher(matchers) { - return matchers.length > 1 ? function (elem, context, xml) { - var i = matchers.length; - - while (i--) { - if (!matchers[i](elem, context, xml)) { - return false; - } - } - - return true; - } : matchers[0]; - } - - function multipleContexts(selector, contexts, results) { - var i = 0, - len = contexts.length; - - for (; i < len; i++) { - Sizzle(selector, contexts[i], results); - } - - return results; - } - - function condense(unmatched, map, filter, context, xml) { - var elem, - newUnmatched = [], - i = 0, - len = unmatched.length, - mapped = map != null; - - for (; i < len; i++) { - if (elem = unmatched[i]) { - if (!filter || filter(elem, context, xml)) { - newUnmatched.push(elem); - - if (mapped) { - map.push(i); - } - } - } - } - - return newUnmatched; - } - - function setMatcher(preFilter, selector, matcher, postFilter, postFinder, postSelector) { - if (postFilter && !postFilter[expando]) { - postFilter = setMatcher(postFilter); - } - - if (postFinder && !postFinder[expando]) { - postFinder = setMatcher(postFinder, postSelector); - } - - return markFunction(function (seed, results, context, xml) { - var temp, - i, - elem, - preMap = [], - postMap = [], - preexisting = results.length, - // Get initial elements from seed or context - elems = seed || multipleContexts(selector || "*", context.nodeType ? [context] : context, []), - // Prefilter to get matcher input, preserving a map for seed-results synchronization - matcherIn = preFilter && (seed || !selector) ? condense(elems, preMap, preFilter, context, xml) : elems, - matcherOut = matcher ? // If we have a postFinder, or filtered seed, or non-seed postFilter or preexisting results, - postFinder || (seed ? preFilter : preexisting || postFilter) ? // ...intermediate processing is necessary - [] : // ...otherwise use results directly - results : matcherIn; // Find primary matches - - if (matcher) { - matcher(matcherIn, matcherOut, context, xml); - } // Apply postFilter - - - if (postFilter) { - temp = condense(matcherOut, postMap); - postFilter(temp, [], context, xml); // Un-match failing elements by moving them back to matcherIn - - i = temp.length; - - while (i--) { - if (elem = temp[i]) { - matcherOut[postMap[i]] = !(matcherIn[postMap[i]] = elem); - } - } - } - - if (seed) { - if (postFinder || preFilter) { - if (postFinder) { - // Get the final matcherOut by condensing this intermediate into postFinder contexts - temp = []; - i = matcherOut.length; - - while (i--) { - if (elem = matcherOut[i]) { - // Restore matcherIn since elem is not yet a final match - temp.push(matcherIn[i] = elem); - } - } - - postFinder(null, matcherOut = [], temp, xml); - } // Move matched elements from seed to results to keep them synchronized - - - i = matcherOut.length; - - while (i--) { - if ((elem = matcherOut[i]) && (temp = postFinder ? indexOf(seed, elem) : preMap[i]) > -1) { - seed[temp] = !(results[temp] = elem); - } - } - } // Add elements to results, through postFinder if defined - - } else { - matcherOut = condense(matcherOut === results ? matcherOut.splice(preexisting, matcherOut.length) : matcherOut); - - if (postFinder) { - postFinder(null, results, matcherOut, xml); - } else { - push.apply(results, matcherOut); - } - } - }); - } - - function matcherFromTokens(tokens) { - var checkContext, - matcher, - j, - len = tokens.length, - leadingRelative = Expr.relative[tokens[0].type], - implicitRelative = leadingRelative || Expr.relative[" "], - i = leadingRelative ? 1 : 0, - // The foundational matcher ensures that elements are reachable from top-level context(s) - matchContext = addCombinator(function (elem) { - return elem === checkContext; - }, implicitRelative, true), - matchAnyContext = addCombinator(function (elem) { - return indexOf(checkContext, elem) > -1; - }, implicitRelative, true), - matchers = [function (elem, context, xml) { - var ret = !leadingRelative && (xml || context !== outermostContext) || ((checkContext = context).nodeType ? matchContext(elem, context, xml) : matchAnyContext(elem, context, xml)); // Avoid hanging onto element (issue #299) - - checkContext = null; - return ret; - }]; - - for (; i < len; i++) { - if (matcher = Expr.relative[tokens[i].type]) { - matchers = [addCombinator(elementMatcher(matchers), matcher)]; - } else { - matcher = Expr.filter[tokens[i].type].apply(null, tokens[i].matches); // Return special upon seeing a positional matcher - - if (matcher[expando]) { - // Find the next relative operator (if any) for proper handling - j = ++i; - - for (; j < len; j++) { - if (Expr.relative[tokens[j].type]) { - break; - } - } - - return setMatcher(i > 1 && elementMatcher(matchers), i > 1 && toSelector( // If the preceding token was a descendant combinator, insert an implicit any-element `*` - tokens.slice(0, i - 1).concat({ - value: tokens[i - 2].type === " " ? "*" : "" - })).replace(rtrim, "$1"), matcher, i < j && matcherFromTokens(tokens.slice(i, j)), j < len && matcherFromTokens(tokens = tokens.slice(j)), j < len && toSelector(tokens)); - } - - matchers.push(matcher); - } - } - - return elementMatcher(matchers); - } - - function matcherFromGroupMatchers(elementMatchers, setMatchers) { - var bySet = setMatchers.length > 0, - byElement = elementMatchers.length > 0, - superMatcher = function superMatcher(seed, context, xml, results, outermost) { - var elem, - j, - matcher, - matchedCount = 0, - i = "0", - unmatched = seed && [], - setMatched = [], - contextBackup = outermostContext, - // We must always have either seed elements or outermost context - elems = seed || byElement && Expr.find["TAG"]("*", outermost), - // Use integer dirruns iff this is the outermost matcher - dirrunsUnique = dirruns += contextBackup == null ? 1 : Math.random() || 0.1, - len = elems.length; - - if (outermost) { - outermostContext = context === document || context || outermost; - } // Add elements passing elementMatchers directly to results - // Support: IE<9, Safari - // Tolerate NodeList properties (IE: "length"; Safari: ) matching elements by id - - - for (; i !== len && (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++) { - if (byElement && elem) { - j = 0; - - if (!context && elem.ownerDocument !== document) { - setDocument(elem); - xml = !documentIsHTML; - } - - while (matcher = elementMatchers[j++]) { - if (matcher(elem, context || document, xml)) { - results.push(elem); - break; - } - } - - if (outermost) { - dirruns = dirrunsUnique; - } - } // Track unmatched elements for set filters - - - if (bySet) { - // They will have gone through all possible matchers - if (elem = !matcher && elem) { - matchedCount--; - } // Lengthen the array for every element, matched or not - - - if (seed) { - unmatched.push(elem); - } - } - } // `i` is now the count of elements visited above, and adding it to `matchedCount` - // makes the latter nonnegative. - - - matchedCount += i; // Apply set filters to unmatched elements - // NOTE: This can be skipped if there are no unmatched elements (i.e., `matchedCount` - // equals `i`), unless we didn't visit _any_ elements in the above loop because we have - // no element matchers and no seed. - // Incrementing an initially-string "0" `i` allows `i` to remain a string only in that - // case, which will result in a "00" `matchedCount` that differs from `i` but is also - // numerically zero. - - if (bySet && i !== matchedCount) { - j = 0; - - while (matcher = setMatchers[j++]) { - matcher(unmatched, setMatched, context, xml); - } - - if (seed) { - // Reintegrate element matches to eliminate the need for sorting - if (matchedCount > 0) { - while (i--) { - if (!(unmatched[i] || setMatched[i])) { - setMatched[i] = pop.call(results); - } - } - } // Discard index placeholder values to get only actual matches - - - setMatched = condense(setMatched); - } // Add matches to results - - - push.apply(results, setMatched); // Seedless set matches succeeding multiple successful matchers stipulate sorting - - if (outermost && !seed && setMatched.length > 0 && matchedCount + setMatchers.length > 1) { - Sizzle.uniqueSort(results); - } - } // Override manipulation of globals by nested matchers - - - if (outermost) { - dirruns = dirrunsUnique; - outermostContext = contextBackup; - } - - return unmatched; - }; - - return bySet ? markFunction(superMatcher) : superMatcher; - } - - compile = Sizzle.compile = function (selector, match - /* Internal Use Only */ - ) { - var i, - setMatchers = [], - elementMatchers = [], - cached = compilerCache[selector + " "]; - - if (!cached) { - // Generate a function of recursive functions that can be used to check each element - if (!match) { - match = tokenize(selector); - } - - i = match.length; - - while (i--) { - cached = matcherFromTokens(match[i]); - - if (cached[expando]) { - setMatchers.push(cached); - } else { - elementMatchers.push(cached); - } - } // Cache the compiled function - - - cached = compilerCache(selector, matcherFromGroupMatchers(elementMatchers, setMatchers)); // Save selector and tokenization - - cached.selector = selector; - } - - return cached; - }; - /** - * A low-level selection function that works with Sizzle's compiled - * selector functions - * @param {String|Function} selector A selector or a pre-compiled - * selector function built with Sizzle.compile - * @param {Element} context - * @param {Array} [results] - * @param {Array} [seed] A set of elements to match against - */ - - - select = Sizzle.select = function (selector, context, results, seed) { - var i, - tokens, - token, - type, - find, - compiled = typeof selector === "function" && selector, - match = !seed && tokenize(selector = compiled.selector || selector); - results = results || []; // Try to minimize operations if there is only one selector in the list and no seed - // (the latter of which guarantees us context) - - if (match.length === 1) { - // Reduce context if the leading compound selector is an ID - tokens = match[0] = match[0].slice(0); - - if (tokens.length > 2 && (token = tokens[0]).type === "ID" && context.nodeType === 9 && documentIsHTML && Expr.relative[tokens[1].type]) { - context = (Expr.find["ID"](token.matches[0].replace(runescape, funescape), context) || [])[0]; - - if (!context) { - return results; // Precompiled matchers will still verify ancestry, so step up a level - } else if (compiled) { - context = context.parentNode; - } - - selector = selector.slice(tokens.shift().value.length); - } // Fetch a seed set for right-to-left matching - - - i = matchExpr["needsContext"].test(selector) ? 0 : tokens.length; - - while (i--) { - token = tokens[i]; // Abort if we hit a combinator - - if (Expr.relative[type = token.type]) { - break; - } - - if (find = Expr.find[type]) { - // Search, expanding context for leading sibling combinators - if (seed = find(token.matches[0].replace(runescape, funescape), rsibling.test(tokens[0].type) && testContext(context.parentNode) || context)) { - // If seed is empty or no tokens remain, we can return early - tokens.splice(i, 1); - selector = seed.length && toSelector(tokens); - - if (!selector) { - push.apply(results, seed); - return results; - } - - break; - } - } - } - } // Compile and execute a filtering function if one is not provided - // Provide `match` to avoid retokenization if we modified the selector above - - - (compiled || compile(selector, match))(seed, context, !documentIsHTML, results, !context || rsibling.test(selector) && testContext(context.parentNode) || context); - return results; - }; // One-time assignments - // Sort stability - - - support.sortStable = expando.split("").sort(sortOrder).join("") === expando; // Support: Chrome 14-35+ - // Always assume duplicates if they aren't passed to the comparison function - - support.detectDuplicates = !!hasDuplicate; // Initialize against the default document - - setDocument(); // Support: Webkit<537.32 - Safari 6.0.3/Chrome 25 (fixed in Chrome 27) - // Detached nodes confoundingly follow *each other* - - support.sortDetached = assert(function (el) { - // Should return 1, but returns 4 (following) - return el.compareDocumentPosition(document.createElement("fieldset")) & 1; - }); // Support: IE<8 - // Prevent attribute/property "interpolation" - // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms536429%28VS.85%29.aspx - - if (!assert(function (el) { - el.innerHTML = ""; - return el.firstChild.getAttribute("href") === "#"; - })) { - addHandle("type|href|height|width", function (elem, name, isXML) { - if (!isXML) { - return elem.getAttribute(name, name.toLowerCase() === "type" ? 1 : 2); - } - }); - } // Support: IE<9 - // Use defaultValue in place of getAttribute("value") - - - if (!support.attributes || !assert(function (el) { - el.innerHTML = ""; - el.firstChild.setAttribute("value", ""); - return el.firstChild.getAttribute("value") === ""; - })) { - addHandle("value", function (elem, name, isXML) { - if (!isXML && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input") { - return elem.defaultValue; - } - }); - } // Support: IE<9 - // Use getAttributeNode to fetch booleans when getAttribute lies - - - if (!assert(function (el) { - return el.getAttribute("disabled") == null; - })) { - addHandle(booleans, function (elem, name, isXML) { - var val; - - if (!isXML) { - return elem[name] === true ? name.toLowerCase() : (val = elem.getAttributeNode(name)) && val.specified ? val.value : null; - } - }); - } - - return Sizzle; - }(window); - - jQuery.find = Sizzle; - jQuery.expr = Sizzle.selectors; // Deprecated - - jQuery.expr[":"] = jQuery.expr.pseudos; - jQuery.uniqueSort = jQuery.unique = Sizzle.uniqueSort; - jQuery.text = Sizzle.getText; - jQuery.isXMLDoc = Sizzle.isXML; - jQuery.contains = Sizzle.contains; - jQuery.escapeSelector = Sizzle.escape; - - var dir = function dir(elem, _dir, until) { - var matched = [], - truncate = until !== undefined; - - while ((elem = elem[_dir]) && elem.nodeType !== 9) { - if (elem.nodeType === 1) { - if (truncate && jQuery(elem).is(until)) { - break; - } - - matched.push(elem); - } - } - - return matched; - }; - - var _siblings = function siblings(n, elem) { - var matched = []; - - for (; n; n = n.nextSibling) { - if (n.nodeType === 1 && n !== elem) { - matched.push(n); - } - } - - return matched; - }; - - var rneedsContext = jQuery.expr.match.needsContext; - - function nodeName(elem, name) { - return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase(); - } - - ; - var rsingleTag = /^<([a-z][^\/\0>:\x20\t\r\n\f]*)[\x20\t\r\n\f]*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/i; // Implement the identical functionality for filter and not - - function winnow(elements, qualifier, not) { - if (isFunction(qualifier)) { - return jQuery.grep(elements, function (elem, i) { - return !!qualifier.call(elem, i, elem) !== not; - }); - } // Single element - - - if (qualifier.nodeType) { - return jQuery.grep(elements, function (elem) { - return elem === qualifier !== not; - }); - } // Arraylike of elements (jQuery, arguments, Array) - - - if (typeof qualifier !== "string") { - return jQuery.grep(elements, function (elem) { - return indexOf.call(qualifier, elem) > -1 !== not; - }); - } // Filtered directly for both simple and complex selectors - - - return jQuery.filter(qualifier, elements, not); - } - - jQuery.filter = function (expr, elems, not) { - var elem = elems[0]; - - if (not) { - expr = ":not(" + expr + ")"; - } - - if (elems.length === 1 && elem.nodeType === 1) { - return jQuery.find.matchesSelector(elem, expr) ? [elem] : []; - } - - return jQuery.find.matches(expr, jQuery.grep(elems, function (elem) { - return elem.nodeType === 1; - })); - }; - - jQuery.fn.extend({ - find: function find(selector) { - var i, - ret, - len = this.length, - self = this; - - if (typeof selector !== "string") { - return this.pushStack(jQuery(selector).filter(function () { - for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { - if (jQuery.contains(self[i], this)) { - return true; - } - } - })); - } - - ret = this.pushStack([]); - - for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { - jQuery.find(selector, self[i], ret); - } - - return len > 1 ? jQuery.uniqueSort(ret) : ret; - }, - filter: function filter(selector) { - return this.pushStack(winnow(this, selector || [], false)); - }, - not: function not(selector) { - return this.pushStack(winnow(this, selector || [], true)); - }, - is: function is(selector) { - return !!winnow(this, // If this is a positional/relative selector, check membership in the returned set - // so $("p:first").is("p:last") won't return true for a doc with two "p". - typeof selector === "string" && rneedsContext.test(selector) ? jQuery(selector) : selector || [], false).length; - } - }); // Initialize a jQuery object - // A central reference to the root jQuery(document) - - var rootjQuery, - // A simple way to check for HTML strings - // Prioritize #id over to avoid XSS via location.hash (#9521) - // Strict HTML recognition (#11290: must start with <) - // Shortcut simple #id case for speed - rquickExpr = /^(?:\s*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*|#([\w-]+))$/, - init = jQuery.fn.init = function (selector, context, root) { - var match, elem; // HANDLE: $(""), $(null), $(undefined), $(false) - - if (!selector) { - return this; - } // Method init() accepts an alternate rootjQuery - // so migrate can support jQuery.sub (gh-2101) - - - root = root || rootjQuery; // Handle HTML strings - - if (typeof selector === "string") { - if (selector[0] === "<" && selector[selector.length - 1] === ">" && selector.length >= 3) { - // Assume that strings that start and end with <> are HTML and skip the regex check - match = [null, selector, null]; - } else { - match = rquickExpr.exec(selector); - } // Match html or make sure no context is specified for #id - - - if (match && (match[1] || !context)) { - // HANDLE: $(html) -> $(array) - if (match[1]) { - context = context instanceof jQuery ? context[0] : context; // Option to run scripts is true for back-compat - // Intentionally let the error be thrown if parseHTML is not present - - jQuery.merge(this, jQuery.parseHTML(match[1], context && context.nodeType ? context.ownerDocument || context : document, true)); // HANDLE: $(html, props) - - if (rsingleTag.test(match[1]) && jQuery.isPlainObject(context)) { - for (match in context) { - // Properties of context are called as methods if possible - if (isFunction(this[match])) { - this[match](context[match]); // ...and otherwise set as attributes - } else { - this.attr(match, context[match]); - } - } - } - - return this; // HANDLE: $(#id) - } else { - elem = document.getElementById(match[2]); - - if (elem) { - // Inject the element directly into the jQuery object - this[0] = elem; - this.length = 1; - } - - return this; - } // HANDLE: $(expr, $(...)) - - } else if (!context || context.jquery) { - return (context || root).find(selector); // HANDLE: $(expr, context) - // (which is just equivalent to: $(context).find(expr) - } else { - return this.constructor(context).find(selector); - } // HANDLE: $(DOMElement) - - } else if (selector.nodeType) { - this[0] = selector; - this.length = 1; - return this; // HANDLE: $(function) - // Shortcut for document ready - } else if (isFunction(selector)) { - return root.ready !== undefined ? root.ready(selector) : // Execute immediately if ready is not present - selector(jQuery); - } - - return jQuery.makeArray(selector, this); - }; // Give the init function the jQuery prototype for later instantiation - - - init.prototype = jQuery.fn; // Initialize central reference - - rootjQuery = jQuery(document); - var rparentsprev = /^(?:parents|prev(?:Until|All))/, - // Methods guaranteed to produce a unique set when starting from a unique set - guaranteedUnique = { - children: true, - contents: true, - next: true, - prev: true - }; - jQuery.fn.extend({ - has: function has(target) { - var targets = jQuery(target, this), - l = targets.length; - return this.filter(function () { - var i = 0; - - for (; i < l; i++) { - if (jQuery.contains(this, targets[i])) { - return true; - } - } - }); - }, - closest: function closest(selectors, context) { - var cur, - i = 0, - l = this.length, - matched = [], - targets = typeof selectors !== "string" && jQuery(selectors); // Positional selectors never match, since there's no _selection_ context - - if (!rneedsContext.test(selectors)) { - for (; i < l; i++) { - for (cur = this[i]; cur && cur !== context; cur = cur.parentNode) { - // Always skip document fragments - if (cur.nodeType < 11 && (targets ? targets.index(cur) > -1 : // Don't pass non-elements to Sizzle - cur.nodeType === 1 && jQuery.find.matchesSelector(cur, selectors))) { - matched.push(cur); - break; - } - } - } - } - - return this.pushStack(matched.length > 1 ? jQuery.uniqueSort(matched) : matched); - }, - // Determine the position of an element within the set - index: function index(elem) { - // No argument, return index in parent - if (!elem) { - return this[0] && this[0].parentNode ? this.first().prevAll().length : -1; - } // Index in selector - - - if (typeof elem === "string") { - return indexOf.call(jQuery(elem), this[0]); - } // Locate the position of the desired element - - - return indexOf.call(this, // If it receives a jQuery object, the first element is used - elem.jquery ? elem[0] : elem); - }, - add: function add(selector, context) { - return this.pushStack(jQuery.uniqueSort(jQuery.merge(this.get(), jQuery(selector, context)))); - }, - addBack: function addBack(selector) { - return this.add(selector == null ? this.prevObject : this.prevObject.filter(selector)); - } - }); - - function sibling(cur, dir) { - while ((cur = cur[dir]) && cur.nodeType !== 1) {} - - return cur; - } - - jQuery.each({ - parent: function parent(elem) { - var parent = elem.parentNode; - return parent && parent.nodeType !== 11 ? parent : null; - }, - parents: function parents(elem) { - return dir(elem, "parentNode"); - }, - parentsUntil: function parentsUntil(elem, i, until) { - return dir(elem, "parentNode", until); - }, - next: function next(elem) { - return sibling(elem, "nextSibling"); - }, - prev: function prev(elem) { - return sibling(elem, "previousSibling"); - }, - nextAll: function nextAll(elem) { - return dir(elem, "nextSibling"); - }, - prevAll: function prevAll(elem) { - return dir(elem, "previousSibling"); - }, - nextUntil: function nextUntil(elem, i, until) { - return dir(elem, "nextSibling", until); - }, - prevUntil: function prevUntil(elem, i, until) { - return dir(elem, "previousSibling", until); - }, - siblings: function siblings(elem) { - return _siblings((elem.parentNode || {}).firstChild, elem); - }, - children: function children(elem) { - return _siblings(elem.firstChild); - }, - contents: function contents(elem) { - if (typeof elem.contentDocument !== "undefined") { - return elem.contentDocument; - } // Support: IE 9 - 11 only, iOS 7 only, Android Browser <=4.3 only - // Treat the template element as a regular one in browsers that - // don't support it. - - - if (nodeName(elem, "template")) { - elem = elem.content || elem; - } - - return jQuery.merge([], elem.childNodes); - } - }, function (name, fn) { - jQuery.fn[name] = function (until, selector) { - var matched = jQuery.map(this, fn, until); - - if (name.slice(-5) !== "Until") { - selector = until; - } - - if (selector && typeof selector === "string") { - matched = jQuery.filter(selector, matched); - } - - if (this.length > 1) { - // Remove duplicates - if (!guaranteedUnique[name]) { - jQuery.uniqueSort(matched); - } // Reverse order for parents* and prev-derivatives - - - if (rparentsprev.test(name)) { - matched.reverse(); - } - } - - return this.pushStack(matched); - }; - }); - var rnothtmlwhite = /[^\x20\t\r\n\f]+/g; // Convert String-formatted options into Object-formatted ones - - function createOptions(options) { - var object = {}; - jQuery.each(options.match(rnothtmlwhite) || [], function (_, flag) { - object[flag] = true; - }); - return object; - } - /* - * Create a callback list using the following parameters: - * - * options: an optional list of space-separated options that will change how - * the callback list behaves or a more traditional option object - * - * By default a callback list will act like an event callback list and can be - * "fired" multiple times. - * - * Possible options: - * - * once: will ensure the callback list can only be fired once (like a Deferred) - * - * memory: will keep track of previous values and will call any callback added - * after the list has been fired right away with the latest "memorized" - * values (like a Deferred) - * - * unique: will ensure a callback can only be added once (no duplicate in the list) - * - * stopOnFalse: interrupt callings when a callback returns false - * - */ - - - jQuery.Callbacks = function (options) { - // Convert options from String-formatted to Object-formatted if needed - // (we check in cache first) - options = typeof options === "string" ? createOptions(options) : jQuery.extend({}, options); - - var // Flag to know if list is currently firing - firing, - // Last fire value for non-forgettable lists - memory, - // Flag to know if list was already fired - _fired, - // Flag to prevent firing - _locked, - // Actual callback list - list = [], - // Queue of execution data for repeatable lists - queue = [], - // Index of currently firing callback (modified by add/remove as needed) - firingIndex = -1, - // Fire callbacks - fire = function fire() { - // Enforce single-firing - _locked = _locked || options.once; // Execute callbacks for all pending executions, - // respecting firingIndex overrides and runtime changes - - _fired = firing = true; - - for (; queue.length; firingIndex = -1) { - memory = queue.shift(); - - while (++firingIndex < list.length) { - // Run callback and check for early termination - if (list[firingIndex].apply(memory[0], memory[1]) === false && options.stopOnFalse) { - // Jump to end and forget the data so .add doesn't re-fire - firingIndex = list.length; - memory = false; - } - } - } // Forget the data if we're done with it - - - if (!options.memory) { - memory = false; - } - - firing = false; // Clean up if we're done firing for good - - if (_locked) { - // Keep an empty list if we have data for future add calls - if (memory) { - list = []; // Otherwise, this object is spent - } else { - list = ""; - } - } - }, - // Actual Callbacks object - self = { - // Add a callback or a collection of callbacks to the list - add: function add() { - if (list) { - // If we have memory from a past run, we should fire after adding - if (memory && !firing) { - firingIndex = list.length - 1; - queue.push(memory); - } - - (function add(args) { - jQuery.each(args, function (_, arg) { - if (isFunction(arg)) { - if (!options.unique || !self.has(arg)) { - list.push(arg); - } - } else if (arg && arg.length && toType(arg) !== "string") { - // Inspect recursively - add(arg); - } - }); - })(arguments); - - if (memory && !firing) { - fire(); - } - } - - return this; - }, - // Remove a callback from the list - remove: function remove() { - jQuery.each(arguments, function (_, arg) { - var index; - - while ((index = jQuery.inArray(arg, list, index)) > -1) { - list.splice(index, 1); // Handle firing indexes - - if (index <= firingIndex) { - firingIndex--; - } - } - }); - return this; - }, - // Check if a given callback is in the list. - // If no argument is given, return whether or not list has callbacks attached. - has: function has(fn) { - return fn ? jQuery.inArray(fn, list) > -1 : list.length > 0; - }, - // Remove all callbacks from the list - empty: function empty() { - if (list) { - list = []; - } - - return this; - }, - // Disable .fire and .add - // Abort any current/pending executions - // Clear all callbacks and values - disable: function disable() { - _locked = queue = []; - list = memory = ""; - return this; - }, - disabled: function disabled() { - return !list; - }, - // Disable .fire - // Also disable .add unless we have memory (since it would have no effect) - // Abort any pending executions - lock: function lock() { - _locked = queue = []; - - if (!memory && !firing) { - list = memory = ""; - } - - return this; - }, - locked: function locked() { - return !!_locked; - }, - // Call all callbacks with the given context and arguments - fireWith: function fireWith(context, args) { - if (!_locked) { - args = args || []; - args = [context, args.slice ? args.slice() : args]; - queue.push(args); - - if (!firing) { - fire(); - } - } - - return this; - }, - // Call all the callbacks with the given arguments - fire: function fire() { - self.fireWith(this, arguments); - return this; - }, - // To know if the callbacks have already been called at least once - fired: function fired() { - return !!_fired; - } - }; - - return self; - }; - - function Identity(v) { - return v; - } - - function Thrower(ex) { - throw ex; - } - - function adoptValue(value, resolve, reject, noValue) { - var method; - - try { - // Check for promise aspect first to privilege synchronous behavior - if (value && isFunction(method = value.promise)) { - method.call(value).done(resolve).fail(reject); // Other thenables - } else if (value && isFunction(method = value.then)) { - method.call(value, resolve, reject); // Other non-thenables - } else { - // Control `resolve` arguments by letting Array#slice cast boolean `noValue` to integer: - // * false: [ value ].slice( 0 ) => resolve( value ) - // * true: [ value ].slice( 1 ) => resolve() - resolve.apply(undefined, [value].slice(noValue)); - } // For Promises/A+, convert exceptions into rejections - // Since jQuery.when doesn't unwrap thenables, we can skip the extra checks appearing in - // Deferred#then to conditionally suppress rejection. - - } catch (value) { - // Support: Android 4.0 only - // Strict mode functions invoked without .call/.apply get global-object context - reject.apply(undefined, [value]); - } - } - - jQuery.extend({ - Deferred: function Deferred(func) { - var tuples = [// action, add listener, callbacks, - // ... .then handlers, argument index, [final state] - ["notify", "progress", jQuery.Callbacks("memory"), jQuery.Callbacks("memory"), 2], ["resolve", "done", jQuery.Callbacks("once memory"), jQuery.Callbacks("once memory"), 0, "resolved"], ["reject", "fail", jQuery.Callbacks("once memory"), jQuery.Callbacks("once memory"), 1, "rejected"]], - _state = "pending", - _promise = { - state: function state() { - return _state; - }, - always: function always() { - deferred.done(arguments).fail(arguments); - return this; - }, - "catch": function _catch(fn) { - return _promise.then(null, fn); - }, - // Keep pipe for back-compat - pipe: function pipe() - /* fnDone, fnFail, fnProgress */ - { - var fns = arguments; - return jQuery.Deferred(function (newDefer) { - jQuery.each(tuples, function (i, tuple) { - // Map tuples (progress, done, fail) to arguments (done, fail, progress) - var fn = isFunction(fns[tuple[4]]) && fns[tuple[4]]; // deferred.progress(function() { bind to newDefer or newDefer.notify }) - // deferred.done(function() { bind to newDefer or newDefer.resolve }) - // deferred.fail(function() { bind to newDefer or newDefer.reject }) - - deferred[tuple[1]](function () { - var returned = fn && fn.apply(this, arguments); - - if (returned && isFunction(returned.promise)) { - returned.promise().progress(newDefer.notify).done(newDefer.resolve).fail(newDefer.reject); - } else { - newDefer[tuple[0] + "With"](this, fn ? [returned] : arguments); - } - }); - }); - fns = null; - }).promise(); - }, - then: function then(onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress) { - var maxDepth = 0; - - function resolve(depth, deferred, handler, special) { - return function () { - var that = this, - args = arguments, - mightThrow = function mightThrow() { - var returned, then; // Support: Promises/A+ section - // https://promisesaplus.com/#point-59 - // Ignore double-resolution attempts - - if (depth < maxDepth) { - return; - } - - returned = handler.apply(that, args); // Support: Promises/A+ section 2.3.1 - // https://promisesaplus.com/#point-48 - - if (returned === deferred.promise()) { - throw new TypeError("Thenable self-resolution"); - } // Support: Promises/A+ sections, 3.5 - // https://promisesaplus.com/#point-54 - // https://promisesaplus.com/#point-75 - // Retrieve `then` only once - - - then = returned && ( // Support: Promises/A+ section 2.3.4 - // https://promisesaplus.com/#point-64 - // Only check objects and functions for thenability - _typeof(returned) === "object" || typeof returned === "function") && returned.then; // Handle a returned thenable - - if (isFunction(then)) { - // Special processors (notify) just wait for resolution - if (special) { - then.call(returned, resolve(maxDepth, deferred, Identity, special), resolve(maxDepth, deferred, Thrower, special)); // Normal processors (resolve) also hook into progress - } else { - // ...and disregard older resolution values - maxDepth++; - then.call(returned, resolve(maxDepth, deferred, Identity, special), resolve(maxDepth, deferred, Thrower, special), resolve(maxDepth, deferred, Identity, deferred.notifyWith)); - } // Handle all other returned values - - } else { - // Only substitute handlers pass on context - // and multiple values (non-spec behavior) - if (handler !== Identity) { - that = undefined; - args = [returned]; - } // Process the value(s) - // Default process is resolve - - - (special || deferred.resolveWith)(that, args); - } - }, - // Only normal processors (resolve) catch and reject exceptions - process = special ? mightThrow : function () { - try { - mightThrow(); - } catch (e) { - if (jQuery.Deferred.exceptionHook) { - jQuery.Deferred.exceptionHook(e, process.stackTrace); - } // Support: Promises/A+ section - // https://promisesaplus.com/#point-61 - // Ignore post-resolution exceptions - - - if (depth + 1 >= maxDepth) { - // Only substitute handlers pass on context - // and multiple values (non-spec behavior) - if (handler !== Thrower) { - that = undefined; - args = [e]; - } - - deferred.rejectWith(that, args); - } - } - }; // Support: Promises/A+ section - // https://promisesaplus.com/#point-57 - // Re-resolve promises immediately to dodge false rejection from - // subsequent errors - - - if (depth) { - process(); - } else { - // Call an optional hook to record the stack, in case of exception - // since it's otherwise lost when execution goes async - if (jQuery.Deferred.getStackHook) { - process.stackTrace = jQuery.Deferred.getStackHook(); - } - - window.setTimeout(process); - } - }; - } - - return jQuery.Deferred(function (newDefer) { - // progress_handlers.add( ... ) - tuples[0][3].add(resolve(0, newDefer, isFunction(onProgress) ? onProgress : Identity, newDefer.notifyWith)); // fulfilled_handlers.add( ... ) - - tuples[1][3].add(resolve(0, newDefer, isFunction(onFulfilled) ? onFulfilled : Identity)); // rejected_handlers.add( ... ) - - tuples[2][3].add(resolve(0, newDefer, isFunction(onRejected) ? onRejected : Thrower)); - }).promise(); - }, - // Get a promise for this deferred - // If obj is provided, the promise aspect is added to the object - promise: function promise(obj) { - return obj != null ? jQuery.extend(obj, _promise) : _promise; - } - }, - deferred = {}; // Add list-specific methods - - jQuery.each(tuples, function (i, tuple) { - var list = tuple[2], - stateString = tuple[5]; // promise.progress = list.add - // promise.done = list.add - // promise.fail = list.add - - _promise[tuple[1]] = list.add; // Handle state - - if (stateString) { - list.add(function () { - // state = "resolved" (i.e., fulfilled) - // state = "rejected" - _state = stateString; - }, // rejected_callbacks.disable - // fulfilled_callbacks.disable - tuples[3 - i][2].disable, // rejected_handlers.disable - // fulfilled_handlers.disable - tuples[3 - i][3].disable, // progress_callbacks.lock - tuples[0][2].lock, // progress_handlers.lock - tuples[0][3].lock); - } // progress_handlers.fire - // fulfilled_handlers.fire - // rejected_handlers.fire - - - list.add(tuple[3].fire); // deferred.notify = function() { deferred.notifyWith(...) } - // deferred.resolve = function() { deferred.resolveWith(...) } - // deferred.reject = function() { deferred.rejectWith(...) } - - deferred[tuple[0]] = function () { - deferred[tuple[0] + "With"](this === deferred ? undefined : this, arguments); - return this; - }; // deferred.notifyWith = list.fireWith - // deferred.resolveWith = list.fireWith - // deferred.rejectWith = list.fireWith - - - deferred[tuple[0] + "With"] = list.fireWith; - }); // Make the deferred a promise - - _promise.promise(deferred); // Call given func if any - - - if (func) { - func.call(deferred, deferred); - } // All done! - - - return deferred; - }, - // Deferred helper - when: function when(singleValue) { - var // count of uncompleted subordinates - remaining = arguments.length, - // count of unprocessed arguments - i = remaining, - // subordinate fulfillment data - resolveContexts = Array(i), - resolveValues = _slice.call(arguments), - // the master Deferred - master = jQuery.Deferred(), - // subordinate callback factory - updateFunc = function updateFunc(i) { - return function (value) { - resolveContexts[i] = this; - resolveValues[i] = arguments.length > 1 ? _slice.call(arguments) : value; - - if (! --remaining) { - master.resolveWith(resolveContexts, resolveValues); - } - }; - }; // Single- and empty arguments are adopted like Promise.resolve - - - if (remaining <= 1) { - adoptValue(singleValue, master.done(updateFunc(i)).resolve, master.reject, !remaining); // Use .then() to unwrap secondary thenables (cf. gh-3000) - - if (master.state() === "pending" || isFunction(resolveValues[i] && resolveValues[i].then)) { - return master.then(); - } - } // Multiple arguments are aggregated like Promise.all array elements - - - while (i--) { - adoptValue(resolveValues[i], updateFunc(i), master.reject); - } - - return master.promise(); - } - }); // These usually indicate a programmer mistake during development, - // warn about them ASAP rather than swallowing them by default. - - var rerrorNames = /^(Eval|Internal|Range|Reference|Syntax|Type|URI)Error$/; - - jQuery.Deferred.exceptionHook = function (error, stack) { - // Support: IE 8 - 9 only - // Console exists when dev tools are open, which can happen at any time - if (window.console && window.console.warn && error && rerrorNames.test(error.name)) { - window.console.warn("jQuery.Deferred exception: " + error.message, error.stack, stack); - } - }; - - jQuery.readyException = function (error) { - window.setTimeout(function () { - throw error; - }); - }; // The deferred used on DOM ready - - - var readyList = jQuery.Deferred(); - - jQuery.fn.ready = function (fn) { - readyList.then(fn) // Wrap jQuery.readyException in a function so that the lookup - // happens at the time of error handling instead of callback - // registration. - ["catch"](function (error) { - jQuery.readyException(error); - }); - return this; - }; - - jQuery.extend({ - // Is the DOM ready to be used? Set to true once it occurs. - isReady: false, - // A counter to track how many items to wait for before - // the ready event fires. See #6781 - readyWait: 1, - // Handle when the DOM is ready - ready: function ready(wait) { - // Abort if there are pending holds or we're already ready - if (wait === true ? --jQuery.readyWait : jQuery.isReady) { - return; - } // Remember that the DOM is ready - - - jQuery.isReady = true; // If a normal DOM Ready event fired, decrement, and wait if need be - - if (wait !== true && --jQuery.readyWait > 0) { - return; - } // If there are functions bound, to execute - - - readyList.resolveWith(document, [jQuery]); - } - }); - jQuery.ready.then = readyList.then; // The ready event handler and self cleanup method - - function completed() { - document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", completed); - window.removeEventListener("load", completed); - jQuery.ready(); - } // Catch cases where $(document).ready() is called - // after the browser event has already occurred. - // Support: IE <=9 - 10 only - // Older IE sometimes signals "interactive" too soon - - - if (document.readyState === "complete" || document.readyState !== "loading" && !document.documentElement.doScroll) { - // Handle it asynchronously to allow scripts the opportunity to delay ready - window.setTimeout(jQuery.ready); - } else { - // Use the handy event callback - document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", completed); // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work - - window.addEventListener("load", completed); - } // Multifunctional method to get and set values of a collection - // The value/s can optionally be executed if it's a function - - - var access = function access(elems, fn, key, value, chainable, emptyGet, raw) { - var i = 0, - len = elems.length, - bulk = key == null; // Sets many values - - if (toType(key) === "object") { - chainable = true; - - for (i in key) { - access(elems, fn, i, key[i], true, emptyGet, raw); - } // Sets one value - - } else if (value !== undefined) { - chainable = true; - - if (!isFunction(value)) { - raw = true; - } - - if (bulk) { - // Bulk operations run against the entire set - if (raw) { - fn.call(elems, value); - fn = null; // ...except when executing function values - } else { - bulk = fn; - - fn = function fn(elem, key, value) { - return bulk.call(jQuery(elem), value); - }; - } - } - - if (fn) { - for (; i < len; i++) { - fn(elems[i], key, raw ? value : value.call(elems[i], i, fn(elems[i], key))); - } - } - } - - if (chainable) { - return elems; - } // Gets - - - if (bulk) { - return fn.call(elems); - } - - return len ? fn(elems[0], key) : emptyGet; - }; // Matches dashed string for camelizing - - - var rmsPrefix = /^-ms-/, - rdashAlpha = /-([a-z])/g; // Used by camelCase as callback to replace() - - function fcamelCase(all, letter) { - return letter.toUpperCase(); - } // Convert dashed to camelCase; used by the css and data modules - // Support: IE <=9 - 11, Edge 12 - 15 - // Microsoft forgot to hump their vendor prefix (#9572) - - - function camelCase(string) { - return string.replace(rmsPrefix, "ms-").replace(rdashAlpha, fcamelCase); - } - - var acceptData = function acceptData(owner) { - // Accepts only: - // - Node - // - Node.ELEMENT_NODE - // - Node.DOCUMENT_NODE - // - Object - // - Any - return owner.nodeType === 1 || owner.nodeType === 9 || !+owner.nodeType; - }; - - function Data() { - this.expando = jQuery.expando + Data.uid++; - } - - Data.uid = 1; - Data.prototype = { - cache: function cache(owner) { - // Check if the owner object already has a cache - var value = owner[this.expando]; // If not, create one - - if (!value) { - value = {}; // We can accept data for non-element nodes in modern browsers, - // but we should not, see #8335. - // Always return an empty object. - - if (acceptData(owner)) { - // If it is a node unlikely to be stringify-ed or looped over - // use plain assignment - if (owner.nodeType) { - owner[this.expando] = value; // Otherwise secure it in a non-enumerable property - // configurable must be true to allow the property to be - // deleted when data is removed - } else { - Object.defineProperty(owner, this.expando, { - value: value, - configurable: true - }); - } - } - } - - return value; - }, - set: function set(owner, data, value) { - var prop, - cache = this.cache(owner); // Handle: [ owner, key, value ] args - // Always use camelCase key (gh-2257) - - if (typeof data === "string") { - cache[camelCase(data)] = value; // Handle: [ owner, { properties } ] args - } else { - // Copy the properties one-by-one to the cache object - for (prop in data) { - cache[camelCase(prop)] = data[prop]; - } - } - - return cache; - }, - get: function get(owner, key) { - return key === undefined ? this.cache(owner) : // Always use camelCase key (gh-2257) - owner[this.expando] && owner[this.expando][camelCase(key)]; - }, - access: function access(owner, key, value) { - // In cases where either: - // - // 1. No key was specified - // 2. A string key was specified, but no value provided - // - // Take the "read" path and allow the get method to determine - // which value to return, respectively either: - // - // 1. The entire cache object - // 2. The data stored at the key - // - if (key === undefined || key && typeof key === "string" && value === undefined) { - return this.get(owner, key); - } // When the key is not a string, or both a key and value - // are specified, set or extend (existing objects) with either: - // - // 1. An object of properties - // 2. A key and value - // - - - this.set(owner, key, value); // Since the "set" path can have two possible entry points - // return the expected data based on which path was taken[*] - - return value !== undefined ? value : key; - }, - remove: function remove(owner, key) { - var i, - cache = owner[this.expando]; - - if (cache === undefined) { - return; - } - - if (key !== undefined) { - // Support array or space separated string of keys - if (Array.isArray(key)) { - // If key is an array of keys... - // We always set camelCase keys, so remove that. - key = key.map(camelCase); - } else { - key = camelCase(key); // If a key with the spaces exists, use it. - // Otherwise, create an array by matching non-whitespace - - key = key in cache ? [key] : key.match(rnothtmlwhite) || []; - } - - i = key.length; - - while (i--) { - delete cache[key[i]]; - } - } // Remove the expando if there's no more data - - - if (key === undefined || jQuery.isEmptyObject(cache)) { - // Support: Chrome <=35 - 45 - // Webkit & Blink performance suffers when deleting properties - // from DOM nodes, so set to undefined instead - // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=378607 (bug restricted) - if (owner.nodeType) { - owner[this.expando] = undefined; - } else { - delete owner[this.expando]; - } - } - }, - hasData: function hasData(owner) { - var cache = owner[this.expando]; - return cache !== undefined && !jQuery.isEmptyObject(cache); - } - }; - var dataPriv = new Data(); - var dataUser = new Data(); // Implementation Summary - // - // 1. Enforce API surface and semantic compatibility with 1.9.x branch - // 2. Improve the module's maintainability by reducing the storage - // paths to a single mechanism. - // 3. Use the same single mechanism to support "private" and "user" data. - // 4. _Never_ expose "private" data to user code (TODO: Drop _data, _removeData) - // 5. Avoid exposing implementation details on user objects (eg. expando properties) - // 6. Provide a clear path for implementation upgrade to WeakMap in 2014 - - var rbrace = /^(?:\{[\w\W]*\}|\[[\w\W]*\])$/, - rmultiDash = /[A-Z]/g; - - function getData(data) { - if (data === "true") { - return true; - } - - if (data === "false") { - return false; - } - - if (data === "null") { - return null; - } // Only convert to a number if it doesn't change the string - - - if (data === +data + "") { - return +data; - } - - if (rbrace.test(data)) { - return JSON.parse(data); - } - - return data; - } - - function dataAttr(elem, key, data) { - var name; // If nothing was found internally, try to fetch any - // data from the HTML5 data-* attribute - - if (data === undefined && elem.nodeType === 1) { - name = "data-" + key.replace(rmultiDash, "-$&").toLowerCase(); - data = elem.getAttribute(name); - - if (typeof data === "string") { - try { - data = getData(data); - } catch (e) {} // Make sure we set the data so it isn't changed later - - - dataUser.set(elem, key, data); - } else { - data = undefined; - } - } - - return data; - } - - jQuery.extend({ - hasData: function hasData(elem) { - return dataUser.hasData(elem) || dataPriv.hasData(elem); - }, - data: function data(elem, name, _data) { - return dataUser.access(elem, name, _data); - }, - removeData: function removeData(elem, name) { - dataUser.remove(elem, name); - }, - // TODO: Now that all calls to _data and _removeData have been replaced - // with direct calls to dataPriv methods, these can be deprecated. - _data: function _data(elem, name, data) { - return dataPriv.access(elem, name, data); - }, - _removeData: function _removeData(elem, name) { - dataPriv.remove(elem, name); - } - }); - jQuery.fn.extend({ - data: function data(key, value) { - var i, - name, - data, - elem = this[0], - attrs = elem && elem.attributes; // Gets all values - - if (key === undefined) { - if (this.length) { - data = dataUser.get(elem); - - if (elem.nodeType === 1 && !dataPriv.get(elem, "hasDataAttrs")) { - i = attrs.length; - - while (i--) { - // Support: IE 11 only - // The attrs elements can be null (#14894) - if (attrs[i]) { - name = attrs[i].name; - - if (name.indexOf("data-") === 0) { - name = camelCase(name.slice(5)); - dataAttr(elem, name, data[name]); - } - } - } - - dataPriv.set(elem, "hasDataAttrs", true); - } - } - - return data; - } // Sets multiple values - - - if (_typeof(key) === "object") { - return this.each(function () { - dataUser.set(this, key); - }); - } - - return access(this, function (value) { - var data; // The calling jQuery object (element matches) is not empty - // (and therefore has an element appears at this[ 0 ]) and the - // `value` parameter was not undefined. An empty jQuery object - // will result in `undefined` for elem = this[ 0 ] which will - // throw an exception if an attempt to read a data cache is made. - - if (elem && value === undefined) { - // Attempt to get data from the cache - // The key will always be camelCased in Data - data = dataUser.get(elem, key); - - if (data !== undefined) { - return data; - } // Attempt to "discover" the data in - // HTML5 custom data-* attrs - - - data = dataAttr(elem, key); - - if (data !== undefined) { - return data; - } // We tried really hard, but the data doesn't exist. - - - return; - } // Set the data... - - - this.each(function () { - // We always store the camelCased key - dataUser.set(this, key, value); - }); - }, null, value, arguments.length > 1, null, true); - }, - removeData: function removeData(key) { - return this.each(function () { - dataUser.remove(this, key); - }); - } - }); - jQuery.extend({ - queue: function queue(elem, type, data) { - var queue; - - if (elem) { - type = (type || "fx") + "queue"; - queue = dataPriv.get(elem, type); // Speed up dequeue by getting out quickly if this is just a lookup - - if (data) { - if (!queue || Array.isArray(data)) { - queue = dataPriv.access(elem, type, jQuery.makeArray(data)); - } else { - queue.push(data); - } - } - - return queue || []; - } - }, - dequeue: function dequeue(elem, type) { - type = type || "fx"; - - var queue = jQuery.queue(elem, type), - startLength = queue.length, - fn = queue.shift(), - hooks = jQuery._queueHooks(elem, type), - next = function next() { - jQuery.dequeue(elem, type); - }; // If the fx queue is dequeued, always remove the progress sentinel - - - if (fn === "inprogress") { - fn = queue.shift(); - startLength--; - } - - if (fn) { - // Add a progress sentinel to prevent the fx queue from being - // automatically dequeued - if (type === "fx") { - queue.unshift("inprogress"); - } // Clear up the last queue stop function - - - delete hooks.stop; - fn.call(elem, next, hooks); - } - - if (!startLength && hooks) { - hooks.empty.fire(); - } - }, - // Not public - generate a queueHooks object, or return the current one - _queueHooks: function _queueHooks(elem, type) { - var key = type + "queueHooks"; - return dataPriv.get(elem, key) || dataPriv.access(elem, key, { - empty: jQuery.Callbacks("once memory").add(function () { - dataPriv.remove(elem, [type + "queue", key]); - }) - }); - } - }); - jQuery.fn.extend({ - queue: function queue(type, data) { - var setter = 2; - - if (typeof type !== "string") { - data = type; - type = "fx"; - setter--; - } - - if (arguments.length < setter) { - return jQuery.queue(this[0], type); - } - - return data === undefined ? this : this.each(function () { - var queue = jQuery.queue(this, type, data); // Ensure a hooks for this queue - - jQuery._queueHooks(this, type); - - if (type === "fx" && queue[0] !== "inprogress") { - jQuery.dequeue(this, type); - } - }); - }, - dequeue: function dequeue(type) { - return this.each(function () { - jQuery.dequeue(this, type); - }); - }, - clearQueue: function clearQueue(type) { - return this.queue(type || "fx", []); - }, - // Get a promise resolved when queues of a certain type - // are emptied (fx is the type by default) - promise: function promise(type, obj) { - var tmp, - count = 1, - defer = jQuery.Deferred(), - elements = this, - i = this.length, - resolve = function resolve() { - if (! --count) { - defer.resolveWith(elements, [elements]); - } - }; - - if (typeof type !== "string") { - obj = type; - type = undefined; - } - - type = type || "fx"; - - while (i--) { - tmp = dataPriv.get(elements[i], type + "queueHooks"); - - if (tmp && tmp.empty) { - count++; - tmp.empty.add(resolve); - } - } - - resolve(); - return defer.promise(obj); - } - }); - var pnum = /[+-]?(?:\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+|)/.source; - var rcssNum = new RegExp("^(?:([+-])=|)(" + pnum + ")([a-z%]*)$", "i"); - var cssExpand = ["Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left"]; - var documentElement = document.documentElement; - - var isAttached = function isAttached(elem) { - return jQuery.contains(elem.ownerDocument, elem); - }, - composed = { - composed: true - }; // Support: IE 9 - 11+, Edge 12 - 18+, iOS 10.0 - 10.2 only - // Check attachment across shadow DOM boundaries when possible (gh-3504) - // Support: iOS 10.0-10.2 only - // Early iOS 10 versions support `attachShadow` but not `getRootNode`, - // leading to errors. We need to check for `getRootNode`. - - - if (documentElement.getRootNode) { - isAttached = function isAttached(elem) { - return jQuery.contains(elem.ownerDocument, elem) || elem.getRootNode(composed) === elem.ownerDocument; - }; - } - - var isHiddenWithinTree = function isHiddenWithinTree(elem, el) { - // isHiddenWithinTree might be called from jQuery#filter function; - // in that case, element will be second argument - elem = el || elem; // Inline style trumps all - - return elem.style.display === "none" || elem.style.display === "" && // Otherwise, check computed style - // Support: Firefox <=43 - 45 - // Disconnected elements can have computed display: none, so first confirm that elem is - // in the document. - isAttached(elem) && jQuery.css(elem, "display") === "none"; - }; - - var swap = function swap(elem, options, callback, args) { - var ret, - name, - old = {}; // Remember the old values, and insert the new ones - - for (name in options) { - old[name] = elem.style[name]; - elem.style[name] = options[name]; - } - - ret = callback.apply(elem, args || []); // Revert the old values - - for (name in options) { - elem.style[name] = old[name]; - } - - return ret; - }; - - function adjustCSS(elem, prop, valueParts, tween) { - var adjusted, - scale, - maxIterations = 20, - currentValue = tween ? function () { - return tween.cur(); - } : function () { - return jQuery.css(elem, prop, ""); - }, - initial = currentValue(), - unit = valueParts && valueParts[3] || (jQuery.cssNumber[prop] ? "" : "px"), - // Starting value computation is required for potential unit mismatches - initialInUnit = elem.nodeType && (jQuery.cssNumber[prop] || unit !== "px" && +initial) && rcssNum.exec(jQuery.css(elem, prop)); - - if (initialInUnit && initialInUnit[3] !== unit) { - // Support: Firefox <=54 - // Halve the iteration target value to prevent interference from CSS upper bounds (gh-2144) - initial = initial / 2; // Trust units reported by jQuery.css - - unit = unit || initialInUnit[3]; // Iteratively approximate from a nonzero starting point - - initialInUnit = +initial || 1; - - while (maxIterations--) { - // Evaluate and update our best guess (doubling guesses that zero out). - // Finish if the scale equals or crosses 1 (making the old*new product non-positive). - jQuery.style(elem, prop, initialInUnit + unit); - - if ((1 - scale) * (1 - (scale = currentValue() / initial || 0.5)) <= 0) { - maxIterations = 0; - } - - initialInUnit = initialInUnit / scale; - } - - initialInUnit = initialInUnit * 2; - jQuery.style(elem, prop, initialInUnit + unit); // Make sure we update the tween properties later on - - valueParts = valueParts || []; - } - - if (valueParts) { - initialInUnit = +initialInUnit || +initial || 0; // Apply relative offset (+=/-=) if specified - - adjusted = valueParts[1] ? initialInUnit + (valueParts[1] + 1) * valueParts[2] : +valueParts[2]; - - if (tween) { - tween.unit = unit; - tween.start = initialInUnit; - tween.end = adjusted; - } - } - - return adjusted; - } - - var defaultDisplayMap = {}; - - function getDefaultDisplay(elem) { - var temp, - doc = elem.ownerDocument, - nodeName = elem.nodeName, - display = defaultDisplayMap[nodeName]; - - if (display) { - return display; - } - - temp = doc.body.appendChild(doc.createElement(nodeName)); - display = jQuery.css(temp, "display"); - temp.parentNode.removeChild(temp); - - if (display === "none") { - display = "block"; - } - - defaultDisplayMap[nodeName] = display; - return display; - } - - function showHide(elements, show) { - var display, - elem, - values = [], - index = 0, - length = elements.length; // Determine new display value for elements that need to change - - for (; index < length; index++) { - elem = elements[index]; - - if (!elem.style) { - continue; - } - - display = elem.style.display; - - if (show) { - // Since we force visibility upon cascade-hidden elements, an immediate (and slow) - // check is required in this first loop unless we have a nonempty display value (either - // inline or about-to-be-restored) - if (display === "none") { - values[index] = dataPriv.get(elem, "display") || null; - - if (!values[index]) { - elem.style.display = ""; - } - } - - if (elem.style.display === "" && isHiddenWithinTree(elem)) { - values[index] = getDefaultDisplay(elem); - } - } else { - if (display !== "none") { - values[index] = "none"; // Remember what we're overwriting - - dataPriv.set(elem, "display", display); - } - } - } // Set the display of the elements in a second loop to avoid constant reflow - - - for (index = 0; index < length; index++) { - if (values[index] != null) { - elements[index].style.display = values[index]; - } - } - - return elements; - } - - jQuery.fn.extend({ - show: function show() { - return showHide(this, true); - }, - hide: function hide() { - return showHide(this); - }, - toggle: function toggle(state) { - if (typeof state === "boolean") { - return state ? this.show() : this.hide(); - } - - return this.each(function () { - if (isHiddenWithinTree(this)) { - jQuery(this).show(); - } else { - jQuery(this).hide(); - } - }); - } - }); - var rcheckableType = /^(?:checkbox|radio)$/i; - var rtagName = /<([a-z][^\/\0>\x20\t\r\n\f]*)/i; - var rscriptType = /^$|^module$|\/(?:java|ecma)script/i; // We have to close these tags to support XHTML (#13200) - - var wrapMap = { - // Support: IE <=9 only - option: [1, ""], - // XHTML parsers do not magically insert elements in the - // same way that tag soup parsers do. So we cannot shorten - // this by omitting or other required elements. - thead: [1, "", "
"], - col: [2, "", "
"], - tr: [2, "", "
"], - td: [3, "", "
"], - _default: [0, "", ""] - }; // Support: IE <=9 only - - wrapMap.optgroup = wrapMap.option; - wrapMap.tbody = wrapMap.tfoot = wrapMap.colgroup = wrapMap.caption = wrapMap.thead; - wrapMap.th = wrapMap.td; - - function getAll(context, tag) { - // Support: IE <=9 - 11 only - // Use typeof to avoid zero-argument method invocation on host objects (#15151) - var ret; - - if (typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined") { - ret = context.getElementsByTagName(tag || "*"); - } else if (typeof context.querySelectorAll !== "undefined") { - ret = context.querySelectorAll(tag || "*"); - } else { - ret = []; - } - - if (tag === undefined || tag && nodeName(context, tag)) { - return jQuery.merge([context], ret); - } - - return ret; - } // Mark scripts as having already been evaluated - - - function setGlobalEval(elems, refElements) { - var i = 0, - l = elems.length; - - for (; i < l; i++) { - dataPriv.set(elems[i], "globalEval", !refElements || dataPriv.get(refElements[i], "globalEval")); - } - } - - var rhtml = /<|&#?\w+;/; - - function buildFragment(elems, context, scripts, selection, ignored) { - var elem, - tmp, - tag, - wrap, - attached, - j, - fragment = context.createDocumentFragment(), - nodes = [], - i = 0, - l = elems.length; - - for (; i < l; i++) { - elem = elems[i]; - - if (elem || elem === 0) { - // Add nodes directly - if (toType(elem) === "object") { - // Support: Android <=4.0 only, PhantomJS 1 only - // push.apply(_, arraylike) throws on ancient WebKit - jQuery.merge(nodes, elem.nodeType ? [elem] : elem); // Convert non-html into a text node - } else if (!rhtml.test(elem)) { - nodes.push(context.createTextNode(elem)); // Convert html into DOM nodes - } else { - tmp = tmp || fragment.appendChild(context.createElement("div")); // Deserialize a standard representation - - tag = (rtagName.exec(elem) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase(); - wrap = wrapMap[tag] || wrapMap._default; - tmp.innerHTML = wrap[1] + jQuery.htmlPrefilter(elem) + wrap[2]; // Descend through wrappers to the right content - - j = wrap[0]; - - while (j--) { - tmp = tmp.lastChild; - } // Support: Android <=4.0 only, PhantomJS 1 only - // push.apply(_, arraylike) throws on ancient WebKit - - - jQuery.merge(nodes, tmp.childNodes); // Remember the top-level container - - tmp = fragment.firstChild; // Ensure the created nodes are orphaned (#12392) - - tmp.textContent = ""; - } - } - } // Remove wrapper from fragment - - - fragment.textContent = ""; - i = 0; - - while (elem = nodes[i++]) { - // Skip elements already in the context collection (trac-4087) - if (selection && jQuery.inArray(elem, selection) > -1) { - if (ignored) { - ignored.push(elem); - } - - continue; - } - - attached = isAttached(elem); // Append to fragment - - tmp = getAll(fragment.appendChild(elem), "script"); // Preserve script evaluation history - - if (attached) { - setGlobalEval(tmp); - } // Capture executables - - - if (scripts) { - j = 0; - - while (elem = tmp[j++]) { - if (rscriptType.test(elem.type || "")) { - scripts.push(elem); - } - } - } - } - - return fragment; - } - - (function () { - var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(), - div = fragment.appendChild(document.createElement("div")), - input = document.createElement("input"); // Support: Android 4.0 - 4.3 only - // Check state lost if the name is set (#11217) - // Support: Windows Web Apps (WWA) - // `name` and `type` must use .setAttribute for WWA (#14901) - - input.setAttribute("type", "radio"); - input.setAttribute("checked", "checked"); - input.setAttribute("name", "t"); - div.appendChild(input); // Support: Android <=4.1 only - // Older WebKit doesn't clone checked state correctly in fragments - - support.checkClone = div.cloneNode(true).cloneNode(true).lastChild.checked; // Support: IE <=11 only - // Make sure textarea (and checkbox) defaultValue is properly cloned - - div.innerHTML = ""; - support.noCloneChecked = !!div.cloneNode(true).lastChild.defaultValue; - })(); - - var rkeyEvent = /^key/, - rmouseEvent = /^(?:mouse|pointer|contextmenu|drag|drop)|click/, - rtypenamespace = /^([^.]*)(?:\.(.+)|)/; - - function returnTrue() { - return true; - } - - function returnFalse() { - return false; - } // Support: IE <=9 - 11+ - // focus() and blur() are asynchronous, except when they are no-op. - // So expect focus to be synchronous when the element is already active, - // and blur to be synchronous when the element is not already active. - // (focus and blur are always synchronous in other supported browsers, - // this just defines when we can count on it). - - - function expectSync(elem, type) { - return elem === safeActiveElement() === (type === "focus"); - } // Support: IE <=9 only - // Accessing document.activeElement can throw unexpectedly - // https://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/13393 - - - function safeActiveElement() { - try { - return document.activeElement; - } catch (err) {} - } - - function _on(elem, types, selector, data, fn, one) { - var origFn, type; // Types can be a map of types/handlers - - if (_typeof(types) === "object") { - // ( types-Object, selector, data ) - if (typeof selector !== "string") { - // ( types-Object, data ) - data = data || selector; - selector = undefined; - } - - for (type in types) { - _on(elem, type, selector, data, types[type], one); - } - - return elem; - } - - if (data == null && fn == null) { - // ( types, fn ) - fn = selector; - data = selector = undefined; - } else if (fn == null) { - if (typeof selector === "string") { - // ( types, selector, fn ) - fn = data; - data = undefined; - } else { - // ( types, data, fn ) - fn = data; - data = selector; - selector = undefined; - } - } - - if (fn === false) { - fn = returnFalse; - } else if (!fn) { - return elem; - } - - if (one === 1) { - origFn = fn; - - fn = function fn(event) { - // Can use an empty set, since event contains the info - jQuery().off(event); - return origFn.apply(this, arguments); - }; // Use same guid so caller can remove using origFn - - - fn.guid = origFn.guid || (origFn.guid = jQuery.guid++); - } - - return elem.each(function () { - jQuery.event.add(this, types, fn, data, selector); - }); - } - /* - * Helper functions for managing events -- not part of the public interface. - * Props to Dean Edwards' addEvent library for many of the ideas. - */ - - - jQuery.event = { - global: {}, - add: function add(elem, types, handler, data, selector) { - var handleObjIn, - eventHandle, - tmp, - events, - t, - handleObj, - special, - handlers, - type, - namespaces, - origType, - elemData = dataPriv.get(elem); // Don't attach events to noData or text/comment nodes (but allow plain objects) - - if (!elemData) { - return; - } // Caller can pass in an object of custom data in lieu of the handler - - - if (handler.handler) { - handleObjIn = handler; - handler = handleObjIn.handler; - selector = handleObjIn.selector; - } // Ensure that invalid selectors throw exceptions at attach time - // Evaluate against documentElement in case elem is a non-element node (e.g., document) - - - if (selector) { - jQuery.find.matchesSelector(documentElement, selector); - } // Make sure that the handler has a unique ID, used to find/remove it later - - - if (!handler.guid) { - handler.guid = jQuery.guid++; - } // Init the element's event structure and main handler, if this is the first - - - if (!(events = elemData.events)) { - events = elemData.events = {}; - } - - if (!(eventHandle = elemData.handle)) { - eventHandle = elemData.handle = function (e) { - // Discard the second event of a jQuery.event.trigger() and - // when an event is called after a page has unloaded - return typeof jQuery !== "undefined" && jQuery.event.triggered !== e.type ? jQuery.event.dispatch.apply(elem, arguments) : undefined; - }; - } // Handle multiple events separated by a space - - - types = (types || "").match(rnothtmlwhite) || [""]; - t = types.length; - - while (t--) { - tmp = rtypenamespace.exec(types[t]) || []; - type = origType = tmp[1]; - namespaces = (tmp[2] || "").split(".").sort(); // There *must* be a type, no attaching namespace-only handlers - - if (!type) { - continue; - } // If event changes its type, use the special event handlers for the changed type - - - special = jQuery.event.special[type] || {}; // If selector defined, determine special event api type, otherwise given type - - type = (selector ? special.delegateType : special.bindType) || type; // Update special based on newly reset type - - special = jQuery.event.special[type] || {}; // handleObj is passed to all event handlers - - handleObj = jQuery.extend({ - type: type, - origType: origType, - data: data, - handler: handler, - guid: handler.guid, - selector: selector, - needsContext: selector && jQuery.expr.match.needsContext.test(selector), - namespace: namespaces.join(".") - }, handleObjIn); // Init the event handler queue if we're the first - - if (!(handlers = events[type])) { - handlers = events[type] = []; - handlers.delegateCount = 0; // Only use addEventListener if the special events handler returns false - - if (!special.setup || special.setup.call(elem, data, namespaces, eventHandle) === false) { - if (elem.addEventListener) { - elem.addEventListener(type, eventHandle); - } - } - } - - if (special.add) { - special.add.call(elem, handleObj); - - if (!handleObj.handler.guid) { - handleObj.handler.guid = handler.guid; - } - } // Add to the element's handler list, delegates in front - - - if (selector) { - handlers.splice(handlers.delegateCount++, 0, handleObj); - } else { - handlers.push(handleObj); - } // Keep track of which events have ever been used, for event optimization - - - jQuery.event.global[type] = true; - } - }, - // Detach an event or set of events from an element - remove: function remove(elem, types, handler, selector, mappedTypes) { - var j, - origCount, - tmp, - events, - t, - handleObj, - special, - handlers, - type, - namespaces, - origType, - elemData = dataPriv.hasData(elem) && dataPriv.get(elem); - - if (!elemData || !(events = elemData.events)) { - return; - } // Once for each type.namespace in types; type may be omitted - - - types = (types || "").match(rnothtmlwhite) || [""]; - t = types.length; - - while (t--) { - tmp = rtypenamespace.exec(types[t]) || []; - type = origType = tmp[1]; - namespaces = (tmp[2] || "").split(".").sort(); // Unbind all events (on this namespace, if provided) for the element - - if (!type) { - for (type in events) { - jQuery.event.remove(elem, type + types[t], handler, selector, true); - } - - continue; - } - - special = jQuery.event.special[type] || {}; - type = (selector ? special.delegateType : special.bindType) || type; - handlers = events[type] || []; - tmp = tmp[2] && new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + namespaces.join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)"); // Remove matching events - - origCount = j = handlers.length; - - while (j--) { - handleObj = handlers[j]; - - if ((mappedTypes || origType === handleObj.origType) && (!handler || handler.guid === handleObj.guid) && (!tmp || tmp.test(handleObj.namespace)) && (!selector || selector === handleObj.selector || selector === "**" && handleObj.selector)) { - handlers.splice(j, 1); - - if (handleObj.selector) { - handlers.delegateCount--; - } - - if (special.remove) { - special.remove.call(elem, handleObj); - } - } - } // Remove generic event handler if we removed something and no more handlers exist - // (avoids potential for endless recursion during removal of special event handlers) - - - if (origCount && !handlers.length) { - if (!special.teardown || special.teardown.call(elem, namespaces, elemData.handle) === false) { - jQuery.removeEvent(elem, type, elemData.handle); - } - - delete events[type]; - } - } // Remove data and the expando if it's no longer used - - - if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(events)) { - dataPriv.remove(elem, "handle events"); - } - }, - dispatch: function dispatch(nativeEvent) { - // Make a writable jQuery.Event from the native event object - var event = jQuery.event.fix(nativeEvent); - var i, - j, - ret, - matched, - handleObj, - handlerQueue, - args = new Array(arguments.length), - handlers = (dataPriv.get(this, "events") || {})[event.type] || [], - special = jQuery.event.special[event.type] || {}; // Use the fix-ed jQuery.Event rather than the (read-only) native event - - args[0] = event; - - for (i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { - args[i] = arguments[i]; - } - - event.delegateTarget = this; // Call the preDispatch hook for the mapped type, and let it bail if desired - - if (special.preDispatch && special.preDispatch.call(this, event) === false) { - return; - } // Determine handlers - - - handlerQueue = jQuery.event.handlers.call(this, event, handlers); // Run delegates first; they may want to stop propagation beneath us - - i = 0; - - while ((matched = handlerQueue[i++]) && !event.isPropagationStopped()) { - event.currentTarget = matched.elem; - j = 0; - - while ((handleObj = matched.handlers[j++]) && !event.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) { - // If the event is namespaced, then each handler is only invoked if it is - // specially universal or its namespaces are a superset of the event's. - if (!event.rnamespace || handleObj.namespace === false || event.rnamespace.test(handleObj.namespace)) { - event.handleObj = handleObj; - event.data = handleObj.data; - ret = ((jQuery.event.special[handleObj.origType] || {}).handle || handleObj.handler).apply(matched.elem, args); - - if (ret !== undefined) { - if ((event.result = ret) === false) { - event.preventDefault(); - event.stopPropagation(); - } - } - } - } - } // Call the postDispatch hook for the mapped type - - - if (special.postDispatch) { - special.postDispatch.call(this, event); - } - - return event.result; - }, - handlers: function handlers(event, _handlers) { - var i, - handleObj, - sel, - matchedHandlers, - matchedSelectors, - handlerQueue = [], - delegateCount = _handlers.delegateCount, - cur = event.target; // Find delegate handlers - - if (delegateCount && // Support: IE <=9 - // Black-hole SVG instance trees (trac-13180) - cur.nodeType && // Support: Firefox <=42 - // Suppress spec-violating clicks indicating a non-primary pointer button (trac-3861) - // https://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/#event-type-click - // Support: IE 11 only - // ...but not arrow key "clicks" of radio inputs, which can have `button` -1 (gh-2343) - !(event.type === "click" && event.button >= 1)) { - for (; cur !== this; cur = cur.parentNode || this) { - // Don't check non-elements (#13208) - // Don't process clicks on disabled elements (#6911, #8165, #11382, #11764) - if (cur.nodeType === 1 && !(event.type === "click" && cur.disabled === true)) { - matchedHandlers = []; - matchedSelectors = {}; - - for (i = 0; i < delegateCount; i++) { - handleObj = _handlers[i]; // Don't conflict with Object.prototype properties (#13203) - - sel = handleObj.selector + " "; - - if (matchedSelectors[sel] === undefined) { - matchedSelectors[sel] = handleObj.needsContext ? jQuery(sel, this).index(cur) > -1 : jQuery.find(sel, this, null, [cur]).length; - } - - if (matchedSelectors[sel]) { - matchedHandlers.push(handleObj); - } - } - - if (matchedHandlers.length) { - handlerQueue.push({ - elem: cur, - handlers: matchedHandlers - }); - } - } - } - } // Add the remaining (directly-bound) handlers - - - cur = this; - - if (delegateCount < _handlers.length) { - handlerQueue.push({ - elem: cur, - handlers: _handlers.slice(delegateCount) - }); - } - - return handlerQueue; - }, - addProp: function addProp(name, hook) { - Object.defineProperty(jQuery.Event.prototype, name, { - enumerable: true, - configurable: true, - get: isFunction(hook) ? function () { - if (this.originalEvent) { - return hook(this.originalEvent); - } - } : function () { - if (this.originalEvent) { - return this.originalEvent[name]; - } - }, - set: function set(value) { - Object.defineProperty(this, name, { - enumerable: true, - configurable: true, - writable: true, - value: value - }); - } - }); - }, - fix: function fix(originalEvent) { - return originalEvent[jQuery.expando] ? originalEvent : new jQuery.Event(originalEvent); - }, - special: { - load: { - // Prevent triggered image.load events from bubbling to window.load - noBubble: true - }, - click: { - // Utilize native event to ensure correct state for checkable inputs - setup: function setup(data) { - // For mutual compressibility with _default, replace `this` access with a local var. - // `|| data` is dead code meant only to preserve the variable through minification. - var el = this || data; // Claim the first handler - - if (rcheckableType.test(el.type) && el.click && nodeName(el, "input")) { - // dataPriv.set( el, "click", ... ) - leverageNative(el, "click", returnTrue); - } // Return false to allow normal processing in the caller - - - return false; - }, - trigger: function trigger(data) { - // For mutual compressibility with _default, replace `this` access with a local var. - // `|| data` is dead code meant only to preserve the variable through minification. - var el = this || data; // Force setup before triggering a click - - if (rcheckableType.test(el.type) && el.click && nodeName(el, "input")) { - leverageNative(el, "click"); - } // Return non-false to allow normal event-path propagation - - - return true; - }, - // For cross-browser consistency, suppress native .click() on links - // Also prevent it if we're currently inside a leveraged native-event stack - _default: function _default(event) { - var target = event.target; - return rcheckableType.test(target.type) && target.click && nodeName(target, "input") && dataPriv.get(target, "click") || nodeName(target, "a"); - } - }, - beforeunload: { - postDispatch: function postDispatch(event) { - // Support: Firefox 20+ - // Firefox doesn't alert if the returnValue field is not set. - if (event.result !== undefined && event.originalEvent) { - event.originalEvent.returnValue = event.result; - } - } - } - } - }; // Ensure the presence of an event listener that handles manually-triggered - // synthetic events by interrupting progress until reinvoked in response to - // *native* events that it fires directly, ensuring that state changes have - // already occurred before other listeners are invoked. - - function leverageNative(el, type, expectSync) { - // Missing expectSync indicates a trigger call, which must force setup through jQuery.event.add - if (!expectSync) { - if (dataPriv.get(el, type) === undefined) { - jQuery.event.add(el, type, returnTrue); - } - - return; - } // Register the controller as a special universal handler for all event namespaces - - - dataPriv.set(el, type, false); - jQuery.event.add(el, type, { - namespace: false, - handler: function handler(event) { - var notAsync, - result, - saved = dataPriv.get(this, type); - - if (event.isTrigger & 1 && this[type]) { - // Interrupt processing of the outer synthetic .trigger()ed event - // Saved data should be false in such cases, but might be a leftover capture object - // from an async native handler (gh-4350) - if (!saved.length) { - // Store arguments for use when handling the inner native event - // There will always be at least one argument (an event object), so this array - // will not be confused with a leftover capture object. - saved = _slice.call(arguments); - dataPriv.set(this, type, saved); // Trigger the native event and capture its result - // Support: IE <=9 - 11+ - // focus() and blur() are asynchronous - - notAsync = expectSync(this, type); - this[type](); - result = dataPriv.get(this, type); - - if (saved !== result || notAsync) { - dataPriv.set(this, type, false); - } else { - result = {}; - } - - if (saved !== result) { - // Cancel the outer synthetic event - event.stopImmediatePropagation(); - event.preventDefault(); - return result.value; - } // If this is an inner synthetic event for an event with a bubbling surrogate - // (focus or blur), assume that the surrogate already propagated from triggering the - // native event and prevent that from happening again here. - // This technically gets the ordering wrong w.r.t. to `.trigger()` (in which the - // bubbling surrogate propagates *after* the non-bubbling base), but that seems - // less bad than duplication. - - } else if ((jQuery.event.special[type] || {}).delegateType) { - event.stopPropagation(); - } // If this is a native event triggered above, everything is now in order - // Fire an inner synthetic event with the original arguments - - } else if (saved.length) { - // ...and capture the result - dataPriv.set(this, type, { - value: jQuery.event.trigger( // Support: IE <=9 - 11+ - // Extend with the prototype to reset the above stopImmediatePropagation() - jQuery.extend(saved[0], jQuery.Event.prototype), saved.slice(1), this) - }); // Abort handling of the native event - - event.stopImmediatePropagation(); - } - } - }); - } - - jQuery.removeEvent = function (elem, type, handle) { - // This "if" is needed for plain objects - if (elem.removeEventListener) { - elem.removeEventListener(type, handle); - } - }; - - jQuery.Event = function (src, props) { - // Allow instantiation without the 'new' keyword - if (!(this instanceof jQuery.Event)) { - return new jQuery.Event(src, props); - } // Event object - - - if (src && src.type) { - this.originalEvent = src; - this.type = src.type; // Events bubbling up the document may have been marked as prevented - // by a handler lower down the tree; reflect the correct value. - - this.isDefaultPrevented = src.defaultPrevented || src.defaultPrevented === undefined && // Support: Android <=2.3 only - src.returnValue === false ? returnTrue : returnFalse; // Create target properties - // Support: Safari <=6 - 7 only - // Target should not be a text node (#504, #13143) - - this.target = src.target && src.target.nodeType === 3 ? src.target.parentNode : src.target; - this.currentTarget = src.currentTarget; - this.relatedTarget = src.relatedTarget; // Event type - } else { - this.type = src; - } // Put explicitly provided properties onto the event object - - - if (props) { - jQuery.extend(this, props); - } // Create a timestamp if incoming event doesn't have one - - - this.timeStamp = src && src.timeStamp || Date.now(); // Mark it as fixed - - this[jQuery.expando] = true; - }; // jQuery.Event is based on DOM3 Events as specified by the ECMAScript Language Binding - // https://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-DOM-Level-3-Events-20030331/ecma-script-binding.html - - - jQuery.Event.prototype = { - constructor: jQuery.Event, - isDefaultPrevented: returnFalse, - isPropagationStopped: returnFalse, - isImmediatePropagationStopped: returnFalse, - isSimulated: false, - preventDefault: function preventDefault() { - var e = this.originalEvent; - this.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue; - - if (e && !this.isSimulated) { - e.preventDefault(); - } - }, - stopPropagation: function stopPropagation() { - var e = this.originalEvent; - this.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue; - - if (e && !this.isSimulated) { - e.stopPropagation(); - } - }, - stopImmediatePropagation: function stopImmediatePropagation() { - var e = this.originalEvent; - this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue; - - if (e && !this.isSimulated) { - e.stopImmediatePropagation(); - } - - this.stopPropagation(); - } - }; // Includes all common event props including KeyEvent and MouseEvent specific props - - jQuery.each({ - altKey: true, - bubbles: true, - cancelable: true, - changedTouches: true, - ctrlKey: true, - detail: true, - eventPhase: true, - metaKey: true, - pageX: true, - pageY: true, - shiftKey: true, - view: true, - "char": true, - code: true, - charCode: true, - key: true, - keyCode: true, - button: true, - buttons: true, - clientX: true, - clientY: true, - offsetX: true, - offsetY: true, - pointerId: true, - pointerType: true, - screenX: true, - screenY: true, - targetTouches: true, - toElement: true, - touches: true, - which: function which(event) { - var button = event.button; // Add which for key events - - if (event.which == null && rkeyEvent.test(event.type)) { - return event.charCode != null ? event.charCode : event.keyCode; - } // Add which for click: 1 === left; 2 === middle; 3 === right - - - if (!event.which && button !== undefined && rmouseEvent.test(event.type)) { - if (button & 1) { - return 1; - } - - if (button & 2) { - return 3; - } - - if (button & 4) { - return 2; - } - - return 0; - } - - return event.which; - } - }, jQuery.event.addProp); - jQuery.each({ - focus: "focusin", - blur: "focusout" - }, function (type, delegateType) { - jQuery.event.special[type] = { - // Utilize native event if possible so blur/focus sequence is correct - setup: function setup() { - // Claim the first handler - // dataPriv.set( this, "focus", ... ) - // dataPriv.set( this, "blur", ... ) - leverageNative(this, type, expectSync); // Return false to allow normal processing in the caller - - return false; - }, - trigger: function trigger() { - // Force setup before trigger - leverageNative(this, type); // Return non-false to allow normal event-path propagation - - return true; - }, - delegateType: delegateType - }; - }); // Create mouseenter/leave events using mouseover/out and event-time checks - // so that event delegation works in jQuery. - // Do the same for pointerenter/pointerleave and pointerover/pointerout - // - // Support: Safari 7 only - // Safari sends mouseenter too often; see: - // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=470258 - // for the description of the bug (it existed in older Chrome versions as well). - - jQuery.each({ - mouseenter: "mouseover", - mouseleave: "mouseout", - pointerenter: "pointerover", - pointerleave: "pointerout" - }, function (orig, fix) { - jQuery.event.special[orig] = { - delegateType: fix, - bindType: fix, - handle: function handle(event) { - var ret, - target = this, - related = event.relatedTarget, - handleObj = event.handleObj; // For mouseenter/leave call the handler if related is outside the target. - // NB: No relatedTarget if the mouse left/entered the browser window - - if (!related || related !== target && !jQuery.contains(target, related)) { - event.type = handleObj.origType; - ret = handleObj.handler.apply(this, arguments); - event.type = fix; - } - - return ret; - } - }; - }); - jQuery.fn.extend({ - on: function on(types, selector, data, fn) { - return _on(this, types, selector, data, fn); - }, - one: function one(types, selector, data, fn) { - return _on(this, types, selector, data, fn, 1); - }, - off: function off(types, selector, fn) { - var handleObj, type; - - if (types && types.preventDefault && types.handleObj) { - // ( event ) dispatched jQuery.Event - handleObj = types.handleObj; - jQuery(types.delegateTarget).off(handleObj.namespace ? handleObj.origType + "." + handleObj.namespace : handleObj.origType, handleObj.selector, handleObj.handler); - return this; - } - - if (_typeof(types) === "object") { - // ( types-object [, selector] ) - for (type in types) { - this.off(type, selector, types[type]); - } - - return this; - } - - if (selector === false || typeof selector === "function") { - // ( types [, fn] ) - fn = selector; - selector = undefined; - } - - if (fn === false) { - fn = returnFalse; - } - - return this.each(function () { - jQuery.event.remove(this, types, fn, selector); - }); - } - }); - var - /* eslint-disable max-len */ - // See https://github.com/eslint/eslint/issues/3229 - rxhtmlTag = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([a-z][^\/\0>\x20\t\r\n\f]*)[^>]*)\/>/gi, - - /* eslint-enable */ - // Support: IE <=10 - 11, Edge 12 - 13 only - // In IE/Edge using regex groups here causes severe slowdowns. - // See https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/1736512/ - rnoInnerhtml = /\s*$/g; // Prefer a tbody over its parent table for containing new rows - - function manipulationTarget(elem, content) { - if (nodeName(elem, "table") && nodeName(content.nodeType !== 11 ? content : content.firstChild, "tr")) { - return jQuery(elem).children("tbody")[0] || elem; - } - - return elem; - } // Replace/restore the type attribute of script elements for safe DOM manipulation - - - function disableScript(elem) { - elem.type = (elem.getAttribute("type") !== null) + "/" + elem.type; - return elem; - } - - function restoreScript(elem) { - if ((elem.type || "").slice(0, 5) === "true/") { - elem.type = elem.type.slice(5); - } else { - elem.removeAttribute("type"); - } - - return elem; - } - - function cloneCopyEvent(src, dest) { - var i, l, type, pdataOld, pdataCur, udataOld, udataCur, events; - - if (dest.nodeType !== 1) { - return; - } // 1. Copy private data: events, handlers, etc. - - - if (dataPriv.hasData(src)) { - pdataOld = dataPriv.access(src); - pdataCur = dataPriv.set(dest, pdataOld); - events = pdataOld.events; - - if (events) { - delete pdataCur.handle; - pdataCur.events = {}; - - for (type in events) { - for (i = 0, l = events[type].length; i < l; i++) { - jQuery.event.add(dest, type, events[type][i]); - } - } - } - } // 2. Copy user data - - - if (dataUser.hasData(src)) { - udataOld = dataUser.access(src); - udataCur = jQuery.extend({}, udataOld); - dataUser.set(dest, udataCur); - } - } // Fix IE bugs, see support tests - - - function fixInput(src, dest) { - var nodeName = dest.nodeName.toLowerCase(); // Fails to persist the checked state of a cloned checkbox or radio button. - - if (nodeName === "input" && rcheckableType.test(src.type)) { - dest.checked = src.checked; // Fails to return the selected option to the default selected state when cloning options - } else if (nodeName === "input" || nodeName === "textarea") { - dest.defaultValue = src.defaultValue; - } - } - - function domManip(collection, args, callback, ignored) { - // Flatten any nested arrays - args = concat.apply([], args); - var fragment, - first, - scripts, - hasScripts, - node, - doc, - i = 0, - l = collection.length, - iNoClone = l - 1, - value = args[0], - valueIsFunction = isFunction(value); // We can't cloneNode fragments that contain checked, in WebKit - - if (valueIsFunction || l > 1 && typeof value === "string" && !support.checkClone && rchecked.test(value)) { - return collection.each(function (index) { - var self = collection.eq(index); - - if (valueIsFunction) { - args[0] = value.call(this, index, self.html()); - } - - domManip(self, args, callback, ignored); - }); - } - - if (l) { - fragment = buildFragment(args, collection[0].ownerDocument, false, collection, ignored); - first = fragment.firstChild; - - if (fragment.childNodes.length === 1) { - fragment = first; - } // Require either new content or an interest in ignored elements to invoke the callback - - - if (first || ignored) { - scripts = jQuery.map(getAll(fragment, "script"), disableScript); - hasScripts = scripts.length; // Use the original fragment for the last item - // instead of the first because it can end up - // being emptied incorrectly in certain situations (#8070). - - for (; i < l; i++) { - node = fragment; - - if (i !== iNoClone) { - node = jQuery.clone(node, true, true); // Keep references to cloned scripts for later restoration - - if (hasScripts) { - // Support: Android <=4.0 only, PhantomJS 1 only - // push.apply(_, arraylike) throws on ancient WebKit - jQuery.merge(scripts, getAll(node, "script")); - } - } - - callback.call(collection[i], node, i); - } - - if (hasScripts) { - doc = scripts[scripts.length - 1].ownerDocument; // Reenable scripts - - jQuery.map(scripts, restoreScript); // Evaluate executable scripts on first document insertion - - for (i = 0; i < hasScripts; i++) { - node = scripts[i]; - - if (rscriptType.test(node.type || "") && !dataPriv.access(node, "globalEval") && jQuery.contains(doc, node)) { - if (node.src && (node.type || "").toLowerCase() !== "module") { - // Optional AJAX dependency, but won't run scripts if not present - if (jQuery._evalUrl && !node.noModule) { - jQuery._evalUrl(node.src, { - nonce: node.nonce || node.getAttribute("nonce") - }); - } - } else { - DOMEval(node.textContent.replace(rcleanScript, ""), node, doc); - } - } - } - } - } - } - - return collection; - } - - function _remove(elem, selector, keepData) { - var node, - nodes = selector ? jQuery.filter(selector, elem) : elem, - i = 0; - - for (; (node = nodes[i]) != null; i++) { - if (!keepData && node.nodeType === 1) { - jQuery.cleanData(getAll(node)); - } - - if (node.parentNode) { - if (keepData && isAttached(node)) { - setGlobalEval(getAll(node, "script")); - } - - node.parentNode.removeChild(node); - } - } - - return elem; - } - - jQuery.extend({ - htmlPrefilter: function htmlPrefilter(html) { - return html.replace(rxhtmlTag, "<$1>"); - }, - clone: function clone(elem, dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents) { - var i, - l, - srcElements, - destElements, - clone = elem.cloneNode(true), - inPage = isAttached(elem); // Fix IE cloning issues - - if (!support.noCloneChecked && (elem.nodeType === 1 || elem.nodeType === 11) && !jQuery.isXMLDoc(elem)) { - // We eschew Sizzle here for performance reasons: https://jsperf.com/getall-vs-sizzle/2 - destElements = getAll(clone); - srcElements = getAll(elem); - - for (i = 0, l = srcElements.length; i < l; i++) { - fixInput(srcElements[i], destElements[i]); - } - } // Copy the events from the original to the clone - - - if (dataAndEvents) { - if (deepDataAndEvents) { - srcElements = srcElements || getAll(elem); - destElements = destElements || getAll(clone); - - for (i = 0, l = srcElements.length; i < l; i++) { - cloneCopyEvent(srcElements[i], destElements[i]); - } - } else { - cloneCopyEvent(elem, clone); - } - } // Preserve script evaluation history - - - destElements = getAll(clone, "script"); - - if (destElements.length > 0) { - setGlobalEval(destElements, !inPage && getAll(elem, "script")); - } // Return the cloned set - - - return clone; - }, - cleanData: function cleanData(elems) { - var data, - elem, - type, - special = jQuery.event.special, - i = 0; - - for (; (elem = elems[i]) !== undefined; i++) { - if (acceptData(elem)) { - if (data = elem[dataPriv.expando]) { - if (data.events) { - for (type in data.events) { - if (special[type]) { - jQuery.event.remove(elem, type); // This is a shortcut to avoid jQuery.event.remove's overhead - } else { - jQuery.removeEvent(elem, type, data.handle); - } - } - } // Support: Chrome <=35 - 45+ - // Assign undefined instead of using delete, see Data#remove - - - elem[dataPriv.expando] = undefined; - } - - if (elem[dataUser.expando]) { - // Support: Chrome <=35 - 45+ - // Assign undefined instead of using delete, see Data#remove - elem[dataUser.expando] = undefined; - } - } - } - } - }); - jQuery.fn.extend({ - detach: function detach(selector) { - return _remove(this, selector, true); - }, - remove: function remove(selector) { - return _remove(this, selector); - }, - text: function text(value) { - return access(this, function (value) { - return value === undefined ? jQuery.text(this) : this.empty().each(function () { - if (this.nodeType === 1 || this.nodeType === 11 || this.nodeType === 9) { - this.textContent = value; - } - }); - }, null, value, arguments.length); - }, - append: function append() { - return domManip(this, arguments, function (elem) { - if (this.nodeType === 1 || this.nodeType === 11 || this.nodeType === 9) { - var target = manipulationTarget(this, elem); - target.appendChild(elem); - } - }); - }, - prepend: function prepend() { - return domManip(this, arguments, function (elem) { - if (this.nodeType === 1 || this.nodeType === 11 || this.nodeType === 9) { - var target = manipulationTarget(this, elem); - target.insertBefore(elem, target.firstChild); - } - }); - }, - before: function before() { - return domManip(this, arguments, function (elem) { - if (this.parentNode) { - this.parentNode.insertBefore(elem, this); - } - }); - }, - after: function after() { - return domManip(this, arguments, function (elem) { - if (this.parentNode) { - this.parentNode.insertBefore(elem, this.nextSibling); - } - }); - }, - empty: function empty() { - var elem, - i = 0; - - for (; (elem = this[i]) != null; i++) { - if (elem.nodeType === 1) { - // Prevent memory leaks - jQuery.cleanData(getAll(elem, false)); // Remove any remaining nodes - - elem.textContent = ""; - } - } - - return this; - }, - clone: function clone(dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents) { - dataAndEvents = dataAndEvents == null ? false : dataAndEvents; - deepDataAndEvents = deepDataAndEvents == null ? dataAndEvents : deepDataAndEvents; - return this.map(function () { - return jQuery.clone(this, dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents); - }); - }, - html: function html(value) { - return access(this, function (value) { - var elem = this[0] || {}, - i = 0, - l = this.length; - - if (value === undefined && elem.nodeType === 1) { - return elem.innerHTML; - } // See if we can take a shortcut and just use innerHTML - - - if (typeof value === "string" && !rnoInnerhtml.test(value) && !wrapMap[(rtagName.exec(value) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase()]) { - value = jQuery.htmlPrefilter(value); - - try { - for (; i < l; i++) { - elem = this[i] || {}; // Remove element nodes and prevent memory leaks - - if (elem.nodeType === 1) { - jQuery.cleanData(getAll(elem, false)); - elem.innerHTML = value; - } - } - - elem = 0; // If using innerHTML throws an exception, use the fallback method - } catch (e) {} - } - - if (elem) { - this.empty().append(value); - } - }, null, value, arguments.length); - }, - replaceWith: function replaceWith() { - var ignored = []; // Make the changes, replacing each non-ignored context element with the new content - - return domManip(this, arguments, function (elem) { - var parent = this.parentNode; - - if (jQuery.inArray(this, ignored) < 0) { - jQuery.cleanData(getAll(this)); - - if (parent) { - parent.replaceChild(elem, this); - } - } // Force callback invocation - - }, ignored); - } - }); - jQuery.each({ - appendTo: "append", - prependTo: "prepend", - insertBefore: "before", - insertAfter: "after", - replaceAll: "replaceWith" - }, function (name, original) { - jQuery.fn[name] = function (selector) { - var elems, - ret = [], - insert = jQuery(selector), - last = insert.length - 1, - i = 0; - - for (; i <= last; i++) { - elems = i === last ? this : this.clone(true); - jQuery(insert[i])[original](elems); // Support: Android <=4.0 only, PhantomJS 1 only - // .get() because push.apply(_, arraylike) throws on ancient WebKit - - push.apply(ret, elems.get()); - } - - return this.pushStack(ret); - }; - }); - var rnumnonpx = new RegExp("^(" + pnum + ")(?!px)[a-z%]+$", "i"); - - var getStyles = function getStyles(elem) { - // Support: IE <=11 only, Firefox <=30 (#15098, #14150) - // IE throws on elements created in popups - // FF meanwhile throws on frame elements through "defaultView.getComputedStyle" - var view = elem.ownerDocument.defaultView; - - if (!view || !view.opener) { - view = window; - } - - return view.getComputedStyle(elem); - }; - - var rboxStyle = new RegExp(cssExpand.join("|"), "i"); - - (function () { - // Executing both pixelPosition & boxSizingReliable tests require only one layout - // so they're executed at the same time to save the second computation. - function computeStyleTests() { - // This is a singleton, we need to execute it only once - if (!div) { - return; - } - - container.style.cssText = "position:absolute;left:-11111px;width:60px;" + "margin-top:1px;padding:0;border:0"; - div.style.cssText = "position:relative;display:block;box-sizing:border-box;overflow:scroll;" + "margin:auto;border:1px;padding:1px;" + "width:60%;top:1%"; - documentElement.appendChild(container).appendChild(div); - var divStyle = window.getComputedStyle(div); - pixelPositionVal = divStyle.top !== "1%"; // Support: Android 4.0 - 4.3 only, Firefox <=3 - 44 - - reliableMarginLeftVal = roundPixelMeasures(divStyle.marginLeft) === 12; // Support: Android 4.0 - 4.3 only, Safari <=9.1 - 10.1, iOS <=7.0 - 9.3 - // Some styles come back with percentage values, even though they shouldn't - - div.style.right = "60%"; - pixelBoxStylesVal = roundPixelMeasures(divStyle.right) === 36; // Support: IE 9 - 11 only - // Detect misreporting of content dimensions for box-sizing:border-box elements - - boxSizingReliableVal = roundPixelMeasures(divStyle.width) === 36; // Support: IE 9 only - // Detect overflow:scroll screwiness (gh-3699) - // Support: Chrome <=64 - // Don't get tricked when zoom affects offsetWidth (gh-4029) - - div.style.position = "absolute"; - scrollboxSizeVal = roundPixelMeasures(div.offsetWidth / 3) === 12; - documentElement.removeChild(container); // Nullify the div so it wouldn't be stored in the memory and - // it will also be a sign that checks already performed - - div = null; - } - - function roundPixelMeasures(measure) { - return Math.round(parseFloat(measure)); - } - - var pixelPositionVal, - boxSizingReliableVal, - scrollboxSizeVal, - pixelBoxStylesVal, - reliableMarginLeftVal, - container = document.createElement("div"), - div = document.createElement("div"); // Finish early in limited (non-browser) environments - - if (!div.style) { - return; - } // Support: IE <=9 - 11 only - // Style of cloned element affects source element cloned (#8908) - - - div.style.backgroundClip = "content-box"; - div.cloneNode(true).style.backgroundClip = ""; - support.clearCloneStyle = div.style.backgroundClip === "content-box"; - jQuery.extend(support, { - boxSizingReliable: function boxSizingReliable() { - computeStyleTests(); - return boxSizingReliableVal; - }, - pixelBoxStyles: function pixelBoxStyles() { - computeStyleTests(); - return pixelBoxStylesVal; - }, - pixelPosition: function pixelPosition() { - computeStyleTests(); - return pixelPositionVal; - }, - reliableMarginLeft: function reliableMarginLeft() { - computeStyleTests(); - return reliableMarginLeftVal; - }, - scrollboxSize: function scrollboxSize() { - computeStyleTests(); - return scrollboxSizeVal; - } - }); - })(); - - function curCSS(elem, name, computed) { - var width, - minWidth, - maxWidth, - ret, - // Support: Firefox 51+ - // Retrieving style before computed somehow - // fixes an issue with getting wrong values - // on detached elements - style = elem.style; - computed = computed || getStyles(elem); // getPropertyValue is needed for: - // .css('filter') (IE 9 only, #12537) - // .css('--customProperty) (#3144) - - if (computed) { - ret = computed.getPropertyValue(name) || computed[name]; - - if (ret === "" && !isAttached(elem)) { - ret = jQuery.style(elem, name); - } // A tribute to the "awesome hack by Dean Edwards" - // Android Browser returns percentage for some values, - // but width seems to be reliably pixels. - // This is against the CSSOM draft spec: - // https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#resolved-values - - - if (!support.pixelBoxStyles() && rnumnonpx.test(ret) && rboxStyle.test(name)) { - // Remember the original values - width = style.width; - minWidth = style.minWidth; - maxWidth = style.maxWidth; // Put in the new values to get a computed value out - - style.minWidth = style.maxWidth = style.width = ret; - ret = computed.width; // Revert the changed values - - style.width = width; - style.minWidth = minWidth; - style.maxWidth = maxWidth; - } - } - - return ret !== undefined ? // Support: IE <=9 - 11 only - // IE returns zIndex value as an integer. - ret + "" : ret; - } - - function addGetHookIf(conditionFn, hookFn) { - // Define the hook, we'll check on the first run if it's really needed. - return { - get: function get() { - if (conditionFn()) { - // Hook not needed (or it's not possible to use it due - // to missing dependency), remove it. - delete this.get; - return; - } // Hook needed; redefine it so that the support test is not executed again. - - - return (this.get = hookFn).apply(this, arguments); - } - }; - } - - var cssPrefixes = ["Webkit", "Moz", "ms"], - emptyStyle = document.createElement("div").style, - vendorProps = {}; // Return a vendor-prefixed property or undefined - - function vendorPropName(name) { - // Check for vendor prefixed names - var capName = name[0].toUpperCase() + name.slice(1), - i = cssPrefixes.length; - - while (i--) { - name = cssPrefixes[i] + capName; - - if (name in emptyStyle) { - return name; - } - } - } // Return a potentially-mapped jQuery.cssProps or vendor prefixed property - - - function finalPropName(name) { - var _final = jQuery.cssProps[name] || vendorProps[name]; - - if (_final) { - return _final; - } - - if (name in emptyStyle) { - return name; - } - - return vendorProps[name] = vendorPropName(name) || name; - } - - var // Swappable if display is none or starts with table - // except "table", "table-cell", or "table-caption" - // See here for display values: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/CSS/display - rdisplayswap = /^(none|table(?!-c[ea]).+)/, - rcustomProp = /^--/, - cssShow = { - position: "absolute", - visibility: "hidden", - display: "block" - }, - cssNormalTransform = { - letterSpacing: "0", - fontWeight: "400" - }; - - function setPositiveNumber(elem, value, subtract) { - // Any relative (+/-) values have already been - // normalized at this point - var matches = rcssNum.exec(value); - return matches ? // Guard against undefined "subtract", e.g., when used as in cssHooks - Math.max(0, matches[2] - (subtract || 0)) + (matches[3] || "px") : value; - } - - function boxModelAdjustment(elem, dimension, box, isBorderBox, styles, computedVal) { - var i = dimension === "width" ? 1 : 0, - extra = 0, - delta = 0; // Adjustment may not be necessary - - if (box === (isBorderBox ? "border" : "content")) { - return 0; - } - - for (; i < 4; i += 2) { - // Both box models exclude margin - if (box === "margin") { - delta += jQuery.css(elem, box + cssExpand[i], true, styles); - } // If we get here with a content-box, we're seeking "padding" or "border" or "margin" - - - if (!isBorderBox) { - // Add padding - delta += jQuery.css(elem, "padding" + cssExpand[i], true, styles); // For "border" or "margin", add border - - if (box !== "padding") { - delta += jQuery.css(elem, "border" + cssExpand[i] + "Width", true, styles); // But still keep track of it otherwise - } else { - extra += jQuery.css(elem, "border" + cssExpand[i] + "Width", true, styles); - } // If we get here with a border-box (content + padding + border), we're seeking "content" or - // "padding" or "margin" - - } else { - // For "content", subtract padding - if (box === "content") { - delta -= jQuery.css(elem, "padding" + cssExpand[i], true, styles); - } // For "content" or "padding", subtract border - - - if (box !== "margin") { - delta -= jQuery.css(elem, "border" + cssExpand[i] + "Width", true, styles); - } - } - } // Account for positive content-box scroll gutter when requested by providing computedVal - - - if (!isBorderBox && computedVal >= 0) { - // offsetWidth/offsetHeight is a rounded sum of content, padding, scroll gutter, and border - // Assuming integer scroll gutter, subtract the rest and round down - delta += Math.max(0, Math.ceil(elem["offset" + dimension[0].toUpperCase() + dimension.slice(1)] - computedVal - delta - extra - 0.5 // If offsetWidth/offsetHeight is unknown, then we can't determine content-box scroll gutter - // Use an explicit zero to avoid NaN (gh-3964) - )) || 0; - } - - return delta; - } - - function getWidthOrHeight(elem, dimension, extra) { - // Start with computed style - var styles = getStyles(elem), - // To avoid forcing a reflow, only fetch boxSizing if we need it (gh-4322). - // Fake content-box until we know it's needed to know the true value. - boxSizingNeeded = !support.boxSizingReliable() || extra, - isBorderBox = boxSizingNeeded && jQuery.css(elem, "boxSizing", false, styles) === "border-box", - valueIsBorderBox = isBorderBox, - val = curCSS(elem, dimension, styles), - offsetProp = "offset" + dimension[0].toUpperCase() + dimension.slice(1); // Support: Firefox <=54 - // Return a confounding non-pixel value or feign ignorance, as appropriate. - - if (rnumnonpx.test(val)) { - if (!extra) { - return val; - } - - val = "auto"; - } // Fall back to offsetWidth/offsetHeight when value is "auto" - // This happens for inline elements with no explicit setting (gh-3571) - // Support: Android <=4.1 - 4.3 only - // Also use offsetWidth/offsetHeight for misreported inline dimensions (gh-3602) - // Support: IE 9-11 only - // Also use offsetWidth/offsetHeight for when box sizing is unreliable - // We use getClientRects() to check for hidden/disconnected. - // In those cases, the computed value can be trusted to be border-box - - - if ((!support.boxSizingReliable() && isBorderBox || val === "auto" || !parseFloat(val) && jQuery.css(elem, "display", false, styles) === "inline") && elem.getClientRects().length) { - isBorderBox = jQuery.css(elem, "boxSizing", false, styles) === "border-box"; // Where available, offsetWidth/offsetHeight approximate border box dimensions. - // Where not available (e.g., SVG), assume unreliable box-sizing and interpret the - // retrieved value as a content box dimension. - - valueIsBorderBox = offsetProp in elem; - - if (valueIsBorderBox) { - val = elem[offsetProp]; - } - } // Normalize "" and auto - - - val = parseFloat(val) || 0; // Adjust for the element's box model - - return val + boxModelAdjustment(elem, dimension, extra || (isBorderBox ? "border" : "content"), valueIsBorderBox, styles, // Provide the current computed size to request scroll gutter calculation (gh-3589) - val) + "px"; - } - - jQuery.extend({ - // Add in style property hooks for overriding the default - // behavior of getting and setting a style property - cssHooks: { - opacity: { - get: function get(elem, computed) { - if (computed) { - // We should always get a number back from opacity - var ret = curCSS(elem, "opacity"); - return ret === "" ? "1" : ret; - } - } - } - }, - // Don't automatically add "px" to these possibly-unitless properties - cssNumber: { - "animationIterationCount": true, - "columnCount": true, - "fillOpacity": true, - "flexGrow": true, - "flexShrink": true, - "fontWeight": true, - "gridArea": true, - "gridColumn": true, - "gridColumnEnd": true, - "gridColumnStart": true, - "gridRow": true, - "gridRowEnd": true, - "gridRowStart": true, - "lineHeight": true, - "opacity": true, - "order": true, - "orphans": true, - "widows": true, - "zIndex": true, - "zoom": true - }, - // Add in properties whose names you wish to fix before - // setting or getting the value - cssProps: {}, - // Get and set the style property on a DOM Node - style: function style(elem, name, value, extra) { - // Don't set styles on text and comment nodes - if (!elem || elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 || !elem.style) { - return; - } // Make sure that we're working with the right name - - - var ret, - type, - hooks, - origName = camelCase(name), - isCustomProp = rcustomProp.test(name), - style = elem.style; // Make sure that we're working with the right name. We don't - // want to query the value if it is a CSS custom property - // since they are user-defined. - - if (!isCustomProp) { - name = finalPropName(origName); - } // Gets hook for the prefixed version, then unprefixed version - - - hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[name] || jQuery.cssHooks[origName]; // Check if we're setting a value - - if (value !== undefined) { - type = _typeof(value); // Convert "+=" or "-=" to relative numbers (#7345) - - if (type === "string" && (ret = rcssNum.exec(value)) && ret[1]) { - value = adjustCSS(elem, name, ret); // Fixes bug #9237 - - type = "number"; - } // Make sure that null and NaN values aren't set (#7116) - - - if (value == null || value !== value) { - return; - } // If a number was passed in, add the unit (except for certain CSS properties) - // The isCustomProp check can be removed in jQuery 4.0 when we only auto-append - // "px" to a few hardcoded values. - - - if (type === "number" && !isCustomProp) { - value += ret && ret[3] || (jQuery.cssNumber[origName] ? "" : "px"); - } // background-* props affect original clone's values - - - if (!support.clearCloneStyle && value === "" && name.indexOf("background") === 0) { - style[name] = "inherit"; - } // If a hook was provided, use that value, otherwise just set the specified value - - - if (!hooks || !("set" in hooks) || (value = hooks.set(elem, value, extra)) !== undefined) { - if (isCustomProp) { - style.setProperty(name, value); - } else { - style[name] = value; - } - } - } else { - // If a hook was provided get the non-computed value from there - if (hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get(elem, false, extra)) !== undefined) { - return ret; - } // Otherwise just get the value from the style object - - - return style[name]; - } - }, - css: function css(elem, name, extra, styles) { - var val, - num, - hooks, - origName = camelCase(name), - isCustomProp = rcustomProp.test(name); // Make sure that we're working with the right name. We don't - // want to modify the value if it is a CSS custom property - // since they are user-defined. - - if (!isCustomProp) { - name = finalPropName(origName); - } // Try prefixed name followed by the unprefixed name - - - hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[name] || jQuery.cssHooks[origName]; // If a hook was provided get the computed value from there - - if (hooks && "get" in hooks) { - val = hooks.get(elem, true, extra); - } // Otherwise, if a way to get the computed value exists, use that - - - if (val === undefined) { - val = curCSS(elem, name, styles); - } // Convert "normal" to computed value - - - if (val === "normal" && name in cssNormalTransform) { - val = cssNormalTransform[name]; - } // Make numeric if forced or a qualifier was provided and val looks numeric - - - if (extra === "" || extra) { - num = parseFloat(val); - return extra === true || isFinite(num) ? num || 0 : val; - } - - return val; - } - }); - jQuery.each(["height", "width"], function (i, dimension) { - jQuery.cssHooks[dimension] = { - get: function get(elem, computed, extra) { - if (computed) { - // Certain elements can have dimension info if we invisibly show them - // but it must have a current display style that would benefit - return rdisplayswap.test(jQuery.css(elem, "display")) && ( // Support: Safari 8+ - // Table columns in Safari have non-zero offsetWidth & zero - // getBoundingClientRect().width unless display is changed. - // Support: IE <=11 only - // Running getBoundingClientRect on a disconnected node - // in IE throws an error. - !elem.getClientRects().length || !elem.getBoundingClientRect().width) ? swap(elem, cssShow, function () { - return getWidthOrHeight(elem, dimension, extra); - }) : getWidthOrHeight(elem, dimension, extra); - } - }, - set: function set(elem, value, extra) { - var matches, - styles = getStyles(elem), - // Only read styles.position if the test has a chance to fail - // to avoid forcing a reflow. - scrollboxSizeBuggy = !support.scrollboxSize() && styles.position === "absolute", - // To avoid forcing a reflow, only fetch boxSizing if we need it (gh-3991) - boxSizingNeeded = scrollboxSizeBuggy || extra, - isBorderBox = boxSizingNeeded && jQuery.css(elem, "boxSizing", false, styles) === "border-box", - subtract = extra ? boxModelAdjustment(elem, dimension, extra, isBorderBox, styles) : 0; // Account for unreliable border-box dimensions by comparing offset* to computed and - // faking a content-box to get border and padding (gh-3699) - - if (isBorderBox && scrollboxSizeBuggy) { - subtract -= Math.ceil(elem["offset" + dimension[0].toUpperCase() + dimension.slice(1)] - parseFloat(styles[dimension]) - boxModelAdjustment(elem, dimension, "border", false, styles) - 0.5); - } // Convert to pixels if value adjustment is needed - - - if (subtract && (matches = rcssNum.exec(value)) && (matches[3] || "px") !== "px") { - elem.style[dimension] = value; - value = jQuery.css(elem, dimension); - } - - return setPositiveNumber(elem, value, subtract); - } - }; - }); - jQuery.cssHooks.marginLeft = addGetHookIf(support.reliableMarginLeft, function (elem, computed) { - if (computed) { - return (parseFloat(curCSS(elem, "marginLeft")) || elem.getBoundingClientRect().left - swap(elem, { - marginLeft: 0 - }, function () { - return elem.getBoundingClientRect().left; - })) + "px"; - } - }); // These hooks are used by animate to expand properties - - jQuery.each({ - margin: "", - padding: "", - border: "Width" - }, function (prefix, suffix) { - jQuery.cssHooks[prefix + suffix] = { - expand: function expand(value) { - var i = 0, - expanded = {}, - // Assumes a single number if not a string - parts = typeof value === "string" ? value.split(" ") : [value]; - - for (; i < 4; i++) { - expanded[prefix + cssExpand[i] + suffix] = parts[i] || parts[i - 2] || parts[0]; - } - - return expanded; - } - }; - - if (prefix !== "margin") { - jQuery.cssHooks[prefix + suffix].set = setPositiveNumber; - } - }); - jQuery.fn.extend({ - css: function css(name, value) { - return access(this, function (elem, name, value) { - var styles, - len, - map = {}, - i = 0; - - if (Array.isArray(name)) { - styles = getStyles(elem); - len = name.length; - - for (; i < len; i++) { - map[name[i]] = jQuery.css(elem, name[i], false, styles); - } - - return map; - } - - return value !== undefined ? jQuery.style(elem, name, value) : jQuery.css(elem, name); - }, name, value, arguments.length > 1); - } - }); - - function Tween(elem, options, prop, end, easing) { - return new Tween.prototype.init(elem, options, prop, end, easing); - } - - jQuery.Tween = Tween; - Tween.prototype = { - constructor: Tween, - init: function init(elem, options, prop, end, easing, unit) { - this.elem = elem; - this.prop = prop; - this.easing = easing || jQuery.easing._default; - this.options = options; - this.start = this.now = this.cur(); - this.end = end; - this.unit = unit || (jQuery.cssNumber[prop] ? "" : "px"); - }, - cur: function cur() { - var hooks = Tween.propHooks[this.prop]; - return hooks && hooks.get ? hooks.get(this) : Tween.propHooks._default.get(this); - }, - run: function run(percent) { - var eased, - hooks = Tween.propHooks[this.prop]; - - if (this.options.duration) { - this.pos = eased = jQuery.easing[this.easing](percent, this.options.duration * percent, 0, 1, this.options.duration); - } else { - this.pos = eased = percent; - } - - this.now = (this.end - this.start) * eased + this.start; - - if (this.options.step) { - this.options.step.call(this.elem, this.now, this); - } - - if (hooks && hooks.set) { - hooks.set(this); - } else { - Tween.propHooks._default.set(this); - } - - return this; - } - }; - Tween.prototype.init.prototype = Tween.prototype; - Tween.propHooks = { - _default: { - get: function get(tween) { - var result; // Use a property on the element directly when it is not a DOM element, - // or when there is no matching style property that exists. - - if (tween.elem.nodeType !== 1 || tween.elem[tween.prop] != null && tween.elem.style[tween.prop] == null) { - return tween.elem[tween.prop]; - } // Passing an empty string as a 3rd parameter to .css will automatically - // attempt a parseFloat and fallback to a string if the parse fails. - // Simple values such as "10px" are parsed to Float; - // complex values such as "rotate(1rad)" are returned as-is. - - - result = jQuery.css(tween.elem, tween.prop, ""); // Empty strings, null, undefined and "auto" are converted to 0. - - return !result || result === "auto" ? 0 : result; - }, - set: function set(tween) { - // Use step hook for back compat. - // Use cssHook if its there. - // Use .style if available and use plain properties where available. - if (jQuery.fx.step[tween.prop]) { - jQuery.fx.step[tween.prop](tween); - } else if (tween.elem.nodeType === 1 && (jQuery.cssHooks[tween.prop] || tween.elem.style[finalPropName(tween.prop)] != null)) { - jQuery.style(tween.elem, tween.prop, tween.now + tween.unit); - } else { - tween.elem[tween.prop] = tween.now; - } - } - } - }; // Support: IE <=9 only - // Panic based approach to setting things on disconnected nodes - - Tween.propHooks.scrollTop = Tween.propHooks.scrollLeft = { - set: function set(tween) { - if (tween.elem.nodeType && tween.elem.parentNode) { - tween.elem[tween.prop] = tween.now; - } - } - }; - jQuery.easing = { - linear: function linear(p) { - return p; - }, - swing: function swing(p) { - return 0.5 - Math.cos(p * Math.PI) / 2; - }, - _default: "swing" - }; - jQuery.fx = Tween.prototype.init; // Back compat <1.8 extension point - - jQuery.fx.step = {}; - var fxNow, - inProgress, - rfxtypes = /^(?:toggle|show|hide)$/, - rrun = /queueHooks$/; - - function schedule() { - if (inProgress) { - if (document.hidden === false && window.requestAnimationFrame) { - window.requestAnimationFrame(schedule); - } else { - window.setTimeout(schedule, jQuery.fx.interval); - } - - jQuery.fx.tick(); - } - } // Animations created synchronously will run synchronously - - - function createFxNow() { - window.setTimeout(function () { - fxNow = undefined; - }); - return fxNow = Date.now(); - } // Generate parameters to create a standard animation - - - function genFx(type, includeWidth) { - var which, - i = 0, - attrs = { - height: type - }; // If we include width, step value is 1 to do all cssExpand values, - // otherwise step value is 2 to skip over Left and Right - - includeWidth = includeWidth ? 1 : 0; - - for (; i < 4; i += 2 - includeWidth) { - which = cssExpand[i]; - attrs["margin" + which] = attrs["padding" + which] = type; - } - - if (includeWidth) { - attrs.opacity = attrs.width = type; - } - - return attrs; - } - - function createTween(value, prop, animation) { - var tween, - collection = (Animation.tweeners[prop] || []).concat(Animation.tweeners["*"]), - index = 0, - length = collection.length; - - for (; index < length; index++) { - if (tween = collection[index].call(animation, prop, value)) { - // We're done with this property - return tween; - } - } - } - - function defaultPrefilter(elem, props, opts) { - var prop, - value, - toggle, - hooks, - oldfire, - propTween, - restoreDisplay, - display, - isBox = "width" in props || "height" in props, - anim = this, - orig = {}, - style = elem.style, - hidden = elem.nodeType && isHiddenWithinTree(elem), - dataShow = dataPriv.get(elem, "fxshow"); // Queue-skipping animations hijack the fx hooks - - if (!opts.queue) { - hooks = jQuery._queueHooks(elem, "fx"); - - if (hooks.unqueued == null) { - hooks.unqueued = 0; - oldfire = hooks.empty.fire; - - hooks.empty.fire = function () { - if (!hooks.unqueued) { - oldfire(); - } - }; - } - - hooks.unqueued++; - anim.always(function () { - // Ensure the complete handler is called before this completes - anim.always(function () { - hooks.unqueued--; - - if (!jQuery.queue(elem, "fx").length) { - hooks.empty.fire(); - } - }); - }); - } // Detect show/hide animations - - - for (prop in props) { - value = props[prop]; - - if (rfxtypes.test(value)) { - delete props[prop]; - toggle = toggle || value === "toggle"; - - if (value === (hidden ? "hide" : "show")) { - // Pretend to be hidden if this is a "show" and - // there is still data from a stopped show/hide - if (value === "show" && dataShow && dataShow[prop] !== undefined) { - hidden = true; // Ignore all other no-op show/hide data - } else { - continue; - } - } - - orig[prop] = dataShow && dataShow[prop] || jQuery.style(elem, prop); - } - } // Bail out if this is a no-op like .hide().hide() - - - propTween = !jQuery.isEmptyObject(props); - - if (!propTween && jQuery.isEmptyObject(orig)) { - return; - } // Restrict "overflow" and "display" styles during box animations - - - if (isBox && elem.nodeType === 1) { - // Support: IE <=9 - 11, Edge 12 - 15 - // Record all 3 overflow attributes because IE does not infer the shorthand - // from identically-valued overflowX and overflowY and Edge just mirrors - // the overflowX value there. - opts.overflow = [style.overflow, style.overflowX, style.overflowY]; // Identify a display type, preferring old show/hide data over the CSS cascade - - restoreDisplay = dataShow && dataShow.display; - - if (restoreDisplay == null) { - restoreDisplay = dataPriv.get(elem, "display"); - } - - display = jQuery.css(elem, "display"); - - if (display === "none") { - if (restoreDisplay) { - display = restoreDisplay; - } else { - // Get nonempty value(s) by temporarily forcing visibility - showHide([elem], true); - restoreDisplay = elem.style.display || restoreDisplay; - display = jQuery.css(elem, "display"); - showHide([elem]); - } - } // Animate inline elements as inline-block - - - if (display === "inline" || display === "inline-block" && restoreDisplay != null) { - if (jQuery.css(elem, "float") === "none") { - // Restore the original display value at the end of pure show/hide animations - if (!propTween) { - anim.done(function () { - style.display = restoreDisplay; - }); - - if (restoreDisplay == null) { - display = style.display; - restoreDisplay = display === "none" ? "" : display; - } - } - - style.display = "inline-block"; - } - } - } - - if (opts.overflow) { - style.overflow = "hidden"; - anim.always(function () { - style.overflow = opts.overflow[0]; - style.overflowX = opts.overflow[1]; - style.overflowY = opts.overflow[2]; - }); - } // Implement show/hide animations - - - propTween = false; - - for (prop in orig) { - // General show/hide setup for this element animation - if (!propTween) { - if (dataShow) { - if ("hidden" in dataShow) { - hidden = dataShow.hidden; - } - } else { - dataShow = dataPriv.access(elem, "fxshow", { - display: restoreDisplay - }); - } // Store hidden/visible for toggle so `.stop().toggle()` "reverses" - - - if (toggle) { - dataShow.hidden = !hidden; - } // Show elements before animating them - - - if (hidden) { - showHide([elem], true); - } - /* eslint-disable no-loop-func */ - - - anim.done(function () { - /* eslint-enable no-loop-func */ - // The final step of a "hide" animation is actually hiding the element - if (!hidden) { - showHide([elem]); - } - - dataPriv.remove(elem, "fxshow"); - - for (prop in orig) { - jQuery.style(elem, prop, orig[prop]); - } - }); - } // Per-property setup - - - propTween = createTween(hidden ? dataShow[prop] : 0, prop, anim); - - if (!(prop in dataShow)) { - dataShow[prop] = propTween.start; - - if (hidden) { - propTween.end = propTween.start; - propTween.start = 0; - } - } - } - } - - function propFilter(props, specialEasing) { - var index, name, easing, value, hooks; // camelCase, specialEasing and expand cssHook pass - - for (index in props) { - name = camelCase(index); - easing = specialEasing[name]; - value = props[index]; - - if (Array.isArray(value)) { - easing = value[1]; - value = props[index] = value[0]; - } - - if (index !== name) { - props[name] = value; - delete props[index]; - } - - hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[name]; - - if (hooks && "expand" in hooks) { - value = hooks.expand(value); - delete props[name]; // Not quite $.extend, this won't overwrite existing keys. - // Reusing 'index' because we have the correct "name" - - for (index in value) { - if (!(index in props)) { - props[index] = value[index]; - specialEasing[index] = easing; - } - } - } else { - specialEasing[name] = easing; - } - } - } - - function Animation(elem, properties, options) { - var result, - stopped, - index = 0, - length = Animation.prefilters.length, - deferred = jQuery.Deferred().always(function () { - // Don't match elem in the :animated selector - delete tick.elem; - }), - tick = function tick() { - if (stopped) { - return false; - } - - var currentTime = fxNow || createFxNow(), - remaining = Math.max(0, animation.startTime + animation.duration - currentTime), - // Support: Android 2.3 only - // Archaic crash bug won't allow us to use `1 - ( 0.5 || 0 )` (#12497) - temp = remaining / animation.duration || 0, - percent = 1 - temp, - index = 0, - length = animation.tweens.length; - - for (; index < length; index++) { - animation.tweens[index].run(percent); - } - - deferred.notifyWith(elem, [animation, percent, remaining]); // If there's more to do, yield - - if (percent < 1 && length) { - return remaining; - } // If this was an empty animation, synthesize a final progress notification - - - if (!length) { - deferred.notifyWith(elem, [animation, 1, 0]); - } // Resolve the animation and report its conclusion - - - deferred.resolveWith(elem, [animation]); - return false; - }, - animation = deferred.promise({ - elem: elem, - props: jQuery.extend({}, properties), - opts: jQuery.extend(true, { - specialEasing: {}, - easing: jQuery.easing._default - }, options), - originalProperties: properties, - originalOptions: options, - startTime: fxNow || createFxNow(), - duration: options.duration, - tweens: [], - createTween: function createTween(prop, end) { - var tween = jQuery.Tween(elem, animation.opts, prop, end, animation.opts.specialEasing[prop] || animation.opts.easing); - animation.tweens.push(tween); - return tween; - }, - stop: function stop(gotoEnd) { - var index = 0, - // If we are going to the end, we want to run all the tweens - // otherwise we skip this part - length = gotoEnd ? animation.tweens.length : 0; - - if (stopped) { - return this; - } - - stopped = true; - - for (; index < length; index++) { - animation.tweens[index].run(1); - } // Resolve when we played the last frame; otherwise, reject - - - if (gotoEnd) { - deferred.notifyWith(elem, [animation, 1, 0]); - deferred.resolveWith(elem, [animation, gotoEnd]); - } else { - deferred.rejectWith(elem, [animation, gotoEnd]); - } - - return this; - } - }), - props = animation.props; - - propFilter(props, animation.opts.specialEasing); - - for (; index < length; index++) { - result = Animation.prefilters[index].call(animation, elem, props, animation.opts); - - if (result) { - if (isFunction(result.stop)) { - jQuery._queueHooks(animation.elem, animation.opts.queue).stop = result.stop.bind(result); - } - - return result; - } - } - - jQuery.map(props, createTween, animation); - - if (isFunction(animation.opts.start)) { - animation.opts.start.call(elem, animation); - } // Attach callbacks from options - - - animation.progress(animation.opts.progress).done(animation.opts.done, animation.opts.complete).fail(animation.opts.fail).always(animation.opts.always); - jQuery.fx.timer(jQuery.extend(tick, { - elem: elem, - anim: animation, - queue: animation.opts.queue - })); - return animation; - } - - jQuery.Animation = jQuery.extend(Animation, { - tweeners: { - "*": [function (prop, value) { - var tween = this.createTween(prop, value); - adjustCSS(tween.elem, prop, rcssNum.exec(value), tween); - return tween; - }] - }, - tweener: function tweener(props, callback) { - if (isFunction(props)) { - callback = props; - props = ["*"]; - } else { - props = props.match(rnothtmlwhite); - } - - var prop, - index = 0, - length = props.length; - - for (; index < length; index++) { - prop = props[index]; - Animation.tweeners[prop] = Animation.tweeners[prop] || []; - Animation.tweeners[prop].unshift(callback); - } - }, - prefilters: [defaultPrefilter], - prefilter: function prefilter(callback, prepend) { - if (prepend) { - Animation.prefilters.unshift(callback); - } else { - Animation.prefilters.push(callback); - } - } - }); - - jQuery.speed = function (speed, easing, fn) { - var opt = speed && _typeof(speed) === "object" ? jQuery.extend({}, speed) : { - complete: fn || !fn && easing || isFunction(speed) && speed, - duration: speed, - easing: fn && easing || easing && !isFunction(easing) && easing - }; // Go to the end state if fx are off - - if (jQuery.fx.off) { - opt.duration = 0; - } else { - if (typeof opt.duration !== "number") { - if (opt.duration in jQuery.fx.speeds) { - opt.duration = jQuery.fx.speeds[opt.duration]; - } else { - opt.duration = jQuery.fx.speeds._default; - } - } - } // Normalize opt.queue - true/undefined/null -> "fx" - - - if (opt.queue == null || opt.queue === true) { - opt.queue = "fx"; - } // Queueing - - - opt.old = opt.complete; - - opt.complete = function () { - if (isFunction(opt.old)) { - opt.old.call(this); - } - - if (opt.queue) { - jQuery.dequeue(this, opt.queue); - } - }; - - return opt; - }; - - jQuery.fn.extend({ - fadeTo: function fadeTo(speed, to, easing, callback) { - // Show any hidden elements after setting opacity to 0 - return this.filter(isHiddenWithinTree).css("opacity", 0).show() // Animate to the value specified - .end().animate({ - opacity: to - }, speed, easing, callback); - }, - animate: function animate(prop, speed, easing, callback) { - var empty = jQuery.isEmptyObject(prop), - optall = jQuery.speed(speed, easing, callback), - doAnimation = function doAnimation() { - // Operate on a copy of prop so per-property easing won't be lost - var anim = Animation(this, jQuery.extend({}, prop), optall); // Empty animations, or finishing resolves immediately - - if (empty || dataPriv.get(this, "finish")) { - anim.stop(true); - } - }; - - doAnimation.finish = doAnimation; - return empty || optall.queue === false ? this.each(doAnimation) : this.queue(optall.queue, doAnimation); - }, - stop: function stop(type, clearQueue, gotoEnd) { - var stopQueue = function stopQueue(hooks) { - var stop = hooks.stop; - delete hooks.stop; - stop(gotoEnd); - }; - - if (typeof type !== "string") { - gotoEnd = clearQueue; - clearQueue = type; - type = undefined; - } - - if (clearQueue && type !== false) { - this.queue(type || "fx", []); - } - - return this.each(function () { - var dequeue = true, - index = type != null && type + "queueHooks", - timers = jQuery.timers, - data = dataPriv.get(this); - - if (index) { - if (data[index] && data[index].stop) { - stopQueue(data[index]); - } - } else { - for (index in data) { - if (data[index] && data[index].stop && rrun.test(index)) { - stopQueue(data[index]); - } - } - } - - for (index = timers.length; index--;) { - if (timers[index].elem === this && (type == null || timers[index].queue === type)) { - timers[index].anim.stop(gotoEnd); - dequeue = false; - timers.splice(index, 1); - } - } // Start the next in the queue if the last step wasn't forced. - // Timers currently will call their complete callbacks, which - // will dequeue but only if they were gotoEnd. - - - if (dequeue || !gotoEnd) { - jQuery.dequeue(this, type); - } - }); - }, - finish: function finish(type) { - if (type !== false) { - type = type || "fx"; - } - - return this.each(function () { - var index, - data = dataPriv.get(this), - queue = data[type + "queue"], - hooks = data[type + "queueHooks"], - timers = jQuery.timers, - length = queue ? queue.length : 0; // Enable finishing flag on private data - - data.finish = true; // Empty the queue first - - jQuery.queue(this, type, []); - - if (hooks && hooks.stop) { - hooks.stop.call(this, true); - } // Look for any active animations, and finish them - - - for (index = timers.length; index--;) { - if (timers[index].elem === this && timers[index].queue === type) { - timers[index].anim.stop(true); - timers.splice(index, 1); - } - } // Look for any animations in the old queue and finish them - - - for (index = 0; index < length; index++) { - if (queue[index] && queue[index].finish) { - queue[index].finish.call(this); - } - } // Turn off finishing flag - - - delete data.finish; - }); - } - }); - jQuery.each(["toggle", "show", "hide"], function (i, name) { - var cssFn = jQuery.fn[name]; - - jQuery.fn[name] = function (speed, easing, callback) { - return speed == null || typeof speed === "boolean" ? cssFn.apply(this, arguments) : this.animate(genFx(name, true), speed, easing, callback); - }; - }); // Generate shortcuts for custom animations - - jQuery.each({ - slideDown: genFx("show"), - slideUp: genFx("hide"), - slideToggle: genFx("toggle"), - fadeIn: { - opacity: "show" - }, - fadeOut: { - opacity: "hide" - }, - fadeToggle: { - opacity: "toggle" - } - }, function (name, props) { - jQuery.fn[name] = function (speed, easing, callback) { - return this.animate(props, speed, easing, callback); - }; - }); - jQuery.timers = []; - - jQuery.fx.tick = function () { - var timer, - i = 0, - timers = jQuery.timers; - fxNow = Date.now(); - - for (; i < timers.length; i++) { - timer = timers[i]; // Run the timer and safely remove it when done (allowing for external removal) - - if (!timer() && timers[i] === timer) { - timers.splice(i--, 1); - } - } - - if (!timers.length) { - jQuery.fx.stop(); - } - - fxNow = undefined; - }; - - jQuery.fx.timer = function (timer) { - jQuery.timers.push(timer); - jQuery.fx.start(); - }; - - jQuery.fx.interval = 13; - - jQuery.fx.start = function () { - if (inProgress) { - return; - } - - inProgress = true; - schedule(); - }; - - jQuery.fx.stop = function () { - inProgress = null; - }; - - jQuery.fx.speeds = { - slow: 600, - fast: 200, - // Default speed - _default: 400 - }; // Based off of the plugin by Clint Helfers, with permission. - // https://web.archive.org/web/20100324014747/http://blindsignals.com/index.php/2009/07/jquery-delay/ - - jQuery.fn.delay = function (time, type) { - time = jQuery.fx ? jQuery.fx.speeds[time] || time : time; - type = type || "fx"; - return this.queue(type, function (next, hooks) { - var timeout = window.setTimeout(next, time); - - hooks.stop = function () { - window.clearTimeout(timeout); - }; - }); - }; - - (function () { - var input = document.createElement("input"), - select = document.createElement("select"), - opt = select.appendChild(document.createElement("option")); - input.type = "checkbox"; // Support: Android <=4.3 only - // Default value for a checkbox should be "on" - - support.checkOn = input.value !== ""; // Support: IE <=11 only - // Must access selectedIndex to make default options select - - support.optSelected = opt.selected; // Support: IE <=11 only - // An input loses its value after becoming a radio - - input = document.createElement("input"); - input.value = "t"; - input.type = "radio"; - support.radioValue = input.value === "t"; - })(); - - var boolHook, - attrHandle = jQuery.expr.attrHandle; - jQuery.fn.extend({ - attr: function attr(name, value) { - return access(this, jQuery.attr, name, value, arguments.length > 1); - }, - removeAttr: function removeAttr(name) { - return this.each(function () { - jQuery.removeAttr(this, name); - }); - } - }); - jQuery.extend({ - attr: function attr(elem, name, value) { - var ret, - hooks, - nType = elem.nodeType; // Don't get/set attributes on text, comment and attribute nodes - - if (nType === 3 || nType === 8 || nType === 2) { - return; - } // Fallback to prop when attributes are not supported - - - if (typeof elem.getAttribute === "undefined") { - return jQuery.prop(elem, name, value); - } // Attribute hooks are determined by the lowercase version - // Grab necessary hook if one is defined - - - if (nType !== 1 || !jQuery.isXMLDoc(elem)) { - hooks = jQuery.attrHooks[name.toLowerCase()] || (jQuery.expr.match.bool.test(name) ? boolHook : undefined); - } - - if (value !== undefined) { - if (value === null) { - jQuery.removeAttr(elem, name); - return; - } - - if (hooks && "set" in hooks && (ret = hooks.set(elem, value, name)) !== undefined) { - return ret; - } - - elem.setAttribute(name, value + ""); - return value; - } - - if (hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get(elem, name)) !== null) { - return ret; - } - - ret = jQuery.find.attr(elem, name); // Non-existent attributes return null, we normalize to undefined - - return ret == null ? undefined : ret; - }, - attrHooks: { - type: { - set: function set(elem, value) { - if (!support.radioValue && value === "radio" && nodeName(elem, "input")) { - var val = elem.value; - elem.setAttribute("type", value); - - if (val) { - elem.value = val; - } - - return value; - } - } - } - }, - removeAttr: function removeAttr(elem, value) { - var name, - i = 0, - // Attribute names can contain non-HTML whitespace characters - // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#attributes-2 - attrNames = value && value.match(rnothtmlwhite); - - if (attrNames && elem.nodeType === 1) { - while (name = attrNames[i++]) { - elem.removeAttribute(name); - } - } - } - }); // Hooks for boolean attributes - - boolHook = { - set: function set(elem, value, name) { - if (value === false) { - // Remove boolean attributes when set to false - jQuery.removeAttr(elem, name); - } else { - elem.setAttribute(name, name); - } - - return name; - } - }; - jQuery.each(jQuery.expr.match.bool.source.match(/\w+/g), function (i, name) { - var getter = attrHandle[name] || jQuery.find.attr; - - attrHandle[name] = function (elem, name, isXML) { - var ret, - handle, - lowercaseName = name.toLowerCase(); - - if (!isXML) { - // Avoid an infinite loop by temporarily removing this function from the getter - handle = attrHandle[lowercaseName]; - attrHandle[lowercaseName] = ret; - ret = getter(elem, name, isXML) != null ? lowercaseName : null; - attrHandle[lowercaseName] = handle; - } - - return ret; - }; - }); - var rfocusable = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i, - rclickable = /^(?:a|area)$/i; - jQuery.fn.extend({ - prop: function prop(name, value) { - return access(this, jQuery.prop, name, value, arguments.length > 1); - }, - removeProp: function removeProp(name) { - return this.each(function () { - delete this[jQuery.propFix[name] || name]; - }); - } - }); - jQuery.extend({ - prop: function prop(elem, name, value) { - var ret, - hooks, - nType = elem.nodeType; // Don't get/set properties on text, comment and attribute nodes - - if (nType === 3 || nType === 8 || nType === 2) { - return; - } - - if (nType !== 1 || !jQuery.isXMLDoc(elem)) { - // Fix name and attach hooks - name = jQuery.propFix[name] || name; - hooks = jQuery.propHooks[name]; - } - - if (value !== undefined) { - if (hooks && "set" in hooks && (ret = hooks.set(elem, value, name)) !== undefined) { - return ret; - } - - return elem[name] = value; - } - - if (hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get(elem, name)) !== null) { - return ret; - } - - return elem[name]; - }, - propHooks: { - tabIndex: { - get: function get(elem) { - // Support: IE <=9 - 11 only - // elem.tabIndex doesn't always return the - // correct value when it hasn't been explicitly set - // https://web.archive.org/web/20141116233347/http://fluidproject.org/blog/2008/01/09/getting-setting-and-removing-tabindex-values-with-javascript/ - // Use proper attribute retrieval(#12072) - var tabindex = jQuery.find.attr(elem, "tabindex"); - - if (tabindex) { - return parseInt(tabindex, 10); - } - - if (rfocusable.test(elem.nodeName) || rclickable.test(elem.nodeName) && elem.href) { - return 0; - } - - return -1; - } - } - }, - propFix: { - "for": "htmlFor", - "class": "className" - } - }); // Support: IE <=11 only - // Accessing the selectedIndex property - // forces the browser to respect setting selected - // on the option - // The getter ensures a default option is selected - // when in an optgroup - // eslint rule "no-unused-expressions" is disabled for this code - // since it considers such accessions noop - - if (!support.optSelected) { - jQuery.propHooks.selected = { - get: function get(elem) { - /* eslint no-unused-expressions: "off" */ - var parent = elem.parentNode; - - if (parent && parent.parentNode) { - parent.parentNode.selectedIndex; - } - - return null; - }, - set: function set(elem) { - /* eslint no-unused-expressions: "off" */ - var parent = elem.parentNode; - - if (parent) { - parent.selectedIndex; - - if (parent.parentNode) { - parent.parentNode.selectedIndex; - } - } - } - }; - } - - jQuery.each(["tabIndex", "readOnly", "maxLength", "cellSpacing", "cellPadding", "rowSpan", "colSpan", "useMap", "frameBorder", "contentEditable"], function () { - jQuery.propFix[this.toLowerCase()] = this; - }); // Strip and collapse whitespace according to HTML spec - // https://infra.spec.whatwg.org/#strip-and-collapse-ascii-whitespace - - function stripAndCollapse(value) { - var tokens = value.match(rnothtmlwhite) || []; - return tokens.join(" "); - } - - function getClass(elem) { - return elem.getAttribute && elem.getAttribute("class") || ""; - } - - function classesToArray(value) { - if (Array.isArray(value)) { - return value; - } - - if (typeof value === "string") { - return value.match(rnothtmlwhite) || []; - } - - return []; - } - - jQuery.fn.extend({ - addClass: function addClass(value) { - var classes, - elem, - cur, - curValue, - clazz, - j, - finalValue, - i = 0; - - if (isFunction(value)) { - return this.each(function (j) { - jQuery(this).addClass(value.call(this, j, getClass(this))); - }); - } - - classes = classesToArray(value); - - if (classes.length) { - while (elem = this[i++]) { - curValue = getClass(elem); - cur = elem.nodeType === 1 && " " + stripAndCollapse(curValue) + " "; - - if (cur) { - j = 0; - - while (clazz = classes[j++]) { - if (cur.indexOf(" " + clazz + " ") < 0) { - cur += clazz + " "; - } - } // Only assign if different to avoid unneeded rendering. - - - finalValue = stripAndCollapse(cur); - - if (curValue !== finalValue) { - elem.setAttribute("class", finalValue); - } - } - } - } - - return this; - }, - removeClass: function removeClass(value) { - var classes, - elem, - cur, - curValue, - clazz, - j, - finalValue, - i = 0; - - if (isFunction(value)) { - return this.each(function (j) { - jQuery(this).removeClass(value.call(this, j, getClass(this))); - }); - } - - if (!arguments.length) { - return this.attr("class", ""); - } - - classes = classesToArray(value); - - if (classes.length) { - while (elem = this[i++]) { - curValue = getClass(elem); // This expression is here for better compressibility (see addClass) - - cur = elem.nodeType === 1 && " " + stripAndCollapse(curValue) + " "; - - if (cur) { - j = 0; - - while (clazz = classes[j++]) { - // Remove *all* instances - while (cur.indexOf(" " + clazz + " ") > -1) { - cur = cur.replace(" " + clazz + " ", " "); - } - } // Only assign if different to avoid unneeded rendering. - - - finalValue = stripAndCollapse(cur); - - if (curValue !== finalValue) { - elem.setAttribute("class", finalValue); - } - } - } - } - - return this; - }, - toggleClass: function toggleClass(value, stateVal) { - var type = _typeof(value), - isValidValue = type === "string" || Array.isArray(value); - - if (typeof stateVal === "boolean" && isValidValue) { - return stateVal ? this.addClass(value) : this.removeClass(value); - } - - if (isFunction(value)) { - return this.each(function (i) { - jQuery(this).toggleClass(value.call(this, i, getClass(this), stateVal), stateVal); - }); - } - - return this.each(function () { - var className, i, self, classNames; - - if (isValidValue) { - // Toggle individual class names - i = 0; - self = jQuery(this); - classNames = classesToArray(value); - - while (className = classNames[i++]) { - // Check each className given, space separated list - if (self.hasClass(className)) { - self.removeClass(className); - } else { - self.addClass(className); - } - } // Toggle whole class name - - } else if (value === undefined || type === "boolean") { - className = getClass(this); - - if (className) { - // Store className if set - dataPriv.set(this, "__className__", className); - } // If the element has a class name or if we're passed `false`, - // then remove the whole classname (if there was one, the above saved it). - // Otherwise bring back whatever was previously saved (if anything), - // falling back to the empty string if nothing was stored. - - - if (this.setAttribute) { - this.setAttribute("class", className || value === false ? "" : dataPriv.get(this, "__className__") || ""); - } - } - }); - }, - hasClass: function hasClass(selector) { - var className, - elem, - i = 0; - className = " " + selector + " "; - - while (elem = this[i++]) { - if (elem.nodeType === 1 && (" " + stripAndCollapse(getClass(elem)) + " ").indexOf(className) > -1) { - return true; - } - } - - return false; - } - }); - var rreturn = /\r/g; - jQuery.fn.extend({ - val: function val(value) { - var hooks, - ret, - valueIsFunction, - elem = this[0]; - - if (!arguments.length) { - if (elem) { - hooks = jQuery.valHooks[elem.type] || jQuery.valHooks[elem.nodeName.toLowerCase()]; - - if (hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get(elem, "value")) !== undefined) { - return ret; - } - - ret = elem.value; // Handle most common string cases - - if (typeof ret === "string") { - return ret.replace(rreturn, ""); - } // Handle cases where value is null/undef or number - - - return ret == null ? "" : ret; - } - - return; - } - - valueIsFunction = isFunction(value); - return this.each(function (i) { - var val; - - if (this.nodeType !== 1) { - return; - } - - if (valueIsFunction) { - val = value.call(this, i, jQuery(this).val()); - } else { - val = value; - } // Treat null/undefined as ""; convert numbers to string - - - if (val == null) { - val = ""; - } else if (typeof val === "number") { - val += ""; - } else if (Array.isArray(val)) { - val = jQuery.map(val, function (value) { - return value == null ? "" : value + ""; - }); - } - - hooks = jQuery.valHooks[this.type] || jQuery.valHooks[this.nodeName.toLowerCase()]; // If set returns undefined, fall back to normal setting - - if (!hooks || !("set" in hooks) || hooks.set(this, val, "value") === undefined) { - this.value = val; - } - }); - } - }); - jQuery.extend({ - valHooks: { - option: { - get: function get(elem) { - var val = jQuery.find.attr(elem, "value"); - return val != null ? val : // Support: IE <=10 - 11 only - // option.text throws exceptions (#14686, #14858) - // Strip and collapse whitespace - // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#strip-and-collapse-whitespace - stripAndCollapse(jQuery.text(elem)); - } - }, - select: { - get: function get(elem) { - var value, - option, - i, - options = elem.options, - index = elem.selectedIndex, - one = elem.type === "select-one", - values = one ? null : [], - max = one ? index + 1 : options.length; - - if (index < 0) { - i = max; - } else { - i = one ? index : 0; - } // Loop through all the selected options - - - for (; i < max; i++) { - option = options[i]; // Support: IE <=9 only - // IE8-9 doesn't update selected after form reset (#2551) - - if ((option.selected || i === index) && // Don't return options that are disabled or in a disabled optgroup - !option.disabled && (!option.parentNode.disabled || !nodeName(option.parentNode, "optgroup"))) { - // Get the specific value for the option - value = jQuery(option).val(); // We don't need an array for one selects - - if (one) { - return value; - } // Multi-Selects return an array - - - values.push(value); - } - } - - return values; - }, - set: function set(elem, value) { - var optionSet, - option, - options = elem.options, - values = jQuery.makeArray(value), - i = options.length; - - while (i--) { - option = options[i]; - /* eslint-disable no-cond-assign */ - - if (option.selected = jQuery.inArray(jQuery.valHooks.option.get(option), values) > -1) { - optionSet = true; - } - /* eslint-enable no-cond-assign */ - - } // Force browsers to behave consistently when non-matching value is set - - - if (!optionSet) { - elem.selectedIndex = -1; - } - - return values; - } - } - } - }); // Radios and checkboxes getter/setter - - jQuery.each(["radio", "checkbox"], function () { - jQuery.valHooks[this] = { - set: function set(elem, value) { - if (Array.isArray(value)) { - return elem.checked = jQuery.inArray(jQuery(elem).val(), value) > -1; - } - } - }; - - if (!support.checkOn) { - jQuery.valHooks[this].get = function (elem) { - return elem.getAttribute("value") === null ? "on" : elem.value; - }; - } - }); // Return jQuery for attributes-only inclusion - - support.focusin = "onfocusin" in window; - - var rfocusMorph = /^(?:focusinfocus|focusoutblur)$/, - stopPropagationCallback = function stopPropagationCallback(e) { - e.stopPropagation(); - }; - - jQuery.extend(jQuery.event, { - trigger: function trigger(event, data, elem, onlyHandlers) { - var i, - cur, - tmp, - bubbleType, - ontype, - handle, - special, - lastElement, - eventPath = [elem || document], - type = hasOwn.call(event, "type") ? event.type : event, - namespaces = hasOwn.call(event, "namespace") ? event.namespace.split(".") : []; - cur = lastElement = tmp = elem = elem || document; // Don't do events on text and comment nodes - - if (elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8) { - return; - } // focus/blur morphs to focusin/out; ensure we're not firing them right now - - - if (rfocusMorph.test(type + jQuery.event.triggered)) { - return; - } - - if (type.indexOf(".") > -1) { - // Namespaced trigger; create a regexp to match event type in handle() - namespaces = type.split("."); - type = namespaces.shift(); - namespaces.sort(); - } - - ontype = type.indexOf(":") < 0 && "on" + type; // Caller can pass in a jQuery.Event object, Object, or just an event type string - - event = event[jQuery.expando] ? event : new jQuery.Event(type, _typeof(event) === "object" && event); // Trigger bitmask: & 1 for native handlers; & 2 for jQuery (always true) - - event.isTrigger = onlyHandlers ? 2 : 3; - event.namespace = namespaces.join("."); - event.rnamespace = event.namespace ? new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + namespaces.join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)") : null; // Clean up the event in case it is being reused - - event.result = undefined; - - if (!event.target) { - event.target = elem; - } // Clone any incoming data and prepend the event, creating the handler arg list - - - data = data == null ? [event] : jQuery.makeArray(data, [event]); // Allow special events to draw outside the lines - - special = jQuery.event.special[type] || {}; - - if (!onlyHandlers && special.trigger && special.trigger.apply(elem, data) === false) { - return; - } // Determine event propagation path in advance, per W3C events spec (#9951) - // Bubble up to document, then to window; watch for a global ownerDocument var (#9724) - - - if (!onlyHandlers && !special.noBubble && !isWindow(elem)) { - bubbleType = special.delegateType || type; - - if (!rfocusMorph.test(bubbleType + type)) { - cur = cur.parentNode; - } - - for (; cur; cur = cur.parentNode) { - eventPath.push(cur); - tmp = cur; - } // Only add window if we got to document (e.g., not plain obj or detached DOM) - - - if (tmp === (elem.ownerDocument || document)) { - eventPath.push(tmp.defaultView || tmp.parentWindow || window); - } - } // Fire handlers on the event path - - - i = 0; - - while ((cur = eventPath[i++]) && !event.isPropagationStopped()) { - lastElement = cur; - event.type = i > 1 ? bubbleType : special.bindType || type; // jQuery handler - - handle = (dataPriv.get(cur, "events") || {})[event.type] && dataPriv.get(cur, "handle"); - - if (handle) { - handle.apply(cur, data); - } // Native handler - - - handle = ontype && cur[ontype]; - - if (handle && handle.apply && acceptData(cur)) { - event.result = handle.apply(cur, data); - - if (event.result === false) { - event.preventDefault(); - } - } - } - - event.type = type; // If nobody prevented the default action, do it now - - if (!onlyHandlers && !event.isDefaultPrevented()) { - if ((!special._default || special._default.apply(eventPath.pop(), data) === false) && acceptData(elem)) { - // Call a native DOM method on the target with the same name as the event. - // Don't do default actions on window, that's where global variables be (#6170) - if (ontype && isFunction(elem[type]) && !isWindow(elem)) { - // Don't re-trigger an onFOO event when we call its FOO() method - tmp = elem[ontype]; - - if (tmp) { - elem[ontype] = null; - } // Prevent re-triggering of the same event, since we already bubbled it above - - - jQuery.event.triggered = type; - - if (event.isPropagationStopped()) { - lastElement.addEventListener(type, stopPropagationCallback); - } - - elem[type](); - - if (event.isPropagationStopped()) { - lastElement.removeEventListener(type, stopPropagationCallback); - } - - jQuery.event.triggered = undefined; - - if (tmp) { - elem[ontype] = tmp; - } - } - } - } - - return event.result; - }, - // Piggyback on a donor event to simulate a different one - // Used only for `focus(in | out)` events - simulate: function simulate(type, elem, event) { - var e = jQuery.extend(new jQuery.Event(), event, { - type: type, - isSimulated: true - }); - jQuery.event.trigger(e, null, elem); - } - }); - jQuery.fn.extend({ - trigger: function trigger(type, data) { - return this.each(function () { - jQuery.event.trigger(type, data, this); - }); - }, - triggerHandler: function triggerHandler(type, data) { - var elem = this[0]; - - if (elem) { - return jQuery.event.trigger(type, data, elem, true); - } - } - }); // Support: Firefox <=44 - // Firefox doesn't have focus(in | out) events - // Related ticket - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=687787 - // - // Support: Chrome <=48 - 49, Safari <=9.0 - 9.1 - // focus(in | out) events fire after focus & blur events, - // which is spec violation - http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/#events-focusevent-event-order - // Related ticket - https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=449857 - - if (!support.focusin) { - jQuery.each({ - focus: "focusin", - blur: "focusout" - }, function (orig, fix) { - // Attach a single capturing handler on the document while someone wants focusin/focusout - var handler = function handler(event) { - jQuery.event.simulate(fix, event.target, jQuery.event.fix(event)); - }; - - jQuery.event.special[fix] = { - setup: function setup() { - var doc = this.ownerDocument || this, - attaches = dataPriv.access(doc, fix); - - if (!attaches) { - doc.addEventListener(orig, handler, true); - } - - dataPriv.access(doc, fix, (attaches || 0) + 1); - }, - teardown: function teardown() { - var doc = this.ownerDocument || this, - attaches = dataPriv.access(doc, fix) - 1; - - if (!attaches) { - doc.removeEventListener(orig, handler, true); - dataPriv.remove(doc, fix); - } else { - dataPriv.access(doc, fix, attaches); - } - } - }; - }); - } - - var location = window.location; - var nonce = Date.now(); - var rquery = /\?/; // Cross-browser xml parsing - - jQuery.parseXML = function (data) { - var xml; - - if (!data || typeof data !== "string") { - return null; - } // Support: IE 9 - 11 only - // IE throws on parseFromString with invalid input. - - - try { - xml = new window.DOMParser().parseFromString(data, "text/xml"); - } catch (e) { - xml = undefined; - } - - if (!xml || xml.getElementsByTagName("parsererror").length) { - jQuery.error("Invalid XML: " + data); - } - - return xml; - }; - - var rbracket = /\[\]$/, - rCRLF = /\r?\n/g, - rsubmitterTypes = /^(?:submit|button|image|reset|file)$/i, - rsubmittable = /^(?:input|select|textarea|keygen)/i; - - function buildParams(prefix, obj, traditional, add) { - var name; - - if (Array.isArray(obj)) { - // Serialize array item. - jQuery.each(obj, function (i, v) { - if (traditional || rbracket.test(prefix)) { - // Treat each array item as a scalar. - add(prefix, v); - } else { - // Item is non-scalar (array or object), encode its numeric index. - buildParams(prefix + "[" + (_typeof(v) === "object" && v != null ? i : "") + "]", v, traditional, add); - } - }); - } else if (!traditional && toType(obj) === "object") { - // Serialize object item. - for (name in obj) { - buildParams(prefix + "[" + name + "]", obj[name], traditional, add); - } - } else { - // Serialize scalar item. - add(prefix, obj); - } - } // Serialize an array of form elements or a set of - // key/values into a query string - - - jQuery.param = function (a, traditional) { - var prefix, - s = [], - add = function add(key, valueOrFunction) { - // If value is a function, invoke it and use its return value - var value = isFunction(valueOrFunction) ? valueOrFunction() : valueOrFunction; - s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value == null ? "" : value); - }; - - if (a == null) { - return ""; - } // If an array was passed in, assume that it is an array of form elements. - - - if (Array.isArray(a) || a.jquery && !jQuery.isPlainObject(a)) { - // Serialize the form elements - jQuery.each(a, function () { - add(this.name, this.value); - }); - } else { - // If traditional, encode the "old" way (the way 1.3.2 or older - // did it), otherwise encode params recursively. - for (prefix in a) { - buildParams(prefix, a[prefix], traditional, add); - } - } // Return the resulting serialization - - - return s.join("&"); - }; - - jQuery.fn.extend({ - serialize: function serialize() { - return jQuery.param(this.serializeArray()); - }, - serializeArray: function serializeArray() { - return this.map(function () { - // Can add propHook for "elements" to filter or add form elements - var elements = jQuery.prop(this, "elements"); - return elements ? jQuery.makeArray(elements) : this; - }).filter(function () { - var type = this.type; // Use .is( ":disabled" ) so that fieldset[disabled] works - - return this.name && !jQuery(this).is(":disabled") && rsubmittable.test(this.nodeName) && !rsubmitterTypes.test(type) && (this.checked || !rcheckableType.test(type)); - }).map(function (i, elem) { - var val = jQuery(this).val(); - - if (val == null) { - return null; - } - - if (Array.isArray(val)) { - return jQuery.map(val, function (val) { - return { - name: elem.name, - value: val.replace(rCRLF, "\r\n") - }; - }); - } - - return { - name: elem.name, - value: val.replace(rCRLF, "\r\n") - }; - }).get(); - } - }); - var r20 = /%20/g, - rhash = /#.*$/, - rantiCache = /([?&])_=[^&]*/, - rheaders = /^(.*?):[ \t]*([^\r\n]*)$/mg, - // #7653, #8125, #8152: local protocol detection - rlocalProtocol = /^(?:about|app|app-storage|.+-extension|file|res|widget):$/, - rnoContent = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/, - rprotocol = /^\/\//, - - /* Prefilters - * 1) They are useful to introduce custom dataTypes (see ajax/jsonp.js for an example) - * 2) These are called: - * - BEFORE asking for a transport - * - AFTER param serialization (s.data is a string if s.processData is true) - * 3) key is the dataType - * 4) the catchall symbol "*" can be used - * 5) execution will start with transport dataType and THEN continue down to "*" if needed - */ - prefilters = {}, - - /* Transports bindings - * 1) key is the dataType - * 2) the catchall symbol "*" can be used - * 3) selection will start with transport dataType and THEN go to "*" if needed - */ - transports = {}, - // Avoid comment-prolog char sequence (#10098); must appease lint and evade compression - allTypes = "*/".concat("*"), - // Anchor tag for parsing the document origin - originAnchor = document.createElement("a"); - originAnchor.href = location.href; // Base "constructor" for jQuery.ajaxPrefilter and jQuery.ajaxTransport - - function addToPrefiltersOrTransports(structure) { - // dataTypeExpression is optional and defaults to "*" - return function (dataTypeExpression, func) { - if (typeof dataTypeExpression !== "string") { - func = dataTypeExpression; - dataTypeExpression = "*"; - } - - var dataType, - i = 0, - dataTypes = dataTypeExpression.toLowerCase().match(rnothtmlwhite) || []; - - if (isFunction(func)) { - // For each dataType in the dataTypeExpression - while (dataType = dataTypes[i++]) { - // Prepend if requested - if (dataType[0] === "+") { - dataType = dataType.slice(1) || "*"; - (structure[dataType] = structure[dataType] || []).unshift(func); // Otherwise append - } else { - (structure[dataType] = structure[dataType] || []).push(func); - } - } - } - }; - } // Base inspection function for prefilters and transports - - - function inspectPrefiltersOrTransports(structure, options, originalOptions, jqXHR) { - var inspected = {}, - seekingTransport = structure === transports; - - function inspect(dataType) { - var selected; - inspected[dataType] = true; - jQuery.each(structure[dataType] || [], function (_, prefilterOrFactory) { - var dataTypeOrTransport = prefilterOrFactory(options, originalOptions, jqXHR); - - if (typeof dataTypeOrTransport === "string" && !seekingTransport && !inspected[dataTypeOrTransport]) { - options.dataTypes.unshift(dataTypeOrTransport); - inspect(dataTypeOrTransport); - return false; - } else if (seekingTransport) { - return !(selected = dataTypeOrTransport); - } - }); - return selected; - } - - return inspect(options.dataTypes[0]) || !inspected["*"] && inspect("*"); - } // A special extend for ajax options - // that takes "flat" options (not to be deep extended) - // Fixes #9887 - - - function ajaxExtend(target, src) { - var key, - deep, - flatOptions = jQuery.ajaxSettings.flatOptions || {}; - - for (key in src) { - if (src[key] !== undefined) { - (flatOptions[key] ? target : deep || (deep = {}))[key] = src[key]; - } - } - - if (deep) { - jQuery.extend(true, target, deep); - } - - return target; - } - /* Handles responses to an ajax request: - * - finds the right dataType (mediates between content-type and expected dataType) - * - returns the corresponding response - */ - - - function ajaxHandleResponses(s, jqXHR, responses) { - var ct, - type, - finalDataType, - firstDataType, - contents = s.contents, - dataTypes = s.dataTypes; // Remove auto dataType and get content-type in the process - - while (dataTypes[0] === "*") { - dataTypes.shift(); - - if (ct === undefined) { - ct = s.mimeType || jqXHR.getResponseHeader("Content-Type"); - } - } // Check if we're dealing with a known content-type - - - if (ct) { - for (type in contents) { - if (contents[type] && contents[type].test(ct)) { - dataTypes.unshift(type); - break; - } - } - } // Check to see if we have a response for the expected dataType - - - if (dataTypes[0] in responses) { - finalDataType = dataTypes[0]; - } else { - // Try convertible dataTypes - for (type in responses) { - if (!dataTypes[0] || s.converters[type + " " + dataTypes[0]]) { - finalDataType = type; - break; - } - - if (!firstDataType) { - firstDataType = type; - } - } // Or just use first one - - - finalDataType = finalDataType || firstDataType; - } // If we found a dataType - // We add the dataType to the list if needed - // and return the corresponding response - - - if (finalDataType) { - if (finalDataType !== dataTypes[0]) { - dataTypes.unshift(finalDataType); - } - - return responses[finalDataType]; - } - } - /* Chain conversions given the request and the original response - * Also sets the responseXXX fields on the jqXHR instance - */ - - - function ajaxConvert(s, response, jqXHR, isSuccess) { - var conv2, - current, - conv, - tmp, - prev, - converters = {}, - // Work with a copy of dataTypes in case we need to modify it for conversion - dataTypes = s.dataTypes.slice(); // Create converters map with lowercased keys - - if (dataTypes[1]) { - for (conv in s.converters) { - converters[conv.toLowerCase()] = s.converters[conv]; - } - } - - current = dataTypes.shift(); // Convert to each sequential dataType - - while (current) { - if (s.responseFields[current]) { - jqXHR[s.responseFields[current]] = response; - } // Apply the dataFilter if provided - - - if (!prev && isSuccess && s.dataFilter) { - response = s.dataFilter(response, s.dataType); - } - - prev = current; - current = dataTypes.shift(); - - if (current) { - // There's only work to do if current dataType is non-auto - if (current === "*") { - current = prev; // Convert response if prev dataType is non-auto and differs from current - } else if (prev !== "*" && prev !== current) { - // Seek a direct converter - conv = converters[prev + " " + current] || converters["* " + current]; // If none found, seek a pair - - if (!conv) { - for (conv2 in converters) { - // If conv2 outputs current - tmp = conv2.split(" "); - - if (tmp[1] === current) { - // If prev can be converted to accepted input - conv = converters[prev + " " + tmp[0]] || converters["* " + tmp[0]]; - - if (conv) { - // Condense equivalence converters - if (conv === true) { - conv = converters[conv2]; // Otherwise, insert the intermediate dataType - } else if (converters[conv2] !== true) { - current = tmp[0]; - dataTypes.unshift(tmp[1]); - } - - break; - } - } - } - } // Apply converter (if not an equivalence) - - - if (conv !== true) { - // Unless errors are allowed to bubble, catch and return them - if (conv && s["throws"]) { - response = conv(response); - } else { - try { - response = conv(response); - } catch (e) { - return { - state: "parsererror", - error: conv ? e : "No conversion from " + prev + " to " + current - }; - } - } - } - } - } - } - - return { - state: "success", - data: response - }; - } - - jQuery.extend({ - // Counter for holding the number of active queries - active: 0, - // Last-Modified header cache for next request - lastModified: {}, - etag: {}, - ajaxSettings: { - url: location.href, - type: "GET", - isLocal: rlocalProtocol.test(location.protocol), - global: true, - processData: true, - async: true, - contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", - - /* - timeout: 0, - data: null, - dataType: null, - username: null, - password: null, - cache: null, - throws: false, - traditional: false, - headers: {}, - */ - accepts: { - "*": allTypes, - text: "text/plain", - html: "text/html", - xml: "application/xml, text/xml", - json: "application/json, text/javascript" - }, - contents: { - xml: /\bxml\b/, - html: /\bhtml/, - json: /\bjson\b/ - }, - responseFields: { - xml: "responseXML", - text: "responseText", - json: "responseJSON" - }, - // Data converters - // Keys separate source (or catchall "*") and destination types with a single space - converters: { - // Convert anything to text - "* text": String, - // Text to html (true = no transformation) - "text html": true, - // Evaluate text as a json expression - "text json": JSON.parse, - // Parse text as xml - "text xml": jQuery.parseXML - }, - // For options that shouldn't be deep extended: - // you can add your own custom options here if - // and when you create one that shouldn't be - // deep extended (see ajaxExtend) - flatOptions: { - url: true, - context: true - } - }, - // Creates a full fledged settings object into target - // with both ajaxSettings and settings fields. - // If target is omitted, writes into ajaxSettings. - ajaxSetup: function ajaxSetup(target, settings) { - return settings ? // Building a settings object - ajaxExtend(ajaxExtend(target, jQuery.ajaxSettings), settings) : // Extending ajaxSettings - ajaxExtend(jQuery.ajaxSettings, target); - }, - ajaxPrefilter: addToPrefiltersOrTransports(prefilters), - ajaxTransport: addToPrefiltersOrTransports(transports), - // Main method - ajax: function ajax(url, options) { - // If url is an object, simulate pre-1.5 signature - if (_typeof(url) === "object") { - options = url; - url = undefined; - } // Force options to be an object - - - options = options || {}; - - var transport, - // URL without anti-cache param - cacheURL, - // Response headers - responseHeadersString, - responseHeaders, - // timeout handle - timeoutTimer, - // Url cleanup var - urlAnchor, - // Request state (becomes false upon send and true upon completion) - completed, - // To know if global events are to be dispatched - fireGlobals, - // Loop variable - i, - // uncached part of the url - uncached, - // Create the final options object - s = jQuery.ajaxSetup({}, options), - // Callbacks context - callbackContext = s.context || s, - // Context for global events is callbackContext if it is a DOM node or jQuery collection - globalEventContext = s.context && (callbackContext.nodeType || callbackContext.jquery) ? jQuery(callbackContext) : jQuery.event, - // Deferreds - deferred = jQuery.Deferred(), - completeDeferred = jQuery.Callbacks("once memory"), - // Status-dependent callbacks - _statusCode = s.statusCode || {}, - // Headers (they are sent all at once) - requestHeaders = {}, - requestHeadersNames = {}, - // Default abort message - strAbort = "canceled", - // Fake xhr - jqXHR = { - readyState: 0, - // Builds headers hashtable if needed - getResponseHeader: function getResponseHeader(key) { - var match; - - if (completed) { - if (!responseHeaders) { - responseHeaders = {}; - - while (match = rheaders.exec(responseHeadersString)) { - responseHeaders[match[1].toLowerCase() + " "] = (responseHeaders[match[1].toLowerCase() + " "] || []).concat(match[2]); - } - } - - match = responseHeaders[key.toLowerCase() + " "]; - } - - return match == null ? null : match.join(", "); - }, - // Raw string - getAllResponseHeaders: function getAllResponseHeaders() { - return completed ? responseHeadersString : null; - }, - // Caches the header - setRequestHeader: function setRequestHeader(name, value) { - if (completed == null) { - name = requestHeadersNames[name.toLowerCase()] = requestHeadersNames[name.toLowerCase()] || name; - requestHeaders[name] = value; - } - - return this; - }, - // Overrides response content-type header - overrideMimeType: function overrideMimeType(type) { - if (completed == null) { - s.mimeType = type; - } - - return this; - }, - // Status-dependent callbacks - statusCode: function statusCode(map) { - var code; - - if (map) { - if (completed) { - // Execute the appropriate callbacks - jqXHR.always(map[jqXHR.status]); - } else { - // Lazy-add the new callbacks in a way that preserves old ones - for (code in map) { - _statusCode[code] = [_statusCode[code], map[code]]; - } - } - } - - return this; - }, - // Cancel the request - abort: function abort(statusText) { - var finalText = statusText || strAbort; - - if (transport) { - transport.abort(finalText); - } - - done(0, finalText); - return this; - } - }; // Attach deferreds - - - deferred.promise(jqXHR); // Add protocol if not provided (prefilters might expect it) - // Handle falsy url in the settings object (#10093: consistency with old signature) - // We also use the url parameter if available - - s.url = ((url || s.url || location.href) + "").replace(rprotocol, location.protocol + "//"); // Alias method option to type as per ticket #12004 - - s.type = options.method || options.type || s.method || s.type; // Extract dataTypes list - - s.dataTypes = (s.dataType || "*").toLowerCase().match(rnothtmlwhite) || [""]; // A cross-domain request is in order when the origin doesn't match the current origin. - - if (s.crossDomain == null) { - urlAnchor = document.createElement("a"); // Support: IE <=8 - 11, Edge 12 - 15 - // IE throws exception on accessing the href property if url is malformed, - // e.g. http://example.com:80x/ - - try { - urlAnchor.href = s.url; // Support: IE <=8 - 11 only - // Anchor's host property isn't correctly set when s.url is relative - - urlAnchor.href = urlAnchor.href; - s.crossDomain = originAnchor.protocol + "//" + originAnchor.host !== urlAnchor.protocol + "//" + urlAnchor.host; - } catch (e) { - // If there is an error parsing the URL, assume it is crossDomain, - // it can be rejected by the transport if it is invalid - s.crossDomain = true; - } - } // Convert data if not already a string - - - if (s.data && s.processData && typeof s.data !== "string") { - s.data = jQuery.param(s.data, s.traditional); - } // Apply prefilters - - - inspectPrefiltersOrTransports(prefilters, s, options, jqXHR); // If request was aborted inside a prefilter, stop there - - if (completed) { - return jqXHR; - } // We can fire global events as of now if asked to - // Don't fire events if jQuery.event is undefined in an AMD-usage scenario (#15118) - - - fireGlobals = jQuery.event && s.global; // Watch for a new set of requests - - if (fireGlobals && jQuery.active++ === 0) { - jQuery.event.trigger("ajaxStart"); - } // Uppercase the type - - - s.type = s.type.toUpperCase(); // Determine if request has content - - s.hasContent = !rnoContent.test(s.type); // Save the URL in case we're toying with the If-Modified-Since - // and/or If-None-Match header later on - // Remove hash to simplify url manipulation - - cacheURL = s.url.replace(rhash, ""); // More options handling for requests with no content - - if (!s.hasContent) { - // Remember the hash so we can put it back - uncached = s.url.slice(cacheURL.length); // If data is available and should be processed, append data to url - - if (s.data && (s.processData || typeof s.data === "string")) { - cacheURL += (rquery.test(cacheURL) ? "&" : "?") + s.data; // #9682: remove data so that it's not used in an eventual retry - - delete s.data; - } // Add or update anti-cache param if needed - - - if (s.cache === false) { - cacheURL = cacheURL.replace(rantiCache, "$1"); - uncached = (rquery.test(cacheURL) ? "&" : "?") + "_=" + nonce++ + uncached; - } // Put hash and anti-cache on the URL that will be requested (gh-1732) - - - s.url = cacheURL + uncached; // Change '%20' to '+' if this is encoded form body content (gh-2658) - } else if (s.data && s.processData && (s.contentType || "").indexOf("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") === 0) { - s.data = s.data.replace(r20, "+"); - } // Set the If-Modified-Since and/or If-None-Match header, if in ifModified mode. - - - if (s.ifModified) { - if (jQuery.lastModified[cacheURL]) { - jqXHR.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", jQuery.lastModified[cacheURL]); - } - - if (jQuery.etag[cacheURL]) { - jqXHR.setRequestHeader("If-None-Match", jQuery.etag[cacheURL]); - } - } // Set the correct header, if data is being sent - - - if (s.data && s.hasContent && s.contentType !== false || options.contentType) { - jqXHR.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", s.contentType); - } // Set the Accepts header for the server, depending on the dataType - - - jqXHR.setRequestHeader("Accept", s.dataTypes[0] && s.accepts[s.dataTypes[0]] ? s.accepts[s.dataTypes[0]] + (s.dataTypes[0] !== "*" ? ", " + allTypes + "; q=0.01" : "") : s.accepts["*"]); // Check for headers option - - for (i in s.headers) { - jqXHR.setRequestHeader(i, s.headers[i]); - } // Allow custom headers/mimetypes and early abort - - - if (s.beforeSend && (s.beforeSend.call(callbackContext, jqXHR, s) === false || completed)) { - // Abort if not done already and return - return jqXHR.abort(); - } // Aborting is no longer a cancellation - - - strAbort = "abort"; // Install callbacks on deferreds - - completeDeferred.add(s.complete); - jqXHR.done(s.success); - jqXHR.fail(s.error); // Get transport - - transport = inspectPrefiltersOrTransports(transports, s, options, jqXHR); // If no transport, we auto-abort - - if (!transport) { - done(-1, "No Transport"); - } else { - jqXHR.readyState = 1; // Send global event - - if (fireGlobals) { - globalEventContext.trigger("ajaxSend", [jqXHR, s]); - } // If request was aborted inside ajaxSend, stop there - - - if (completed) { - return jqXHR; - } // Timeout - - - if (s.async && s.timeout > 0) { - timeoutTimer = window.setTimeout(function () { - jqXHR.abort("timeout"); - }, s.timeout); - } - - try { - completed = false; - transport.send(requestHeaders, done); - } catch (e) { - // Rethrow post-completion exceptions - if (completed) { - throw e; - } // Propagate others as results - - - done(-1, e); - } - } // Callback for when everything is done - - - function done(status, nativeStatusText, responses, headers) { - var isSuccess, - success, - error, - response, - modified, - statusText = nativeStatusText; // Ignore repeat invocations - - if (completed) { - return; - } - - completed = true; // Clear timeout if it exists - - if (timeoutTimer) { - window.clearTimeout(timeoutTimer); - } // Dereference transport for early garbage collection - // (no matter how long the jqXHR object will be used) - - - transport = undefined; // Cache response headers - - responseHeadersString = headers || ""; // Set readyState - - jqXHR.readyState = status > 0 ? 4 : 0; // Determine if successful - - isSuccess = status >= 200 && status < 300 || status === 304; // Get response data - - if (responses) { - response = ajaxHandleResponses(s, jqXHR, responses); - } // Convert no matter what (that way responseXXX fields are always set) - - - response = ajaxConvert(s, response, jqXHR, isSuccess); // If successful, handle type chaining - - if (isSuccess) { - // Set the If-Modified-Since and/or If-None-Match header, if in ifModified mode. - if (s.ifModified) { - modified = jqXHR.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified"); - - if (modified) { - jQuery.lastModified[cacheURL] = modified; - } - - modified = jqXHR.getResponseHeader("etag"); - - if (modified) { - jQuery.etag[cacheURL] = modified; - } - } // if no content - - - if (status === 204 || s.type === "HEAD") { - statusText = "nocontent"; // if not modified - } else if (status === 304) { - statusText = "notmodified"; // If we have data, let's convert it - } else { - statusText = response.state; - success = response.data; - error = response.error; - isSuccess = !error; - } - } else { - // Extract error from statusText and normalize for non-aborts - error = statusText; - - if (status || !statusText) { - statusText = "error"; - - if (status < 0) { - status = 0; - } - } - } // Set data for the fake xhr object - - - jqXHR.status = status; - jqXHR.statusText = (nativeStatusText || statusText) + ""; // Success/Error - - if (isSuccess) { - deferred.resolveWith(callbackContext, [success, statusText, jqXHR]); - } else { - deferred.rejectWith(callbackContext, [jqXHR, statusText, error]); - } // Status-dependent callbacks - - - jqXHR.statusCode(_statusCode); - _statusCode = undefined; - - if (fireGlobals) { - globalEventContext.trigger(isSuccess ? "ajaxSuccess" : "ajaxError", [jqXHR, s, isSuccess ? success : error]); - } // Complete - - - completeDeferred.fireWith(callbackContext, [jqXHR, statusText]); - - if (fireGlobals) { - globalEventContext.trigger("ajaxComplete", [jqXHR, s]); // Handle the global AJAX counter - - if (! --jQuery.active) { - jQuery.event.trigger("ajaxStop"); - } - } - } - - return jqXHR; - }, - getJSON: function getJSON(url, data, callback) { - return jQuery.get(url, data, callback, "json"); - }, - getScript: function getScript(url, callback) { - return jQuery.get(url, undefined, callback, "script"); - } - }); - jQuery.each(["get", "post"], function (i, method) { - jQuery[method] = function (url, data, callback, type) { - // Shift arguments if data argument was omitted - if (isFunction(data)) { - type = type || callback; - callback = data; - data = undefined; - } // The url can be an options object (which then must have .url) - - - return jQuery.ajax(jQuery.extend({ - url: url, - type: method, - dataType: type, - data: data, - success: callback - }, jQuery.isPlainObject(url) && url)); - }; - }); - - jQuery._evalUrl = function (url, options) { - return jQuery.ajax({ - url: url, - // Make this explicit, since user can override this through ajaxSetup (#11264) - type: "GET", - dataType: "script", - cache: true, - async: false, - global: false, - // Only evaluate the response if it is successful (gh-4126) - // dataFilter is not invoked for failure responses, so using it instead - // of the default converter is kludgy but it works. - converters: { - "text script": function textScript() {} - }, - dataFilter: function dataFilter(response) { - jQuery.globalEval(response, options); - } - }); - }; - - jQuery.fn.extend({ - wrapAll: function wrapAll(html) { - var wrap; - - if (this[0]) { - if (isFunction(html)) { - html = html.call(this[0]); - } // The elements to wrap the target around - - - wrap = jQuery(html, this[0].ownerDocument).eq(0).clone(true); - - if (this[0].parentNode) { - wrap.insertBefore(this[0]); - } - - wrap.map(function () { - var elem = this; - - while (elem.firstElementChild) { - elem = elem.firstElementChild; - } - - return elem; - }).append(this); - } - - return this; - }, - wrapInner: function wrapInner(html) { - if (isFunction(html)) { - return this.each(function (i) { - jQuery(this).wrapInner(html.call(this, i)); - }); - } - - return this.each(function () { - var self = jQuery(this), - contents = self.contents(); - - if (contents.length) { - contents.wrapAll(html); - } else { - self.append(html); - } - }); - }, - wrap: function wrap(html) { - var htmlIsFunction = isFunction(html); - return this.each(function (i) { - jQuery(this).wrapAll(htmlIsFunction ? html.call(this, i) : html); - }); - }, - unwrap: function unwrap(selector) { - this.parent(selector).not("body").each(function () { - jQuery(this).replaceWith(this.childNodes); - }); - return this; - } - }); - - jQuery.expr.pseudos.hidden = function (elem) { - return !jQuery.expr.pseudos.visible(elem); - }; - - jQuery.expr.pseudos.visible = function (elem) { - return !!(elem.offsetWidth || elem.offsetHeight || elem.getClientRects().length); - }; - - jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr = function () { - try { - return new window.XMLHttpRequest(); - } catch (e) {} - }; - - var xhrSuccessStatus = { - // File protocol always yields status code 0, assume 200 - 0: 200, - // Support: IE <=9 only - // #1450: sometimes IE returns 1223 when it should be 204 - 1223: 204 - }, - xhrSupported = jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr(); - support.cors = !!xhrSupported && "withCredentials" in xhrSupported; - support.ajax = xhrSupported = !!xhrSupported; - jQuery.ajaxTransport(function (options) { - var _callback, errorCallback; // Cross domain only allowed if supported through XMLHttpRequest - - - if (support.cors || xhrSupported && !options.crossDomain) { - return { - send: function send(headers, complete) { - var i, - xhr = options.xhr(); - xhr.open(options.type, options.url, options.async, options.username, options.password); // Apply custom fields if provided - - if (options.xhrFields) { - for (i in options.xhrFields) { - xhr[i] = options.xhrFields[i]; - } - } // Override mime type if needed - - - if (options.mimeType && xhr.overrideMimeType) { - xhr.overrideMimeType(options.mimeType); - } // X-Requested-With header - // For cross-domain requests, seeing as conditions for a preflight are - // akin to a jigsaw puzzle, we simply never set it to be sure. - // (it can always be set on a per-request basis or even using ajaxSetup) - // For same-domain requests, won't change header if already provided. - - - if (!options.crossDomain && !headers["X-Requested-With"]) { - headers["X-Requested-With"] = "XMLHttpRequest"; - } // Set headers - - - for (i in headers) { - xhr.setRequestHeader(i, headers[i]); - } // Callback - - - _callback = function callback(type) { - return function () { - if (_callback) { - _callback = errorCallback = xhr.onload = xhr.onerror = xhr.onabort = xhr.ontimeout = xhr.onreadystatechange = null; - - if (type === "abort") { - xhr.abort(); - } else if (type === "error") { - // Support: IE <=9 only - // On a manual native abort, IE9 throws - // errors on any property access that is not readyState - if (typeof xhr.status !== "number") { - complete(0, "error"); - } else { - complete( // File: protocol always yields status 0; see #8605, #14207 - xhr.status, xhr.statusText); - } - } else { - complete(xhrSuccessStatus[xhr.status] || xhr.status, xhr.statusText, // Support: IE <=9 only - // IE9 has no XHR2 but throws on binary (trac-11426) - // For XHR2 non-text, let the caller handle it (gh-2498) - (xhr.responseType || "text") !== "text" || typeof xhr.responseText !== "string" ? { - binary: xhr.response - } : { - text: xhr.responseText - }, xhr.getAllResponseHeaders()); - } - } - }; - }; // Listen to events - - - xhr.onload = _callback(); - errorCallback = xhr.onerror = xhr.ontimeout = _callback("error"); // Support: IE 9 only - // Use onreadystatechange to replace onabort - // to handle uncaught aborts - - if (xhr.onabort !== undefined) { - xhr.onabort = errorCallback; - } else { - xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { - // Check readyState before timeout as it changes - if (xhr.readyState === 4) { - // Allow onerror to be called first, - // but that will not handle a native abort - // Also, save errorCallback to a variable - // as xhr.onerror cannot be accessed - window.setTimeout(function () { - if (_callback) { - errorCallback(); - } - }); - } - }; - } // Create the abort callback - - - _callback = _callback("abort"); - - try { - // Do send the request (this may raise an exception) - xhr.send(options.hasContent && options.data || null); - } catch (e) { - // #14683: Only rethrow if this hasn't been notified as an error yet - if (_callback) { - throw e; - } - } - }, - abort: function abort() { - if (_callback) { - _callback(); - } - } - }; - } - }); // Prevent auto-execution of scripts when no explicit dataType was provided (See gh-2432) - - jQuery.ajaxPrefilter(function (s) { - if (s.crossDomain) { - s.contents.script = false; - } - }); // Install script dataType - - jQuery.ajaxSetup({ - accepts: { - script: "text/javascript, application/javascript, " + "application/ecmascript, application/x-ecmascript" - }, - contents: { - script: /\b(?:java|ecma)script\b/ - }, - converters: { - "text script": function textScript(text) { - jQuery.globalEval(text); - return text; - } - } - }); // Handle cache's special case and crossDomain - - jQuery.ajaxPrefilter("script", function (s) { - if (s.cache === undefined) { - s.cache = false; - } - - if (s.crossDomain) { - s.type = "GET"; - } - }); // Bind script tag hack transport - - jQuery.ajaxTransport("script", function (s) { - // This transport only deals with cross domain or forced-by-attrs requests - if (s.crossDomain || s.scriptAttrs) { - var script, _callback2; - - return { - send: function send(_, complete) { - script = jQuery(" diff --git a/index.hbs b/index.hbs index 1d45300..e3c5b7c 100644 --- a/index.hbs +++ b/index.hbs @@ -31,12 +31,7 @@ into the {body} of the default.hbs template --}} {{#if @site.description}}


{{/if}} - {{#if @labs.subscribers}} - {{t "Subscribe"}} - {{/if}} - {{#if @labs.members}} - {{t "Subscribe"}} - {{/if}} + {{t "Subscribe"}}
diff --git a/locales/ja.json b/locales/ja.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..797c8ff --- /dev/null +++ b/locales/ja.json @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +{ + "% min read": "%分で読めます", + "% posts": "%件の投稿", + "1 min read": "1分で読めます", + "1 post": "1件の投稿", + "Among with": "
共著者 ", + "Among with no break line": "共著者 ", + "Apparently there are no posts at the moment, check again later.": "どうやら今は投稿が無いようです、後でもう一度確認してみてください。", + "Back to home": "ホームへ戻る", + "Close": "閉じる", + "Close menu": "メニューを閉じる", + "Close search": "検索を閉じる", + "Email cannot be blank.": "メールは空欄にすることはできません。", + "Featured": "おすすめ", + "Get the latest posts delivered right to your inbox.": "受信トレイに最新の投稿を配信して入手する。", + "Go to the home page": "ホームページへ行く", + "Great! Next, complete checkout for full access.": "いいね!次は、フルアクセスのためのチェックアウトを完了します。", + "Great! You've successfully subscribed.": "いいね!正常に購読しています。", + "JavaScript license information": "JavaScriptライセンス情報", + "Main menu": "メインメニュー", + "More": "もっと見る", + "Newer posts": "新しい投稿", + "Next": "次へ", + "No posts": "投稿がありません", + "No posts found": "投稿が見つかりませんでした", + "No recent articles found :(": "最近の記事は見つかりませんでした。 :(", + "No results for your search, try something different.": "検索結果はありません。他のもので試してみてください。", + "No tags found :(": "タグが見つかりませんでした。 :(", + "Now check your inbox and click the link to confirm your subscription.": "受信トレイを確認し、リンクをクリックして購読を確認してください。", + "Older posts": "古い投稿", + "Oops! There was an error sending the email, please try later.": "おっと!メールの送信にエラーが発生しました。", + "Open menu": "メニューを開く", + "Open search": "検索を開く", + "Open submenu": "サブメニューを開く", + "Page": "ページ", + "Page not found": "ページが見つかりませんでした", + "Pagination": "ページネーション", + "Please enter a valid email address": "有効なメールアドレスを入力してください", + "Posted by": "投稿者", + "Previous": "前へ", + "Published with": "公開", + "Recent articles": "最近の記事", + "Recommended for you": "あなたへのおすすめ", + "Scroll to top": "トップへスクロール", + "Search": "検索", + "Secondary menu in footer": "フッター内のセカンダリメニュー", + "Stay up to date! Get all the latest & greatest posts delivered straight to your inbox.": "最新情報をお届けします!全ての最新かつ最高の投稿を受信トレイに直接配信します。", + "Subscribe": "購読", + "Subscribe to our newsletter": "ニュースレターを購読する", + "Subscribe to {blogtitle}": "{blogtitle}を購読する", + "Subscribed!": "購読!", + "Success! Your account is fully activated, you now have access to all content.": "成功!アカウントが完全に有効化され、すべてのコンテンツにアクセスできるようになりました。", + "Tags": "タグ", + "Toggle dark mode": "ダークモードを切り替え", + "Type to search": "入力して検索", + "Unfortunately the page you were looking for could not be found.": "残念ながら探していたページは見つかりませんでした。", + "Website": "ウェブサイト", + "Welcome back! You've successfully signed in.": "おかえりなさい!サインインに成功しました。", + "You've successfully subscribed to": "購読に成功しました。", + "Your email address": "あなたのメールアドレス", + "of": "/", + "with the email address": "のメールアドレス", + "with this tag": "にこのタグが付いています" +} diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 342fae2..d92127f 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ "demo": "https://liebling.eduardogomez.io", "description": "Beautiful and clean theme that is easy and comfortable to use.", "engines": { - "ghost": ">=3.0.0", - "ghost-api": "v3" + "ghost": ">=4.0.0", + "ghost-api": "v4" }, "gpm": { "type": "theme", @@ -54,5 +54,5 @@ "desktop": "assets/screenshot-desktop.jpg", "mobile": "assets/screenshot-mobile.jpg" }, - "version": "0.9.3" + "version": "1.0.2" } diff --git a/partials/loop.hbs b/partials/loop.hbs index b25b6f4..a24959a 100644 --- a/partials/loop.hbs +++ b/partials/loop.hbs @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ {{!-- The template below includes the markup for each post --}} -{{#foreach posts visibility="all"}} +{{#foreach posts}} {{#is "post"}}