{{!-- This template is used for the tag page. --}} {{!-- This block preloads specific assets for the tag page --}} {{#contentFor "preload"}} {{/contentFor}} {{!-- This block loads specific styles for the tag page --}} {{#contentFor "styles"}} {{/contentFor}} {{!-- The tag below means: insert everything in this file into the {body} of the default.hbs template --}} {{!< default}} {{!-- Special header.hbs partial to generate the
tag --}} {{#tag}} {{> header background=feature_image}} {{/tag}}
{{!-- Everything inside the #tag tags pulls data from the tag --}} {{#tag}} {{!-- Inject styles of the hero image to make it responsive --}} {{> hero background=feature_image}}


{{#if description}}


  • {{plural ../pagination.total empty=(t "No posts") singular=(t "1 post") plural=(t "% posts")}} {{t "with this tag"}}
{{!-- The tag below iterates over all the posts --}} {{> "loop"}}
{{!-- Links to Previous/Next posts --}} {{pagination}}