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margin: 0 auto; } } .m-subscribe-section__container.loading .m-button, .m-subscribe-section__container.loading .l-post-content button:not(.m-icon-button), .l-post-content .m-subscribe-section__container.loading button:not(.m-icon-button) { pointer-events: none; } .m-subscribe-section__container.success .m-subscribe__success { display: block; } .m-subscribe-section__container.success .m-subscribe__invalid, .m-subscribe-section__container.success .m-subscribe__error, .m-subscribe-section__container.success .m-subscribe__form { display: none; } .m-subscribe-section__container.invalid .m-subscribe__invalid { display: block; } .m-subscribe-section__container.error .m-subscribe__error { display: block; } .m-subscribe-section__container.error .m-subscribe__form { margin-bottom: 20px; } .m-subscribe-section__container .m-subscribe__success, .m-subscribe-section__container .m-subscribe__invalid, .m-subscribe-section__container .m-subscribe__error { display: none; } .m-subscribe__success_icon { display: block; 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